Ruins Of Stonehenge. England - Alternative View

Ruins Of Stonehenge. England - Alternative View
Ruins Of Stonehenge. England - Alternative View

Video: Ruins Of Stonehenge. England - Alternative View

Video: Ruins Of Stonehenge. England - Alternative View
Video: Brian John | Dispelling The Stonehenge Myth 2024, September

Stonehenge is a stone megalithic structure found in Wiltshire. It is located 3.2 km west of Amesbury, 13 km north of Salisbury and 130 km south-west of London.

The mysterious Stonehenge was built in 4 stages using the most primitive tools and purely physical strength. For example, depressions in the ground were dug with antlers and bones.


With the help of carbon analysis, specialists were able to determine the age of each of the building elements and understand in what order the construction took place, which lasted almost 2000 years.


The first stage (3100 BC). The appearance of a round ditch with a diameter of about 100 meters and an internal earthen embankment. Along the perimeter there are 56 pits with cremated human remains. These pits were named "Aubrey Holes" after the first explorer to mention them in the 17th century.

The second stage (2150 BC). 2 rings of blue stones are being erected in the sanctuary. The nearest deposit of such material can only be found in the Preselian Mountains, more than 200 miles from the mystical structure. Additional ditches are dug, forming a small alley oriented towards the sunrise point at the summer solstice.

Note that according to the legend of folklore, huge blue stones have healing properties. They say Merlin, the first wizard at the court of King Arthur, brought them from Ireland and endowed them with magical powers.

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Third stage (2075 BC). The blue stones are piled up and new boulders with crossbeams on top are installed in their place. Such a combination of two vertically placed blocks, covered with a third, is called "trilith" ("three-stone").

The fourth stage (1300 BC). About 6 dozen blue stones are again placed in a circle inside a strange ring of boulders. The remaining 19 are built in the shape of a classic horseshoe. The final version of the building will more clearly show the computer version of Stonehenge.


According to rough estimates, the entire construction time amounted to about 30 million hours of painstaking work. The development of such a complex project could only be carried out by a developed and organized society.

In the 17th century, John Aubrey suggested that the mysterious structure was created by the hands of the Druids, the Celtic priestly class who headed the pagan society of England. But, as it turned out later, Stonehenge was completed and abandoned 1000 years before the appearance of the first druids.


Some consider this building to be an astronomical observatory, others say that it was a place of sacrifices and funeral rites, others say that stone ruins stand in a place that exudes natural energy. Each theory has its own facts and its own assumptions, but they are not enough to unambiguously recognize the truth of any of the versions.