The Mystery Of The Sealand Skull - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Sealand Skull - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Sealand Skull - Alternative View

The Sealand skull was discovered on the small island of Sealand in 2007. More precisely, he was found in the small Danish village of Olstic. The researchers, in whose hands this find fell back in 2008, could only say about it that it belonged to a mammal. They also stated that for some reason it was impossible to determine the place of this creature in Linnaeus's classification.


The Sealand skull was found during routine construction work. By the way, this is how the most famous artifacts are often found. Initially, the skull was mistaken for a horse's bone, as it was heavily soiled. It was also influenced by the fact that the house under which the renovation work was carried out was in the past the property of a butcher famous for his horse sausage. Examining the bone more closely, one of the builders noticed the outline of a human skull in it.

The find was immediately reported to the relevant authorities. Large-scale excavations began almost instantly in that area. Archaeologists hoped to find other body parts of this creature unknown to science, or other objects belonging to him. They managed to find only fragments of ancient stone tools and bones of different types of animals. A notable fact was also the fact that the skull lay next to the artifacts of the Stone Age, but its age was dated 1200 AD.

In addition, the Sealand Skull was surrounded by old pipes that were laid in 1900. Thus, it was buried in the ground no earlier than 1900. This is what explained the absence of other fragments of the remains of the creature.


It is obvious that the former owner of the skull, hiding it, decided to bury his value. Local residents, in turn, told the researchers an interesting legend about the mysterious "Order of the Light of Pegasus", or rather about a member of this order. This person allegedly kept a variety of artifacts, among which were luminous objects made of a certain material, distinguished by special strength, as well as deformed skulls, including the Sealand skull. The same legends said that the Sealand Skull was originally from the Balkans. Stored it at different times in different countries such as Germany and France.

Some sources indicate that this order appeared in the 1300s. Its members were renowned artists: poets, artists, as well as scientists and historians. The name of the order may be associated with the constellation "Pegasus". Ufologists write in their sources that it is possible that the owner of the Sealand skull flew to our planet from this constellation.

Promotional video:

Outwardly, the Sealand skull differs from the human in many ways.


Its most expressive feature, which immediately catches the eye, is its extraordinary size and shape. If you listen to the descriptions of aliens, then these are the eyes they have - almond-shaped, bulging, huge. It should also be noted that the mysterious skull is one and a half times larger than the standard human one. The smoothness of the skull indicates that its owner was well adapted to life in cold climates. Perhaps he flew from a planet that is constantly cold. Unfortunately, there is no more reliable information about the Sealand skull today.


This was information from specific ufological and cryptozoological sites. And now some revelations and more scientific versions:

Here's what they write on one of the medical forums:

The first impression is a sculptural cast. What catches my eye as a doctor (and we were drilled with anatomy for two years - dozens of skulls passed through my hands):

- The seams are unnatural. It can be seen that these are scratched grooves. In an old skull (even if the skull is a couple of years old), the seams do not contain connective tissues, they should have decayed long ago, and therefore they are deep, some of the seams can diverge, and a thin needle of 3-5 millimeters can be inserted into them. …

- The back of the upper jaw is unnaturally straight

“The skull is too well preserved, which is not normal considering where it was found. There are no traces of restoration.

- The fangs are unnatural.

- The back teeth (molar) especially on the upper jaw are unnatural at the base. Apparently, the sculptor was too lazy to observe anatomical naturalness in this place.

Here is an English-language detailed revelation in favor of this version.


- they did not try to make the auditory opening at all … and indeed the contours of the bones - don’t understand what … the temporal bone is the most complex in structure, so it let the "master" down - I did everything wrong

It is a pity that the photographer did not take pictures of the base of the skull (apparently, there is something … that it was impossible to shoot, the base of the skull is a very complex structure!), But what can be seen from the photo looks like a craft made of plasticine, very diligent, but rough, rough work …