White Gods Of Colored Continents - Alternative View

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White Gods Of Colored Continents - Alternative View
White Gods Of Colored Continents - Alternative View

Video: White Gods Of Colored Continents - Alternative View

Video: White Gods Of Colored Continents - Alternative View
Video: Why Gods and Generals is Neo-Confederate Propaganda (and Objectively Sucks) 2024, September

In 1975, Soviet readers were surprised to learn from the Pravda newspaper that an unusual Indian tribe had been discovered in northern Brazil. All of its representatives were white-skinned and blue-eyed. But that's not all. It turned out that white people with blond hair, living among the black population, met in northwest Africa and in Polynesia. And no one could answer how they appeared there …

Unfinished journey

The first mention of white people among the American Indians was left in his notes by Christopher Columbus - in 1492. The famous navigator recalled that in one of the villages where they had to stay, the intruders were greeted with honors, mistaking the Spaniards for the messengers of the white god. Some aborigines even asked to take them to heaven, to the world of the star gods. The sailors were allowed to do absolutely everything, including - to extract jade and gold. And all because, according to Indian legends, once upon a time white bearded people, blue-eyed and fair-haired, arrived in their country on large luminous ships. They brought knowledge and civilization to the Indians. They began to be worshiped as gods. The Aztecs gave the white god the name Quetzalcoatl, the Incas - Viracocha, and the Mayans - Kukulcan.

A little later Columbus, in 1519, Cortez's detachment calmly and confidently moved towards the capital of the Aztecs. On the way, the Spaniards plundered and destroyed temples, but no one interfered with them. The strange behavior of the Aztecs can be explained by the belief of the local priests that the white god, who left them once, will return every 52 years. And 1519 just fell on this date. In addition, the clothing of the Spaniards closely resembled the flowing divine vestments. The Aztecs, unfortunately, realized too late how wrong they were …

One could doubt the legends about the white gods, if not for one "but": the inhabitants of heaven left behind descendants.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the English traveler P. Fossett did not return from an expedition to the jungle of Brazil. But his unfinished diary from this journey remained. It, in particular, contained stories about the meeting with white Indians. They were tall, white-skinned, blue-eyed people with red hair. Aggressive savages attacked the travelers, and they "fought like devils." As a result of the battle, one of the aborigines was killed, and his comrades, picking up the dead body, disappeared from sight. The diary also recounted memories of other eyewitnesses who saw white Indians in the sparsely populated state of Mato Grosso. It was believed that they were completely wild and only came out of hiding places at night, for which they were called "bats." Perhaps Fossett could somehow explain their appearance if he had not died.

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Footprints of the white gods

In the notes of the first European travelers, long-headed, fair-skinned people living among the indigenous population of Polynesia were often mentioned. These strange islanders, which the locals called "uru-keu," according to the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl, belonged to the Arab-Semitic type, as they had straight noses, thin lips and straight red hair. (There are still quite a few of them on the Polynesian islands.) They were very different from the main population of Polynesia. At the same time, it was simply impossible to suspect the Polynesians of mixing with the Europeans: the aborigines settled the islands in the first centuries of our era. Most likely, the "uru-keu" descended from the "white gods" who once inhabited these places.

There are legends among the natives of Easter Island, according to which among their ancestors there were people with white skin and red hair. They arrived here from a desert country in the East, having spent 60 days on the road. It was also called the "Land of Burials", because because of the hot climate, all living things died there. The famous English traveler Thompson in 1880, after analyzing the legends, found only one place in the East that would fit the description - the coastal deserts of Peru.

Indeed, in the 1920s, anthropological scientists on the Paragas Peninsula found two necropolises, which contained more than a hundred mummies, clearly belonging to the upper class. With the help of radiocarbon analysis, their age was determined - more than 2 thousand years. The remains of hard trees used for the construction of rafts were also found there. Surprisingly, these were mummies of people with a completely non-typical appearance for Peruvians, large, with blond hair.

Most likely, these were the mummies of members of the royal families. According to the chronicles, by the time the Spaniards arrived, there were about 500 of them. They were all white-skinned and bearded, and their women seemed "white as an egg." The son of one of the Inca queens left written memoirs of how he visited the family tomb in childhood. The boy was then shocked by the color of the hair of one of the mummies - white as snow, but not gray: the remains belonged to a man who died at an early age.

The fact that light-skinned people once lived in Peru is also evidenced by the following fact. As early as the 16th century, giant metal structures were found there. But the Incas denied any involvement in their creation. They said that this was the work of another - white - people who lived here in antiquity. Then these fair-haired, bearded men began to create families with Indian women, and their children became Incas.

And the legend of the pale-faced bearded god who wore a tiara on his head and dressed in white flowing clothes was firmly engraved in the memory of the ancient Mayans. Just like in other legends, he came from the East and taught people to live correctly, work the land, build dwellings, navigate by the stars and even write. Having fulfilled his mission, the "white bearded god" left, promising to return on time.

By comparing the chronicles, it can be calculated that white bearded people came to Polynesia from America. But where did they come from in America? - Alas, it is unknown.

Aborigines of the black continent

Until the end of the 15th century on the islands of the Canary archipelago, there was another people of the white race - the Guanches. Before they were destroyed by the Spaniards, the Guanches built pyramids that closely resemble the Egyptian ones and those found in Central America.

And, of course, we must not forget about the Garamants - a white-skinned people who once inhabited the Sahara and disappeared in the VIII century. References to garamant can be found in ancient authors. For example, Tacitus wrote about them as a fierce people, waging wars of conquest. And Herodotus called them great.

Finally, white, fair-haired people live today in the northwest of the original black continent - in the mountains of the African Atlas.

What do these three peoples have in common? Some researchers believe that they have one homeland - Atlantis. Most likely, the strange people living in the Atlas Mountains are descendants of the Garamantes. And they, in turn, are Atlanteans. It is believed that after the catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis about 10,000 years ago, not all Atlanteans died.

The surviving residents of the country moved to Africa - to the Sahara region. Then, instead of the current endless desert, there were endless steppes and deep rivers. The center of the modern Sahara was densely populated, there were several cultures, about which we now know either little or nothing at all.

According to another version, the Garamants descend from Garamant, the son of Apollo and the daughter of the Cretan king Minos. And as proof of the theory, its adherents point to the similarity of the customs of the Cretans and Garamantes. For example, they both have the same war chariots, forms of burials and absolutely identical water supply systems.

According to the excavations, Garamantida was a highly developed state. Cobbled streets, water pipes, a fortress, a palace were built here. More than 50 thousand burials were found, which means that the scale of the state at that time was huge.

Special attention of archaeologists was attracted by the construction of the aqueduct, which is a system of underground galleries and pipes that extract water from the aquifers and transfer it to the oases. Thus, garamantes retained moisture, preventing it from evaporating under the hot sun of the Sahara. For the smooth operation of the water supply system, a height difference of no more than 1 mm per 1 m had to be observed. This result is unrealistic to achieve without precise engineering calculations. Considering that there were about two hundred oases, and the work was done by hand, the garamants did the almost impossible. By the way, their plumbing functioned until the middle of the 20th century.

Garamantida existed mainly through trade. Their caravans of several hundred pack animals traveled thousands of kilometers. They carried textiles, vegetable oil, wine, metal products and weapons. They delivered precious metals, stones, ostrich feathers, ivory, slaves and rare animals to Rome, Egypt and Carthage. All this brought Garamantide income, which even today would be the envy of some African countries. This distinctive developed desert civilization is a real phenomenon of antiquity.

But at the beginning of our era, the Romans were able to make Garamantide their vassal, before that they had exhausted her with numerous wars. And in 642, it went to the Arabs, who completely plundered it. Some garamantes moved to the Canary Islands, presumably becoming Guanches, while others left for the remote Atlas Mountains.

All this is just an assumption: the origin of white people on the Black Continent is still a mystery.

Time travel?

Today scientists around the world are trying to understand who these white missionaries were in America, Africa, Polynesia, etc.

The most popular is the version about Atlanteans and Hyperboreans. The few of them that survived natural disasters brought culture to people. Thus, the ancient peoples of Egypt, India, China and Mesopotamia became the owners of unique knowledge first of all.

In second place is the hypothesis that suggests the existence on Earth of some mysterious order, created with the aim of passing on ancient knowledge to new generations. So that - in the event of the death of a civilization - there remains an opportunity to revive it or "blind" a new one from the surviving nations.

More or less plausible can be considered a version that white people appearing among the black population are representatives of unknown or little-known civilizations who moved to Africa and America from other continents. Or all these "albinos" are descendants of white-skinned travelers who visited America before Columbus. Everything would be fine, but only all the legends tell about white gods of enormous stature, much higher than the average human …

Where there is an unsolved mystery, it never does without an alien hypothesis. Ufologists are inclined to believe that the "white gods" came from heaven. It is no coincidence that the Indians asked the Spaniards, whom they took for gods, to take them to the stars. And the growth of the aliens, and their knowledge, quite logically fit into this version.

And finally, the most incredible assumption: time travel. Guests from the future teleported to pre-Columbian America and taught the savages the right life, and at the same time left behind offspring.

Of course, each of the versions has the right to life until an accurate answer is obtained, supported by material or scientific evidence. However, it is possible that someone knows the truth, but carefully hides it, since this knowledge can radically change all the established ideas about history.