10 Interesting Cases On The Topic Of Reincarnation - Alternative View

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10 Interesting Cases On The Topic Of Reincarnation - Alternative View
10 Interesting Cases On The Topic Of Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: 10 Interesting Cases On The Topic Of Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: 10 Interesting Cases On The Topic Of Reincarnation - Alternative View
Video: Reincarnation: 10 real life stories 2024, October

Paranormal researchers investigate very thoroughly every case that may prove to be physical evidence of reincarnation. The cases listed below do not in any way claim to be serious scientific research, and some of them even look like anecdotes. However, in each of these cases, there are inexplicable oddities that will make even the most hardened skeptic ponder.

1. Transfer of birthmarks

In some Asian countries, there is a tradition of putting marks on a person's body after his death (often soot is used for this). The relatives hope that this way the soul of the deceased will be reborn again, in his own family. People believe that these marks can then become moles on the body of a newborn, and will be proof that the soul of the deceased has been revived.


In 2012, psychiatrist Jim Tucker and psychologist Jurgen Keil published a study on families in which children were born with moles that matched the marks on the bodies of their deceased relatives.

Jurgen Keil
Jurgen Keil

Jurgen Keil

In the case of K. N., a boy from Myanmar, it was noted that the location of the birthmark on his left hand exactly coincided with the location of the mark on the body of his late grandfather. The grandfather died 11 months before the boy was born. Many people, including his family members, are convinced that this is the mark of his grandfather, which the neighbor put on his body using ordinary coal.

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When the boy was a little over two years old, he named his grandmother "Ma Ting Shwe". Only her late grandfather called her by this name. Native children called their grandmother just a mother. And KN called his own mother "Var Var Khin", and his late grandfather also called her.

When KN's mother was pregnant, she often remembered her father and said: "I want to live with you." The birthmark and the names spoken by the child make his family think that his mother's dream has come true.

2. Child born with bullet wounds

Ian Stevenson was a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia with an interest in reincarnation. In 1993, in one of the scientific journals, he published an article on birthmarks and birth defects, which were believed to arise "for unknown reasons."


The article described a case where a child from Turkey remembered the life of a man who was shot with a shotgun. And the hospital records included a man who died six days after a shot blew through the right side of his skull.

A Turkish boy was born with unilateral microtia (congenital deformity of the auricle) and hemifacial microsomia, which manifested itself in insufficient development of the right half of the face. Microtia occurs in every 6,000 babies and microsomias in every 3500 babies.

3. The patient who killed and married her son

Brian Weiss, chair of the department of psychiatry at Miami Medical Center, claims to have seen a patient who had a spontaneous regressive episode of his past life during treatment. Although he is a classical medical psychiatrist and has been treating people for many years, Weiss has now become a leader in past life regressive therapy.

Brian Wayne (left)
Brian Wayne (left)

Brian Wayne (left)

In one of his books, Weiss tells the story of a patient named Diane who was the head nurse in an emergency room.

During the regressive session, it turned out that Diane allegedly lived the life of a young displaced person in North America, and this was during the years of conflicts with the Indians.

She talked especially a lot about how she hid from the Indians with her baby while her husband was away.

She said that her baby had a mole just below the right shoulder, like a crescent moon or curved sword. When they were hiding, the son screamed. Fearing for her life, and trying to somehow calm him down, the woman accidentally strangled her son, covering his mouth.

A few months after the regressive session, Diane felt sympathy for one of the patients who had an asthma attack. The patient, in turn, also felt a strange connection with Diane. And she experienced a real shock when she saw a crescent-shaped mole on a patient, just below the shoulder.

4. Revived handwriting

At the age of six, Taranjit Singh lived in the village of Alluna Miana, India. When he was two years old, he began to claim that his real name was Satnam Singh and that he was born in the village of Chakchella in Jalandhar. The village was located 60 km from his village.


Taranjit allegedly remembered that he was a 9th grade student (about 15-16 years old) and that his father's name was Jeet Singh. One day, a man riding a scooter ran into Satnam, who was riding a bicycle, and killed him. It happened on September 10, 1992. Taranjit claimed that the books he carried with him on the day of the accident were soaked in blood and that he had 30 rupees in his wallet that day. The child was very persistent, so his father, Ranjit, decided to investigate the story.

A teacher in Jalandhar told Ranjit that a boy named Satnam Singh had indeed died in the accident and that the boy's father was indeed called Jeet Singh. Ranjit went to the Singh family, and there they confirmed the details of the blood-soaked books and 30 rupees. And when Taranjit met with the family of the deceased, he was able to unmistakably recognize Satnam in the photographs.

The forensic expert, Vikram Raj Chauha, read about Taranzhi in the newspaper and continued his investigation. He took samples of Satnam's handwriting from his old notebook and compared them to Taranjit's. Even though the boy was "not used to writing yet," the handwriting samples were nearly identical. Dr. Chauhan then showed the results of this experiment to colleagues, and they too recognized the identity of the handwriting samples.

5. Born with knowledge of Swedish

Psychiatry professor Ian Stevenson has investigated numerous cases of xenoglossia, which is defined as "the ability to speak a foreign language that is completely unknown to the speaker in his normal state."


Stevenson examined a 37-year-old American woman whom he named TE. TE was born and raised in Philadelphia to an immigrant family who spoke English, Polish, Yiddish and Russian at home. She studied French at school. Her entire understanding of the Swedish language was limited to a few phrases that she heard on a TV show about the life of Swedish Americans.

Ian Stevenson
Ian Stevenson

Ian Stevenson

But during eight sessions of regressive hypnosis, TE considered herself “Jensen Jacobi,” a Swedish peasant.

As “Jensen”, TE answered questions asked in Swedish. She answered them, too, in Swedish, using about 60 words that the Swedish-speaking interviewer never spoke in front of her. Also TE as "Jensen" was able to answer English questions in English.

TE under Stevenson's guidance passed two polygraph tests, a word association test, and a language ability test. She passed all these tests as if she was thinking in Swedish. Stevenson spoke to her husband, family members and acquaintances, trying to find out if she had encountered Scandinavian languages before. All respondents said that there were no such cases. In addition, the Scandinavian languages have never been taught in the schools where TE studied.

But not everything is so simple. The session transcript shows that TE's vocabulary when she becomes “Jensen” is only about 100 words, and she rarely speaks in full sentences. During the conversations, not a single complex sentence was recorded, despite the fact that "Jensen" is supposedly already an adult man.

6. Memories from the monastery

In his book Your Past Lives and the Healing Process, psychiatrist Adrian Finkelstein describes a boy named Robin Hull who often spoke a language his mother could not understand.


She contacted an oriental language scholar and he identified the language as one of the dialects spoken in the northern region of Tibet.

Robin said that many years ago he went to school at the monastery, and there he learned to speak this language. The truth was that Robin had not studied anywhere, since he had not yet reached school age.

The specialist undertook further investigation, and based on Robin's descriptions, he was able to find out that the monastery was located somewhere in the Kunlun Mountains. Robin's story prompted this professor to personally travel to Tibet, where he discovered the monastery.

7. Burnt Japanese soldier

Another of Stevenson's research concerns a Burmese girl named Ma Vin Tar. She was born in 1962 and at the age of three she began to talk about the life of a Japanese soldier. This soldier was captured by residents of a Burmese village, then tied to a tree and burned alive.


There were no detailed details in her stories, however Stevenson says that all this could be true. In 1945, the people of Burma could indeed have captured some of the soldiers who had fallen behind the retreating Japanese army, and they did sometimes burn Japanese soldiers alive.

Ma Win Tar showed features that were incompatible with the image of a Burmese girl. She loved to cut her hair short, loved to dress in boyish clothes (later she was forbidden to do this).

She has given up on the spicy foods that are preferred in Burmese cuisine in favor of sweet foods and pork. She also showed some tendency towards cruelty, which manifested itself in the habit of slapping her playmates in the face.

Stevenson says Japanese soldiers often slapped Burmese villagers in the face, and that the practice is not culturally natural for the region's indigenous people.

Ma Vin Tar rejected her family's Buddhism and went so far as to call herself a "foreigner."

And the strangest thing here is that Ma Vin Tar was born with severe birth defects in both hands. There were webbing between her middle and ring fingers. These fingers were amputated when she was only a few days old. The rest of the fingers had "rings", as if they were being squeezed by something. Her left wrist was also surrounded by a "ring" consisting of three separate indentations. According to her mother, a similar mark was on the right wrist, but it eventually disappeared. All of these marks were incredibly similar to the burns from the rope that the Japanese soldier was tied to a tree before being burned.

8. Brother's scars

In 1979, Kevin Christenson died at the age of two. At 18 months of age, cancer metastases were found in his broken leg. The boy was injected with chemotherapy drugs through the right side of his neck in order to fight a host of problems caused by the disease, including a tumor in his left eye that caused him to protrude forward, and with a small nodule over his right ear.


12 years later, Kevin's mother, having divorced his father and remarried, gave birth to another child named Patrick. From the very beginning, there were similarities between the half-brothers. Patrick was born with a birthmark that looked like a small cut on the right side of his neck. And there was a mole just where Kevin was injected with drugs. There was also a knot on Patrick's scalp, and it was in the same place as Kevin's. Like Kevin, Patrick had a problem with his left eye and was later diagnosed with corneal lesions (fortunately not cancer).

When Patrick began to walk, he limped, despite the fact that he had no medical reason for limping. He claimed to remember a lot about one operation. When his mother asked him what the surgery was, he pointed to the nodule above his right ear where Kevin had once had a biopsy.

At the age of four, Patrick began asking questions about his “old house,” although he only lived in one house at all times. He described the "old house" as "orange and brown." And if you now assume that Kevin lived in an orange and brown house, you guessed it.

9. Memories of cats

When John McConnell suffered six fatal bullet wounds in 1992, he left behind a daughter named Doreen. Doreen had a son, William, who was diagnosed with pulmonary valve atresia in 1997, a congenital defect in which a faulty valve directs blood from the heart to the lungs. The right ventricle of his heart was also deformed. After numerous surgeries and treatments, William's condition improved.


When John was shot, one of the bullets pierced his back, pierced his left lung and pulmonary artery, and reached his heart. John's injury and William's birth defects were extremely similar.

One day, trying to avoid punishment, William told Doreen:

"When you were a little girl, and I was your dad, you misbehaved many times, but I never hit you!"

Then William asked about the cat Doreen had as a child and mentioned that he called the cat "Boss." And this is amazing, because only John called the cat that, and the real name of the cat was "Boston".

10. "Suspended state"

One of Dr. Weiss's patients, Catherine, during a regressive session, caused him real shock by mentioning that she was in a "state of limbo" and that Dr. Weiss's father and his son were also present there.


Catherine went on to say:

“Your father is here, and your son, a little child. Your father says that you recognize him because his name is Avrom and you named your daughter after him. In addition, heart problems were the cause of his death. Your son's heart is also important, because it was underdeveloped, it worked the other way around."

Dr. Weiss was shocked because the patient knew so much about his personal life. Photos of his living son, Jordan, and his daughter were on the table, but Catherine seemed to be talking about Adam, the doctor's firstborn, who died at 23 days old. Adam was diagnosed with a complete abnormal pulmonary venous drainage with a special atrial defect - that is, the pulmonary veins grew on the wrong side of the heart, and it began to work "backwards".

Further, Dr. Weiss's father was named Alvin. However, his ancient Hebrew name was Avrom, as Catherine said. And Dr. Weiss's daughter, Amy, was indeed named after her grandfather.