What Mystical Secrets Can Photographs Hold - Alternative View

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What Mystical Secrets Can Photographs Hold - Alternative View
What Mystical Secrets Can Photographs Hold - Alternative View

Video: What Mystical Secrets Can Photographs Hold - Alternative View

Video: What Mystical Secrets Can Photographs Hold - Alternative View
Video: I read you the First Chapter of my New Book (The Meaning in the Making) 2024, October

This photo captures the ghost of a teenager who died under the wheels of a steam locomotive. Do you know what is the most amazing thing about this photo? It was made a week before the tragic incident.

Phantoms and other unidentified substances appear from time to time in photographs, as if from nowhere. The most unpleasant thing is that these "inhabitants" from the other world are able to exert a strong influence on our destinies, what threats can the most ordinary photographs conceal?

Is it all in our eyes?

Japanese scientist Tomokichi Fukurai decided at the beginning of the last century to conduct an unusual experiment. He photographed the subject's eyes while he was actively thinking. The subject was not an ordinary human, but a girl with the psychic powers of Ukuko Nagayu. Ukuko went into a deep trance and thought about different objects: paintings, people, and so on. The experiment was successful. The film was able to capture the girl's thoughts. Fukurai concluded that the retina is capable of displaying human thoughts under some circumstances.

Take pictures with a glance

The American parapsychologist Julius Eikzenbud went even further. For several years he had been looking for a suitable test subject. Everything worked out when Eiksenbud met with an employee of a Chicago hotel - Ted Serios.

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Serios had a unique gift, he easily project any image on camera. True, for this, the only one needed to refuel with a bottle of whiskey. Ted got drunk, went into a trance, rushed about the room, banged his head against the wall, wrung his hands, and then froze. At these moments, Eiksenbud photographed Ted's eyes. Some photographs showed people or objects that were not near Serios at the time.

And one day Ted was asked to "photograph" with his eyes a picture of a store in Colorado called the Old Wells Fargo Express Office. Imagine Eiksenbud's surprise when he saw the inscription The Old Gold Store in the photograph - this is what this store was called more than half a century ago! How did Ted manage to capture an image from the distant past? There are still no answers to this question.

Hide photos from the evil eye

All parapsychologists unanimously reiterate that you cannot show your photos to everyone in a row, negative energy can affect fate through photography. Mages argue that the photographic portrait is energetically closely related to the original. With the help of photography, you can "read" information about a person. A person with an "evil eye" only needs to look at the image and "wish" something. It doesn't matter if this photo is on paper or on a computer, so if you like to post your photos on social networks, think about it.

Black marks on photos

A photograph of a fifteen-year-old resident of Moscow, Grigory Vasiliev, taken in 1989, showed a technical defect - a black stripe crossing his head. Nobody attached much importance to this.

Exactly one year later, Grigory got into a car accident. The doctors gave the guy a craniotomy, but the doctors did not manage to save Grisha. Only later, grief-stricken parents, examining the photograph, discovered that the shape of the scar on their son's forehead duplicated the marriage in the photograph. It turns out that scary events from the future were somehow mysteriously superimposed on the picture.

In the Kovalenko family from Kharkov, a tragedy occurred in 2005. Their youngest son, eight-year-old Leonid, was hit by a train. The boy died instantly. Parents, reviewing the photographs once, discovered in some photographs a barely visible black cross over the boy's head.

Psychics claim that such marks are a kind of signal of imminent trouble. However, there is no guarantee that a sign discovered in time can change the future. From fate, as we know, it is impossible to escape.