Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
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Disputes about the origin of our Universe and the history of the origin of life on Earth have not subsided for several centuries. Science is not yet able to answer most of the questions, which gives rise to alternative theories. According to the theory of paleocontact, in the past the Earth was visited by representatives of alien civilizations, which may have led to the emergence of the human race. Many ancient artifacts serve as evidence of this scenario.

One such evidence is a Scythian artifact. The figure reminds us of a modern astronaut, dressed in a spacesuit. Many researchers simply do not believe that a primitive society called by the Greek historian Herodotus "a tough tribe of bloodthirsty warriors" could create such a sculpture.

Polish professor Sergei Lolladoff discovered an interesting plate with drawings in Nepal. It was not possible to decipher the inscriptions on the disk. Ethnology professor Robin Evans analyzed the hieroglyphs on the Lolladoff plate, and as a result, he decided to make an expedition into the depths of Tibet. There he was told local legends about people from space who brought this and other similar plates to Earth.

Many ancient petroglyphs, along with images of people and animals, contain drawings of a strange nature. Pictures depict creatures similar to astronauts. Walls with mysterious drawings have been found in the Sahara Desert and South America. The age of the rock paintings ranges from 8000 to 15000 years. Some images suggest that the walls could have been used as an information panel for communication between primitive tribes and space guests.

The ruins of the ancient city of Palenque have been found in the jungle of Mexico. During the reign of the Mayan chieftain Pakal, Palenque was one of the most powerful in the region. After his death, Pakal was buried in a pyramid, and a lid with a painting was placed on his coffin. The drawing depicts how Pacal's soul climbs into what looks like a spaceship and returns to the stars.