10 Unusual Facts About Astrology You Did Not Know - Alternative View

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10 Unusual Facts About Astrology You Did Not Know - Alternative View
10 Unusual Facts About Astrology You Did Not Know - Alternative View

Video: 10 Unusual Facts About Astrology You Did Not Know - Alternative View

Video: 10 Unusual Facts About Astrology You Did Not Know - Alternative View
Video: Astrology: Fact or Fiction? 2024, June

The universe is full of stars and celestial bodies, the position of which in the sky determines the existence of astrology. Here are some interesting facts about her.

The moon affects your body

Everyone knows that the moon affects the oceans and seas and is responsible for the waves. Human bodies are almost entirely composed of water, so it is not surprising that the moon also affects the state of the human mind and body. Many people state that they feel or behave strangely during the full moon, and the moon is the reason. Although this fact is not scientific, there are statistics that show that the largest number of attacks occur on the full moon. So pay close attention to how you feel.


Presidents are addicted to astrology

Reagan and his family turned out to be true astrology fans, reading horoscopes on a daily basis. After her husband was assassinated, Mrs. Reagan simply became obsessed with astrology and even began to plan various presidential events based on her. The Reagans even ruled the White House with astrology! Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt were also fond of astrology.

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Hitler's future was predicted by astrology

While virtually no one knew how horrific the rule of Adolf Hitler would be, one man was able to predict his "great" future. In 1924, Frau Elisabeth Ebertin received an astrological chart of Hitler's birth and made an accurate prediction that he would become the Fuhrer. Hitler himself also believed in astrology and consulted with astrologers on more than one occasion.


Your zodiac sign influences how you look

Astrologers believe that each zodiac sign has certain traits that differ from those of other signs. Gemini often have sophisticated features and are often tiny, while Sagittarius usually has gorgeous long legs and behaves like a riot. Scorpios often have a piercing gaze and strong, muscular bodies. There is definitely a grain of truth in this!


Astrology is the oldest science

Astrology is rooted in Mesopotamia 3000 BC. The ancient Babylonians definitely had knowledge about the stars and planets, but their knowledge was gradually lost, and what was left of them turned upside down many times, distorted and turned into modern astrology, which the Greeks, Indians and Chinese brought to the modern world. Modern astrology is generally regarded as a pseudoscience, but a long time ago it was a respected science that was closely intertwined with astronomy.


Every person has a favorite color for a reason

Many people believe that the choice of their favorite color largely depends on astrology, that is, on the position of the stars and planets in the sky. Each zodiac sign has a list of colors, each of which can calm him down or invigorate him. For example, Pisces tends to choose the color of sea green, while Sagittarius enjoys purple, Taurus emphasizes pink among all colors, and Libra likes shades of blue. So the next time you're doing interior design, consider adding the colors that astrology recommends for you.


Zodiac signs affect your relationships

All zodiac signs are different, and, according to astrology, some of them are more suitable for each other. This does not mean that astrologers know which relationships will last long and which ones will not, but additional information will not harm anyone. Scorpios, for example, are very passionate and pair well with water signs like Libra or Cancer. And air signs like Libra or Gemini are best for Aquarius. The possibilities are endless!


Mercury in retrograde

Many people have heard this mysterious expression, which means nothing to you if you don't know at least a little about astrology. Several times a year it seems that Mercury is completely changing its course (retrograde). And although this is just an optical illusion, according to astrologers, this event does affect everyday life, and people should be extremely careful during these periods. You should not make any vital decisions when Mercury is in retrograde, as all your plans will end in complete failure.


Zodiac signs have an impact on your results in bed

All astrological signs have their own sexual characteristics and compatibility with other signs. It is believed that Aries is a wonderful lover, who, however, can be a little selfish in bed. Gemini are creative in intimate affairs, and Taurus has incredibly high libido levels, so they are very hardy in bed. If you want your relationship to be truly passionate, you should pay attention to Leo, who has something to offer you.


Your sign may actually be different

In heaven, everything changes in the same way as on Earth. There is a phenomenon called precession, which describes the slight movement of the Earth's axis. Your zodiac sign depends on what position the Sun was in when you were born, and if you don't take precession into account during the calculations, your zodiac sign may turn out to be completely different. Many people believe that astrology is a pretty accurate non-science, and ancient people always knew about precession, just as they knew about the existence of other stars and galaxies.