Which Cat Should A Novice Witch Choose? - Alternative View

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Which Cat Should A Novice Witch Choose? - Alternative View
Which Cat Should A Novice Witch Choose? - Alternative View

Video: Which Cat Should A Novice Witch Choose? - Alternative View

Video: Which Cat Should A Novice Witch Choose? - Alternative View
Video: Occult Supply Store 2024, June

Baba Yaga had a cat, the Little Witch had a cat, the Charmed Ones had a cat. Black. In fairy tales and films, cats accompany witches and sorcerers. They are sources of astral power. But it turns out that not only an animal of black color is considered magical. What other pets can a novice witch choose?


Cats are the most mystical and magical creatures on earth. They have a strong aura and energy that energizes not only the animal itself, but also the owner and his house. Everyone knows that purrs sense otherworldly power in the house. Or, when a cat lays down on the belly of the owner who is sick, then she heals him. And here's a really interesting fact. If a cat rubs against the owner's legs, it is not just looking for attention, it shares strength. At this moment, you cannot chase her away, because, chasing her away, a person willingly pushes away from himself the positive energy that fate transfers through the pet.

The presence of this animal can protect against the evil eye or damage. The owner must hold the purr by the scruff of the neck if there is a suspicion that they want to direct a negative magical program on him. If someone who is unclean to the eye should come into the house, you just need to put a cat next to you. In this case, no curse or evil eye can cling to.

Cats love to walk or sleep in places with a strong flow of energy, most often negative. Knowledgeable people use this pet to locate the place of bad aura. It is advisable to avoid such zones, since they “draw out” vitality from a person.

How to choose a "magic" cat

Black and white, striped and red, with a triangle between the eyes or a toe on the paw - all animals are different. Every speck on the body, every shade of coat has its own magical meaning. People who want to practice magic need to understand which cat is suitable for which purpose.

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The classic companion of witches is a black animal. Cat or cat. Contrary to superstitions that animals of this color are unfortunate, black cats take negative energy, and do not harm. They are able to ward off trouble from households and at home, bestow wisdom and the ability to clairvoyance.

Red cat - for witches who conjure for money. Ginger cat or cat are earners. They, as indicated by their color, lure gold and wealth into the house. But you need to take good care of your pet. With a lack of master's attention, he may be offended and begin to "act" in the opposite direction.


Smoky gray cats are the keepers of secrets. They bring love and tranquility to the home. Animals of this color remove negative energy, harmonize the aura of the home. They also "take" people with bad intentions away from home.

White cats have the power of the moon. Moon magic gives people beauty, eternal youth, attention from the opposite sex. Also, white fuzzies are the strongest healers.

There is a belief that a witch cannot get herself an animal. This is a gift from the Devil for their agreement with the dark force. Therefore, a witch in no case should drive away a cat that has nailed to her house, the animal will become her magical companion. Even if there is already one cat, and suddenly the second one is linked, it is necessary to take him into the house. This means that the higher powers granted the witch a new ability.

Why does a witch even need a cat?

A witch needs a cat because a cat is a medium. She is a guide capable of traveling to subtle worlds. Higher powers can transfer through the cat a gift in the form of a new gift for the witch, or the witch herself can turn into a black cat if she is in danger.

By nature, a cat is a healer. When a witch performs a difficult ritual, she loses some of her strength, and she needs to recharge. It is the cat that acts as an excellent "magic accumulator". You just need to put her on your knees, stroke her, hold her by the tail.

A witch needs a cat because it gives her freedom. As a black cat is distinguished by its freedom-loving and independent character, so the witch acquires the will and scope for witchcraft.

The cat has seven lives. So death 7 times will bypass a witch who has a cat.

The animal can sense trouble. If someone made a lining for the witch, the cat will feel it. She will often be in a cursed place and behave strangely.


With a cat, the witch will acquire the ability of clairvoyance. Together with a sleeping pet in a dream, the witch will receive an answer to any question. To do this, you do not even have to carry out any special rituals and pronounce a conspiracy for a prophetic dream.

You can use your pet to bewitch anyone. To do this, the witch just rubbing her hands on the fur of her pet until she feels warm. After that, you should touch the selected person with your palms. It is necessary that the place where the witch touches is not covered with clothes. If this is done three or four times in a row, then the object on which the enchantment is applied will himself declare his love.

To "turn away" a man, it is necessary to catch someone else's gray or ginger cat, let the man pet it and say: "As the cat is gone, so the love is gone." There is another way how to turn away an unnecessary lover. The witch must squeeze the ear of the black feline, in the other ear pronounce the name of the one from whose love it is necessary to get rid of.

Cats demand respect

The dog will excuse the owner for the misdemeanor if they forgot to feed him, or maybe they just shouted. However, the cat will never tolerate this. A novice witch should always remember this and carefully monitor the state and mood of her magical animal. Unless, of course, she wants to incur a curse or lose her power.

And the last thing worth remembering for a novice sorceress if she decides to get herself a magical animal. If the cat is playing with its ear, it means that soon there will be guests in the house. For those who do not want to attract unwanted attention from outsiders, it is better to remove all their magic inventory in the corners. Let there be a cat and strength in the house!