Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

Ancestral Curse - Alternative View
Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

Video: Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

Video: Ancestral Curse - Alternative View
Video: Breaking Bloodline and Generational Curses and Patterns | Your Entire Family Needs To Hear This! 2024, September

Six months ago, Fakty wrote about the events in the Pigal family from the village of Udritsk. In this family, parents and their children died one after another at different times. And again the family was overtaken by grief. On November 16, 21-year-old Vyacheslav, who was the last heir in the family, died.

The guy that day went to the store to buy seeds and juice, and a few hours later he was found dead on a bench, - said Galina Demyanets, an employee of the Dubrovitsky district police department. According to the conclusion of the examination, the cause of Vecheslav's death was mechanical asphyxia due to the overlap of the airways by the contents of the stomach. Local residents consider this tragedy to be a logical continuation of the chain of tragic events in this family. In the Pigalle family, parents, two daughters and six sons have died over the past 15 years. Now death befell the last son.

When a nest with storks was destroyed by children in an old barn. All chicks died. From that time on, troubles began for the Pigalle family. First, Adam and Peacock's newborn baby died, they did not even have time to take him home from the hospital. The cause of the infant's death was never established.

Then her two-year-old daughter died. At the age of 22, his son Gennady drowned in the river. Choked, despite his youth, sports skills and the ability to swim. In 1998, at 52, the head of the family suddenly died, he was found drowned. In 2005, the 27-year-old middle son Aleksey died right in the garden.

And on the first summer day of 2011, the Dubrovitskiy district police department received a message about drowned people in the Goryn River. They turned out to be 26-year-old Andrei Pigal and his mother. Early that morning he grazed the cattle, then came home to have lunch, and then went to the river for a swim, but he never returned home. Naturally, the mother rushed to find her son. After a while they were found drowned. After that, only the youngest son survived in the Pigalle family, who managed to live for only six months.

Local residents see another event that happened much earlier as the cause of the terrible series of deaths. Many years ago, a woman came to Adam's father to ask for fire in order to heat the house (in those days, the one in whose house the fire was first lit, the neighbors went to that fire), but she was refused. Returning home, the offended woman crossed the ditch across the bridge, but could not resist and fell straight into the water. At this moment, drowning, the woman allegedly would have cursed the Pigalle family …