The Power Of The Genus - Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

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The Power Of The Genus - Ancestral Curse - Alternative View
The Power Of The Genus - Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of The Genus - Ancestral Curse - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of The Genus - Ancestral Curse - Alternative View
Video: 【ENG SUB】昆仑道经 | KunLun Taoist Scriptures 上集 大型玄幻武侠IP剧 高胜、潘霜霜、许绍雄、于歆童主演 2024, September

To gain the power of the clan - working off the clan curse

Energy kind

Each of us is someone's descendant and, possibly, someone's ancestor. Quite a lot has been written about family relationships, and much less has been written about the relationships between people in the family in terms of energy.

The founder of the clan is a person with a strong energy, one might even say with a powerful energy, a man or a woman. The founder of the genus can work with energy on an intuitive level or as a result of acquired knowledge and skills. His descendants can be people with normal energy, they do not need to be able to work with energy - they use innate abilities passed down from the founder of the clan. When, over time, the founder's abilities weaken and at this moment a person with a strong energy is born (if his energy is stronger than the energy of the founder of the clan), then he becomes the successor of the new clan.

If the genus is designated by a line, then the founder of the genus is the source, and the successor is the nodal point that feeds the entire genus with its own energy. All people belonging to the clan have energy connections with each other and they exchange energy. They may not know each other, but there is a generic bond. Energy, the strength of the clan, is redistributed so that the clan survives and grows stronger. All the knowledge of people entering or once belonging to the genus is available to the people who are part of the genus, except for the knowledge of the founder of the genus. The interests of the genus may not coincide with those of the members of the genus. In this case, either the person is deprived of support, the strength of the clan - a rootless, outcast, or the energetics of the clan creates such conditions that a person acts as the clan needs. If a person has violated the interests of the clan, but not to such an extent as to lose his support, then he will have to learn to behave correctly.

Ancestral Curse Energy

For example, a woman sacrificed her love for material well-being and regrets it all her life. After marriage, her life changes and on her way there will be hardships, possible illnesses of future children. If a woman does not compensate the family for the violation of energy, then her children will need to work off such an energy debt. If the children are able to "extinguish" it, then the grandchildren will have the opportunity to live without strong trials. If the children also multiply the mistakes of the mother, then the life of the grandchildren will be more difficult. This is one of the variants of the ancestral curse, which a woman unknowingly brings on herself and her descendants.

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An unequal marriage can also lead to a deterioration in the lives of children if one of the spouses, who is at a higher level of development, drops to a less developed one.

The sister began to envy her sister's marriage or her acquaintance with men - in subsequent generations, a “celibacy crown” in the female line, deterioration of family life, and the birth of ugly children are possible.

It often happens that the husband or wife of their own child absolutely does not like the parents and they curse their child or promise him various punishments and hardships ("You will cry more"). These words of parents will lead to the formation of a generic curse - "the crown of celibacy", the birth of children with developmental defects in subsequent generations, with the maximum increase in the curse (if not worked out earlier) in every seventh generation.

Brothers hate each other, swear, curse - a curse appears in the family, which leads to alcoholism and weak-willed men in subsequent generations.

There are constant disputes and quarrels in the family over property - in subsequent generations, nervous breakdowns, tantrums, mental illness are possible.

Children hate their parents, cursing them - this leads to the extinction of the family.

There are generic curses, when a stranger, as a rule, is energetically strong or is in a state of strong emotional tension, curses a person or his entire family. The ancestral curse is aimed at weakening the clan or its death, passed from generation to generation, until someone “works out” it, or until the death of the clan.

The ancestral curse lowers the energy of a person, preventing the possibility of professional growth, lowers incomes, condemns to loneliness, childlessness, worsens health, takes away good luck and success. All this can be either separately or together.

Unexplained incidents can occur in life.

My friend wanted to get a job as a registrar in a polyclinic, she was hired. Two days later, the clinic was transferred to another area, the building was closed for repairs. Any money came to her with great difficulty. Throughout her life, she received many profitable and monetary offers. But every time, circumstances developed in such a way that all favorable opportunities passed by. Her mother and grandmother also had to make a living by hard work. Grandmother washed on strangers to feed the children.

Not so long ago, my friend found out about a family secret - my grandmother was a noblewoman, but it was not possible to find out why the family curse was imposed. My friend found out that the ancestral curse can be “worked off”.

The ancestral curse is an energy program built into the human body and disrupting its energy. If you improve your energy, harmonize it, increase your spiritual level and do not perform actions for which a generic curse was imposed, it will gradually disappear. A person can rarely find out for what reasons a generic curse was imposed, therefore, in order to work out the generic curse, he needs to behave ethically in all spheres of life.

Old people say that often in order to work off a curse in the seventh generation, the one who earned it will be born, only he will not remember it. If a person has changed and behaves correctly, then the curse is removed. If a person has not corrected himself internally, then by this he strengthens the curse. If the memory of the previous birth was retained (and this happens rarely), then it would have to work out only because of fear, and not because the person understood his mistakes and changed.

If the curse is removed by another person, and the cursed one continues to make the same mistakes, then the curse may return, or it may pass to the one who undertook to remove it.

You should think about your life, remember the life of your parents and relatives, analyze mistakes and try not to make them. We need to spend more time in nature, looking at the stars and practicing physical and spiritual improvement. Curses will not stick to people who are harmonious and strong energetically. A strong and friendly family will protect its relative and help. It is advisable for relatives to get together at least once a year and celebrate the birthday of the head of the clan or celebrate any other holiday.

The ancestral curse can weaken if a person behaves correctly, and can increase if a person continues to perform the same actions for which he and his ancestors were cursed. You cannot condemn or take offense at your ancestors who received a curse, you must try to understand the cause of the curse and try to find a way to remove it. If you inform everyone that there is a generic curse, then it can intensify. You can talk to knowledgeable people, but very carefully and in private conversation.

Crown of celibacy

Quite a rare curse. In order to determine if there is one, it is necessary to examine the left palm - there will be no "marriage lines" on it. If the "crown of celibacy" was put not so long ago, then the lines of marriage will not be on the right hand, but they will be on the left hand. "The crown of celibacy" can be put on a woman who is engaged in a love spell against a man against his will.

"Crown of celibacy" is a complex energy disorder in which a woman cannot get married or live with a man. Men can appear for a short time and quickly disappear without explanation. The "crown of celibacy" is sent with the aim of ending the existence of the clan.

Most of the women put up with the "celibacy crown." If a woman realizes that she has a birth curse and wants to get rid of it, she can find a specialist who will help her, or she can try to remove it herself. To do this, you need to strengthen and harmonize your own energy, change your attitude towards others, see men as people, and not just sexual partners and potential husbands. By increasing her spirituality, a woman will rise to a higher energetic level, where the “celibacy crown” will not work. Or its impact will be greatly weakened.

At all levels of being, and at the energy level as well, marriage is considered to be an official marriage according to the laws of the country where the marriage takes place. Marriage is an energetic and business union that gives support to each spouse. A civil marriage is not an energy union. Therefore, it is likely that a woman with a "celibacy crown" after some self-improvement will be able to live in a civil marriage, and then she will be able to get married officially. In some cases, moving to several time zones helps - the energy changes as a result and the "crown of celibacy" may weaken. Here everything should be looked at very concretely: for what, when and by whom the "celibacy crown" was imposed. The all-round development of a person's energy can only be in marriage, while in a marriage that is long enough, so that another common energy of the family is created from two individual energetics. Spouses who have lived in a happy marriage for a long time become similar to each other. Their physiological rhythms even begin to coincide: they want to drink at the same time, they pull out a handkerchief almost simultaneously, and every year they find more and more charm in each other.

Doctor of Biological Sciences Stanislav Zenin believes that the "crown of celibacy" can be removed by yourself.

We all live in the global information field, in the electromagnetic environment,”he says. - Figuratively speaking, it consists of cells that store information that influences us and our actions. In the human body, in turn, there are also special carriers of information that receive the installation from the outside. Therefore, the more good thoughts are concentrated in the information field around us, the better they will block harmful attitudes to a person. Think about your success, force yourself and your friends to believe in it - and the problem will certainly be solved.

Professor Pavel Goskov believes that the “crown of celibacy” is a negative information structure. The “crown of celibacy” in the energy field is like a crown facing downward. Women with this kind of energy become invisible to men. After adjusting the energy, a woman's life changes for the better, opportunities appear for creating a family.

Sometimes the evil eye or damage to loneliness is taken for the "crown of celibacy". Damage and the evil eye is a deliberate damage to a person's energy in such a way that he cannot perform certain actions or that his health deteriorates and his life is shortened. It is easier to remove the evil eye and spoilage than generic curses. First of all, you should not be afraid of the evil eye or damage - this opens the gates in your protective energy. You are not afraid of cars on the street, and they can also harm you. Damage and evil eye more easily “stick” to a person who loves to complain about his life, talk about family problems, remember the past, especially offenses, brag about his spouse or children. Even Sadko sang in a fairy tale that the clever boasts of his father and mother, the fool boasts of his young wife.

Often, such a desire to brag appears in people who are insecure, with insufficiently high self-esteem, they want to be praised. But often, instead of pleasant words, the evil eye or damage is sent to them. If signs of damage or the evil eye appear (setbacks, troubles, irritability and quarrels of spouses, whims and disobedience of children began), you should carry out a general cleaning of the house, find all extraneous things that no one remembers how they appeared, burn them and throw away the ashes into running water. It is advisable to whitewash the ceiling. Walk along walls and upholstered furniture with a strong magnet to identify needles, knives, buttons, etc. If possible, change the wallpaper, wipe the furniture with a damp cloth moistened with holy water. Sprinkle the corners of the room counterclockwise, burn incense. If you are a believer, invite a priest to consecrate your home. Carry salt wrapped in paper or a sugar cube with you. Throw sugar or salt into running water every day, thanking for help. You can wear a safety pin against the evil eye.

It is advisable to increase your own energy, not to condemn others, to do yoga, qigong, taijiquan. Attend church during services.

Be attentive to children, a "celibacy crown" can be placed in early childhood. Do not allow stroking a child on the head! If a person with bad thoughts pats the head, then failing health is the least thing you can get off with. It is advisable for girls to tie bows and braid.

Girls need to play with dolls more often, tell fairy tales. When one parent speaks badly of the other parent, an energetic channel for future loneliness can form. According to statistics, spouses from families where the parents divorced are more likely to get divorced. Such people need to be more attentive to each other, show more patience in communication - it is more difficult for them to create family energy from two individual ones.

V. Kivrin