The Cost Of Crime - Alternative View

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The Cost Of Crime - Alternative View
The Cost Of Crime - Alternative View

Video: The Cost Of Crime - Alternative View

Video: The Cost Of Crime - Alternative View
Video: The Cost of Crime - Patrol 2024, September

A generic curse … This phrase involuntarily causes tremors even in a person with strong nerves. And how many magicians and sorcerers of today love to flaunt them: they say, we will help, we will save descendants from the terrible sins of their ancestors. Only few people think about: what contributes to the appearance of such a curse? And is there any deliverance from him ?!


This story was told to me by my good friend's grandmother. She came from a small remote village, next to which was a rich, populous village. The storyteller (let's call her Maria) was left an orphan early. Her mother died of hunger during the time of collectivization, and her father thundered into the camps under the law "on three ears of wheat" (theft of collective farm property. - Ed.). Maria and her two sisters tried to manage the household themselves.

Today girls at the age of fifteen or sixteen are still considered children, are under the care of their parents. And in the difficult post-war years, the girls had to serve their duty on the collective farm, and to manage household affairs. Needless to say, in what poverty Maria and her sisters lived. Hunger, hard work, one dress for three. And young girls wanted to show off in front of the guys. However, one could only dream of outfits.

Family nest

And yet Maria was lucky. A good guy from a rich (by Soviet standards) family approached her. The groom lived in a neighboring village, where his family was highly respected. After the wedding, the young settled in the family nest - a huge house with a large garden, where the mother-in-law, a quiet woman from the former nobility, ruled.

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The family was large, the betrothed Maria had seven brothers. True, by the time she entered this family, two of them laid down their heads on the fields of the Great Patriotic War, and their wives continued to live in the family nest. At the head of this whole clan was a strict and stingy father. His sons, although all were already adults, not one dared to say a word across to the priest.

The life of the youngest daughter-in-law Maria could not be called easy. All were dominated by the unyielding will of the father-in-law. To heat the stove once again, he needed permission to ask. And even about taking an extra piece of bread was out of the question. And yet Maria took root in that family. Soon she had a son (the father of my friend).

Imp in the rib

And suddenly, events that were simply inconceivable by village standards began to take place in the family. As they say: gray hair in the beard, devil in the rib! The formidable father-in-law did not escape this temptation. The head of the family began to show unambiguous signs of attention to the eldest daughter-in-law Anna, whose husband died near Moscow in 1941.

It is difficult to say what made Anna respond to her father-in-law's courtship: whether she was motivated by fear, or maybe the widow's bitter share was stuck. Before the villagers, of course, all decency was respected, but they did not consider it necessary to hide fornication before the household. So in the house, the lovers did not hide their relationship. Other daughters-in-law, including Maria, had no right to interfere, and the mother-in-law, beaten by her husband, could not even throw a scene of jealousy, she could not even say a word to her husband.


And suddenly Anna became pregnant! Households made every effort to hide this shame from the villagers. The mother-in-law, having swallowed the resentment and choking on tears, herself personally altered skirts for Anna, so that her stomach would not stick out too much in public. The father-in-law pretended that everything that was happening did not concern him.

When it was time to give birth, the mother-in-law took Anna to the bathhouse and there she herself took the baby. A boy was born But then the question arose: what to do with the baby? After all, in the village questions will immediately begin: from whom did the widow suddenly give birth? Naturally, there was no question of naming the father of the newborn. It's a shame! And then the women made a terrible decision - to bury the newborn in the garden! Thus, an innocent baby died a terrible death, paying for the fornication of his father and mother.

When the murderers returned home, the youngest daughters-in-law was told that the baby had been born dead and was buried. Yes, only Maria personally heard how the newborn cried in the bathhouse when his own mother dug his grave under the apple tree.

A curse

The inhuman atrocity left its mark on their family. The ruined baby “pulled” all the men of the clan that did not want to accept him to the other world. One by one, the brothers of Maria's husband began to die. Someone will be raked into the camps, who will get drunk in a short time and will perish when drunk. Those who survived died childless. So in a short time only memories of the strong rural family remained.

But the most interesting thing in this story is this. None of the descendants of an adulterous father-in-law, with whose tacit consent the baby was ruined, had boys again! Mary's son became the last man in their family. I must say that women, the descendants of infanticides, also got it. Their life cannot be called happy. It seems that they live no worse than others, but only one has a discord in the family, the other always cannot find a job, the third is a frequent guest in hospitals.

Of course, it is unfair that descendants pay for the crimes of their ancestors. Only, apparently, this is how the highest justice is arranged. And we must always remember this.

Elena Lyakina, Murom