Extraterrestrial Civilizations In The Anomalous Zone Or Devilry - Alternative View

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Extraterrestrial Civilizations In The Anomalous Zone Or Devilry - Alternative View
Extraterrestrial Civilizations In The Anomalous Zone Or Devilry - Alternative View

Video: Extraterrestrial Civilizations In The Anomalous Zone Or Devilry - Alternative View

Video: Extraterrestrial Civilizations In The Anomalous Zone Or Devilry - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

Aliens in the anomalous zone and other devilry

The place by the Sylva River in the Perm Region, with the light hand of journalists, is today called the Perm Triangle or simply the Zone.

Locals claim that the ghosts did not appear here today. One old woman, for example, saw people without faces, of huge stature, in tight black robes. Two men who were mowing hay in the Zone also met a similar humanoid creature. It moved along the road right at them. It was not possible to see the face of the creature: instead of a head it had something incomprehensible - "bucket-like". When the distance between the mowers and the stranger was reduced to forty meters, the guest suddenly disappeared.

Drivers of the Perm region they said that sometimes they met the so-called "minotaurs" on the back roads. For example, they saw a girl walking along the road, and when they drove up to her, they found that instead of a face she had a bear's muzzle. Children in Kukushtan, 50 kilometers from Perm, described exactly the same "minotaurs". And they appeared from … a flying saucer!

In mid-July 1989, a whole UFO invasion was observed near Kukushtan. Aliens from one to four meters in height, as well as creatures similar in descriptions to Bigfoot, walked around the territory of the pioneer camps and around along the river bank, without causing harm to anyone. There is, however, one fact of aggression shown by the guests - albeit in response to the aggressiveness of the hosts: one of the boys threw a piece of asphalt into the translucent appearance of the “guest”. In response, he aimed at the boy with an incomprehensible object, the boy immediately felt a strong fear, and when he started to run, grass flared up under his feet. It seems that UFOs have become an indispensable attribute of these places. At times, crushed grass is seen in the Zone - in the form of an ellipse or circles of various sizes. We saw here and "plates" and "bananas" and "dumbbells" and "balls" of various sizes. Objects changed color frequently and hovered around groups of people from time to time. When they tried to approach the UFO, the objects disappeared or silently flew away.

The city of Osa, located not far from Perm, became famous, on the beach of which the "plate" also landed. More than 100 people saw how several humanoid creatures - small and giants - emerged from it.

Perhaps these events would never have become known to us if the Perm group for the study of anomalous phenomena had not arrived in the Zone. Together with them was the journalist Pavel Mukhortov, who spoke about his impressions in the Latvian newspaper "Soviet Youth". These reports brought the Zone no less fame than the Bermuda Triangle.

“As soon as I crossed the threshold of the Zone, I immediately felt that someone was watching me,” wrote Mukhortov, “and this feeling haunted me throughout the entire expedition.”

Promotional video:

Twice, while the group followed to the site of the future camp, Mukhortov could see clear outlines with his “lateral” vision: first - huge “dumbbells” with red dots in each of the spheres, connected by a “handrail”, then - the outlines of a black silhouette of a humanoid three meters high. But as soon as you turn your head to see the object, it immediately disappeared.

At night, anomalies began to appear during photography. About 20 people were filmed at the same time using flashlights, some of them used movie cameras. A strange phenomenon has long been noticed in the Zone: with a flash of light at different distances from the photographer, a response flare appears adequate in strength. Sometimes glare highlighted a humanoid silhouette, sometimes stripes and rays. “Both I and the other filmmakers watched all this with their own eyes,” says Mukhortov.

But the wonders of night shooting were not even that. Usually, after a few shots, the expedition members began to fail with their flash units, and then their cameras: a light flashing to signal readiness, but they did not work even with a manual trigger. But after leaving the zones of active anomalies or in the morning, the flares worked as if nothing had happened.

The expedition members made it clear to possible aliens that they would believe in contact with them only if they showed tolerance and let them shoot films without blocking the equipment. And then everyone shot 72 frames without any problems. But, alas, then nothing appeared on the films …

And one more sign of the Zone - the effects of disappearance. Newspapers disappeared with enviable regularity. From under Mukhortov's head, the ghostly pranksters stole the magazine in which he made notes before going to bed. The tent was closed from the inside so that outsiders could not enter. The notebook was later found under the heaviest backpacks, which no one had moved from place to place from the moment they arrived.

Further events developed and did fantastic. Mukhortov goes down to the river to fetch water and suddenly sees a UFO in the shape of a hat "with equal, not crooked brims" against the sky. But after a few moments, the object disappeared. Returning to the fire, he feels a strange effect on himself and again descends to the river, clearly aware that he is going to someone's call. As they move forward, they clearly feel a stranger's gaze and the rustle of steps of an invisible creature walking in parallel. Frightened, Mukhortov turns back to the fire, but after a while he again goes to the call. And again there is not enough courage … At three o'clock in the morning the next attempt is made by the four of us.

“Suddenly we felt a piercing ice stream directed at us,” wrote Mukhortov. “Everyone had the feeling that we were being dragged forward by some suction vortex. My head was splitting with pain. One of us even lost consciousness. I had to revive him and return to the fire."

In the afternoon the adventure continued. When Pavel walked 100 meters away from the camp, he was greeted by something completely black, instead of a head, which was like a bucket, equal in width to the shoulders. This "something" appeared

in front of Mukhortov suddenly five meters away. “It was of my height. Having decided that these were some of my personal hallucinations, I asked someone to walk with me. But even when there were two of us, the subject still appeared. The same miracles began to happen to others."

The zone continued to joke with the members of the expedition. The next night, as soon as they moved a few meters away, they saw the phosphorescent silhouettes of human robots moving directly towards the researchers.

“What I saw reminded me in some way of computer cartoons, - said Mukhortov, two to four-meter guests were voluminous, of both sexes: women, as a rule, were taller than men. And they all walked in some kind of light green-phosphorescent square, as if along a corridor. It also looked like holograms."

Again the hologram! But unlike the ghost of the shaman of the Kashkulak cave, the Perm visions were more active and even entered into spiritual contact with the members of the expedition.

“It turned out that“they”know all the secrets about us, that“they”are representatives of the New Planet of the Red Star of the constellation Libra … - says Mukhortov. - They have been here for two years, but they concealed the purpose of staying on Earth. We also learned that other extraterrestrial civilizations are landing in the Zone. For what reason they chose this place, they concealed it. They answered us with an enviable sense of humor, and most importantly, in such turns and combinations that would hardly come to mind of an earthling. For example, I immediately asked to fly with them to their planet, to which they reacted like this: "It is unsafe for us and irrevocably for you." I asked why it is dangerous for them to be afraid of our bacteria? "Your bacteria thoughts!" I agreed to fly irrevocably - they refused. To the question: why not, what "bacteria of thought" do not suit them in me? - they answered: "Think for yourself" …"

Other incredible things happened to the participants of this expedition. For example, the so-called space-time anomalies: the distances measured during the day between different objects in a strange way increased at night - 30 meters during the day turned into a good hundred at night. Miracles happened with the clock. The expedition members conducted an experiment: they put several watches in a thermos and took it to one of the most active areas

The zones, the effect of failure of both mechanical and electronic clocks were evident.

Sometimes these places simply do not let people go. Moreover, experienced hunters were also subjected to such tests. How can I not remember the saying: “I got lost in three pines” … Sometimes they wandered for weeks on a tiny patch (only seven by seven kilometers) and could not get out of it, although the Sylva River encompasses this area.

Naturally, after such fantastic stories, journalists, scientists studying anomalous phenomena, are simply curious, poured into the Zone. The initiative youth even organized the Stalker tourist route and the sale of vouchers for those wishing to visit the place chosen by the newcomers. The Perm Triangle has become crowded. Maybe it was the incredible influx of people, and perhaps other good reasons, that frightened off the bucket-headed giants. But they never appeared in public again. However, in spite of everything, not all miracles have disappeared.

The zone is a real reserve of secrets. And among others it is worth mentioning the fall in the forest. On a small round area (30-40 meters in diameter) - an unusual windbreak. The tops of tall, thick aspens, broken off somewhere at the height of a person's height, or even three or four heights, fell in one direction. The impression is that there was a blow from above and slightly from the side. A hurricane would have broken a whole strip in the forest, and here is a neat site, a "patch". And all the trees are broken one way. None of the versions put forward by us and other inhabitants of the Zone have stood critical analysis. None of the experienced tourists in our group have ever seen anything like it.

One way or another, with or without stretching, in long arguments around the fire, physicists (for some reason there are more of them in the Zone) explained almost each separately its phenomenon. But no one could explain the incredibly high concentration of "miracles" in a relatively small area of 3-4 square kilometers."

I. Tsarev