Scientists Have Explained Why There Is Still No Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

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Scientists Have Explained Why There Is Still No Contact With Aliens - Alternative View
Scientists Have Explained Why There Is Still No Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

It is possible that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not consider the Earth ready for contact

Extraterrestrial civilizations living in the Milky Way can be connected with each other in local coalitions, which independently of each other avoid contact with the population of the Earth. This is the conclusion reached by the astronomer Duncan Forgan from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. An article about the scientist's hypothesis is posted in the electronic library.

The specialist's calculations showed that the likelihood of the existence of such interplanetary communities is indeed quite high.

Although this assumption looks like a rather fantastic conspiracy theory on a cosmic scale, Duncan Forgan decided to test it by compiling a computer model for this purpose. According to the scientist, as a result, he came to the conclusion that the existence of such "closed clubs" is quite probable. However, a community of this kind can hardly cover our entire galaxy - for this, new civilizations must appear in it very often by cosmic standards and exist for millions of years. However, small coalitions of aliens may well form even if intelligent life on the participating planets was formed only 250 thousand years ago (on Earth, 190 thousand years have passed since that moment. Thus, it is possible that the earth is in the "reach zone" more than one "galactic club", but they have all avoided contact so far.

The astronomer stated that his calculations cannot be considered proof of the presence of aliens on the territory of the Milky Way, and even more so of collusion between them. Nevertheless, according to the expert, they can serve as an argument in favor of the theory that the "galactic zoo" theory has a right to exist.