"The Stars Bow, But Do Not Oblige" - Alternative View

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"The Stars Bow, But Do Not Oblige" - Alternative View
"The Stars Bow, But Do Not Oblige" - Alternative View

Video: "The Stars Bow, But Do Not Oblige" - Alternative View

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Astrology is an ancient science that can help a person understand the intricacies of fate. For thousands of years, people gazed into the abyss of the starry sky, full of sparkling constellations, feeling like a small part of the big world, and learned to understand the language of the stars. We are an integral part of the Universe and obey its laws, regardless of whether we want it or not.

Living in harmony

These laws determine the regularity of the seasons, day and night, the ebb and flow and other natural phenomena, the connection of which with human life is beyond doubt. If you understand and accept these laws, you can learn to live in harmony with yourself, with the world around you, with other people. And this is very important in our difficult times.

With the help of astrology, one can judge about a person's character traits, about his abilities and development prospects. This science can give an idea of the events that await a person on his life path, in accordance with the program laid down at birth. Even the time of events can be predicted. As the ancients said: "The stars bow, but do not oblige."

Stone at the fork in the road

It is desirable for a person to know his horoscope (birth chart) in order to make the best use of the opportunities provided, to reveal his talents, to learn lessons, to draw conclusions. So, everything is predetermined, and you cannot influence your own destiny in any way? Need to accept and wait for your fate? So why then is astrology needed if it cannot help a person?

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In fact, a lot depends on the individual himself. In Russian folk tales there is a stone standing at the fork of three roads, on which is carved: “If you go to the left, you will lose your horse. To the right - you yourself will disappear. If you go straight, you will find your happiness”.

So, a horoscope is a stone on which possible scenarios for the development of events are written. And the person himself chooses the path along which to go. Since everything in the world is interconnected, an individual, by changing something in himself, is able to modify his life, his program. He changes the world around him.

The starry sky is our cheat sheet

In our life, nothing happens by accident. Everything is the result of our actions. The world is like a mirror: if you smile, you get a smile in return, and if you look evil at your image, you will not see anything else, except for a face twisted with anger.

We often complain about fate, saying that it is treating us unfairly. But maybe first it is worth understanding ourselves, finding and realizing the reasons why we constantly bump into obstacles? And the horoscope just helps a person to reflect on his destiny, to find out what lesson it teaches us. The starry sky is our cheat sheet. We are given a hint, it is only important to be able to use it correctly.

To draw up a personal horoscope, you need to know the time of birth of a person with an accuracy of three minutes. A horoscope compiled by a qualified specialist is our space passport. It gives a person a specific, unique program and the opportunity to implement it without prejudice to others.

Independent science

For many millennia, people have taken astrology in the most serious way. Some of the big names well known to us: Plato, Kepler, Copernicus, Einstein, Newton, Paracelsus and Carl Gustav Jung. All these scientists seriously studied astrology, since they saw in it the most important system of knowledge, which absorbed the experience and knowledge of past generations, when a person was one with the whole world, and the principle of universal identity, integrity and continuity of the universe was at the forefront. This principle speaks of the unity of everything that exists in the world: "What is above, so is below."

The great physician Hippocrates was also a professional astrologer. He argued that "no physician can successfully use medical science if he is not familiar with astrology."

Carl Gustav Jung, one of the founders of analytical psychology, said: "Without a horoscope, I could often remain powerless in making a diagnosis."

And what are the well-known words of the Nobel laureate, the creator of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein! “Astrology is an independent science that explains a lot,” he said. “Getting to know her was instructive for me, and I repeatedly turned to her with benefit to myself.”

In America, they were going to erect a monument to the great scientist. From the proposed works, a monument was selected where Einstein sat on a bench, holding his own horoscope. A serious scandal broke out. The chairman of the jury asked the sculptor Robert Burks to urgently make changes. When a bronze monument was unveiled on the territory of the American National Academy of Sciences on April 22, 1979, a scientist sitting on a bench appeared in front of the audience, and in front of him was a sheet on which the formula E = mc2 was inscribed in huge letters.

Death of Tiberius

Life was not easy for astrologers at the court of the mighty of this world. The rulers liked only favorable forecasts. If the astrologer spoke of an impending disaster, then he could pay with his head for this prediction.

When Tiberius, who ruled Rome in 14-37 AD, ascended the Roman throne. e., he used the services of astrologers, but preferred to keep it secret. Having received a prediction from another oracle, he ordered the servants to throw the unfortunate man off the cliff. And only one fortuneteller managed to escape from inevitable death, resorting to cunning. The Roman philosopher and astrologer Frazillus, summoned to Tiberius in order to predict the future, said: “Woe is approaching you, great one! The stars told me that you will die a day after my death, and I just now feel her approach! Tiberius was frightened and not only kept the astrologer alive, but also surrounded him with care. Although, we must pay tribute to the predictor, he was not far from the truth. Soon after his mysterious death, Tiberius also went to the kingdom of the dead. Moreover, the death of the ruler was no less mysterious. He lost consciousness, and the courtiers considered him dead and began to celebrate this event. But suddenly Tiberius woke up, and then his closest friend, by the name of Macron, gave the order to strangle the ruler.

After 1400 years, history repeated itself. The astrologer Galeotti was invited to the court of the French king Louis XI. The predictions of the learned husband so infuriated the king that he asked the court oracle if he knew the hour of his death. The executioner was already in the next room awaiting orders. Galeotti understood what the king's question was, and replied that he knew when he would die. Louis XI already had the answer, and it seemed that nothing would save the unfortunate fortuneteller. "I will die three days before your death, your majesty!" - he declared. These words violated the king's plan and saved the life of the court astrologer.

Saving cabbage

Astrology played a big role in the fate of another Roman ruler - Diocletian. The foretellers warned that he would be overthrown and killed in the 22nd year of reign. Having formed a stable system of government, in the 20th year of his tenure in power, Diocletian unexpectedly abdicated the throne and retired to his estate to grow cabbage and flowers. When asked to return to power, he said that cabbage heads were dearer to him than severed heads. Thus, taking advantage of the advice of astrologers, he lived a long and calm life.

Valeria GLOBA, astrologer. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 10 2009
