Representatives Of The Ancient Civilization Do Not Want To See People In Their Possessions - Alternative View

Representatives Of The Ancient Civilization Do Not Want To See People In Their Possessions - Alternative View
Representatives Of The Ancient Civilization Do Not Want To See People In Their Possessions - Alternative View

Video: Representatives Of The Ancient Civilization Do Not Want To See People In Their Possessions - Alternative View

Video: Representatives Of The Ancient Civilization Do Not Want To See People In Their Possessions - Alternative View
Video: Early Muslim Expansion - Arab Conquest of Iran and Egypt 2024, October

Now the planet's population is already 80 million people, and with a further increase it will be deprived of food and energy sources, so scientists have long been thinking about using the underwater territory of the seas for living. But the representatives of the ancient civilization do not want to see earthlings in their possessions and arrange a communal apartment at the bottom.

Projects of specialists in this direction have been developed since the 60s, when experiments were even carried out on the survival of groups of volunteers in special skyscrapers. It is really safe in relation to weather conditions, because energy reserves can be obtained from temperature changes or hydroelectric power stations, and also the oceans occupy most of the planet. They can accommodate humanity, but intelligent representatives of the underwater world have a negative attitude towards such attempts. As you understand, dolphins or whales have nothing to do with it, although it is difficult to believe in the existence of these representatives of other worlds. But scholars noted that the ancient people described them in sacred texts, as the Indian epics eloquently testify.


It mentions strange inhabitants of the underwater depths, dressed in shells, who are hostile to the earthly world, and their number has already exceeded 300 million. If our ancestors were able to survive in the harsh conditions of winter after a global catastrophe, then the civilization of the oceans also had every chance to preserve its existence to this day. It is worth looking at Columbus's recordings, where he talks about mermaids accompanying ships, and 100 years after such an event, American fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico pulled a strange monster vaguely resembling a man ashore. It had gills and protruding eyes, sharp fangs were ready to sink into the hand of their invaders, and dark lumps covered its body. A metal plate hung around his neck, but this monster showed aggression and immediately killed one person, after which he was destroyed himself.


The body was taken with them by the military, and then the story of the find became a secret, the echoes of which leaked to the media. A new case of the appearance of inhabitants of the underwater world was recorded at Lake Baikal, when 3-meter individuals appeared out of the water in shiny clothes and had a negative attitude towards people. Then, in the 80s, during the exercises, soldiers saw them after diving and decided to catch a mysterious enemy for further research. But the abandoned iron net shook sharply from a strong blow and threw the heroes ashore, causing them serious damage. Nobody showed any more attempts to find them, and the plot was shown on TV. Further, the Tobolsk peasant Kuzma Morokov told reporters about his friend who saw how these creatures were dragged ashore after the sinking of several ships. They had webbed limbs and fish tails.


When the American explorer Sanderson described an extraterrestrial civilization under water in his book about UFOs, many considered his work to be fiction. Only now scientists have revised their opinion after deciphering the texts of the Sumerians, which speaks of the gods who came out of the depths, who taught them crafts and science. Contacts between them and the earthlings ceased due to human envy, lies and aggression. But some individuals managed to encounter such creatures during diving in the 60s, when, in the Bermuda Triangle, at a depth of 12 meters, a diver noticed a strange creature with an elongated neck and a monkey face, looking closely at a person. During a vacation on the sea coast of Anapa, a Riga tourist decided to go spearfishing, but he encountered large individuals without scuba gear and having fins instead of limbs. They waved their tails and disappeared into the depths.

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Submariners often notice vehicles of extraterrestrial origin that belong to these residents. In 1902, a British sailor on watch on a ship noticed red lights visible in the water, and then, using binoculars, examined a 180-meter object slowly sinking into the depths. The Argentine military, after finding submarines near the coast of the country, threw bombs at them, only they suddenly rose to the surface and disappeared from the people. Then everyone was shocked by the strange shape of ships, made using unknown technologies, which were not afraid of guns and developed tremendous speed. During the exercise, the Americans observed an object capable of not only moving in different directions, but also going a long distance under water. Near Indonesia, after a collision with an alien ship, the military managed to raise some of the debris to the surface,but immediately the devices recorded 15 working analogs nearby, and then the finds simply disappeared, like the traces of the disaster.


In the 90s, during the exploration of the Mariana Trench, silhouettes of mysterious inhabitants of the depths were visible, who almost damaged their equipment with their devices. In the Bellingshausen Basin, luminous oval-shaped objects have also been seen, but new attempts to detect them have failed. During his voyage, Thor Heyerdahl witnessed the appearance of round heads looking at travelers with their sparkling eyes, and also meter-long balls resembling light bulbs flashed repeatedly in the sea at night. Recent research by scientists has discovered underwater cities with stairs and walls, where ancient civilizations can live, the level of technology of which is even difficult to imagine. Also in the 70s, scientists were suddenly banned from experimenting with underwater shelters, but there may be a grand battle ahead with the true masters of the oceans.

Reshetnikova Irina