Vilya: The Village Of Witches And Sorcerers - Alternative View

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Vilya: The Village Of Witches And Sorcerers - Alternative View
Vilya: The Village Of Witches And Sorcerers - Alternative View

Video: Vilya: The Village Of Witches And Sorcerers - Alternative View

Video: Vilya: The Village Of Witches And Sorcerers - Alternative View

The small village of Vilya, which is located on the banks of the Oka River, began to interest many when an unusual skeleton was discovered by local residents in the forest nearby. The creature unknown to science was decided to be called the Chupacabra. After some time, when the noise subsided, most of the villagers came to the conclusion that this is the skeleton of an ordinary fox. And yet, this village is famous not only for this bloated case.

Village anomalies

Strange events took place in these parts for as long as a person lives here, and most likely much longer. Not far from Vili there is a large meadow, nicknamed long ago by the local shepherds of the Witch. Often, shepherds, returning home with their cattle past this glade, saw witches dancing here. Moreover, these witches were ghosts. Upon arriving home, the cows began to get sick, some died. For many years, local residents have bypassed this glade, and do not allow cattle to approach it. On the approaches to this clearing, radio interference occurs, mobile phones do not work well, and the GPS is completely dead. It is not possible to record strange sounds in this clearing, as the equipment refuses to work here.

On the glade itself, an ordinary, at first glance, birch tree grows. One local legend is associated with this tree - a local hunter ran out of the forest into a clearing with eyes goggled in horror and fell dead. At the place of her husband's death, the widow planted this birch tree. Locals say that whoever touches this birch tree will die. Even atheists do not dare to come close to this tree.

About witches and captive maidens

This village was nicknamed the village of sorcerers for a reason - even during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, a military outpost was located here, erected in a strategically convenient place, on an elevation between two rivers. The military was treated by local witches and sorcerers, who eventually founded their own village here. And since the founders of the village were witches and sorcerers, this village was nicknamed the village of sorcerers. By the way, it was in these parts that the lair of the famous robber Vasily Roshchin was located and the first railway plant in Russia was built.

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According to one of the legends, at the same time of Ivan the Terrible, several soldiers hungry for love kidnapped three still very young girls from the village. The men raped these girls for several days, and then killed and buried them in that very clearing. They say that the ghosts of witches that the shepherds see are the same brutally murdered girls.

And yet, legends are legends, and evidence of anomalous incidents in these parts continues to flow - the locals tell stories about people who came out of the deep forest and fell dead under unexplained circumstances. Journalists sent here to report have often seen plasma balloons that appear in front of a car driving on a local road. In most cases, journalists do not manage to report at all, all videos and photographs mysteriously turn out to be defective. The journalists are still lucky. Once the researcher Vasily Rasskazov, who risked spending the night in a tent near the cursed meadow, woke up in the morning with a burn on his face that looked like a radioactive one.
