We Ourselves Are Not Local - Peoples Who Do Not Consider Themselves Human Or Claim To Have Come From The Stars - Alternative View

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We Ourselves Are Not Local - Peoples Who Do Not Consider Themselves Human Or Claim To Have Come From The Stars - Alternative View
We Ourselves Are Not Local - Peoples Who Do Not Consider Themselves Human Or Claim To Have Come From The Stars - Alternative View

Video: We Ourselves Are Not Local - Peoples Who Do Not Consider Themselves Human Or Claim To Have Come From The Stars - Alternative View

Video: We Ourselves Are Not Local - Peoples Who Do Not Consider Themselves Human Or Claim To Have Come From The Stars - Alternative View
Video: People Who Spend A Lot of Time in Nature, What is The Creepiest Thing You Have Seen? Part 2 2024, September

There are few of them, but they are firmly convinced that they are not people or came from the stars. And, you know, their lifestyle and some features make it even possible to believe it. Although, of course, this is very unlikely, but who knows.

In fact, there are only two of them - Toda in India and Uru in South America. Probably one more people should be added to them - Aymara. No, the Aymara Indians do not claim anything supernatural about their origin, but they speak a language whose human origin is in great doubt. But in order.

Mountain sorcerers

All peoples living next to the Toda people consider them to be sorcerers. And absolutely seriously, this is not a figure of speech. They are firmly convinced that Toda can heal with the touch of their hands, have power over elephants and tigers and can turn into them themselves, and that the short sticks that they all wear are magic. By the way, Tod has no weapons other than these sticks and never had any weapons. They are probably the only ones like that on earth.

This people lives high in the mountains in the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India. they are very different from the local peoples in appearance. Toda is taller, sturdier, lighter and often has light-eyed people. There are only about 1000 of them, but this is not from extinction. There have always been so many. And three hundred years ago, when Europeans discovered them, and now. They somehow regulate their numbers.

Moreover, they have a constant male to female ratio. 20 women per hundred men. At one time, they were even suspected of regulating the number and sex ratio by killing unwanted children. But no, it was not confirmed. Toda themselves say that they know how to give birth to children as they need and what they need and that they did this in their homeland. And this is where the strangest begins.


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They say that in India they are not local and came from the island of Sri Lanka. This is normal, but the statements that they came to Sri Lanka from the stars, and more specifically from the constellation of the Bull, greatly confuse all researchers. Although their complete difference from all other people and not only in India or Sri Lanka is no longer denied.

First, the language. No, in everyday life they speak the standard Tamil language, but there is also the sacred language “kvorzha” which is spoken by the priests, although all the Toda speak it. This language has nothing to do with any language of the earth. Moreover, despite the fact that the Toda does not hide it, it is still not fully understood and deciphered. Second, a blood test. He showed very big differences from the universal formula.

All Toda rites and lifestyles are associated with this legend. And they believe that someday they will return home to the constellation of the bull.

Science is still at a complete dead end and a variety of hypotheses are emerging. For example, that they come from the sunken mainland of Lemuria. Well, if from Lemuria, then why not from the stars. Research continues and maybe someday we will figure out what kind of people they are.

Cat-Sun or not the people of Lake Titicaca

The Uru people, who live high in the mountains on Lake Titicaca (exactly "on" the lake, and not around on the shore) in all seriousness claim that they are not people and appeared before the birth of the sun, and our star and people appeared much later. They say that they looked completely different and their blood was black, while pointing at the ruins of the ancient city of Tiahuanaco (very ancient, there is still no exact date). And on the walls of this city on the banks of the Titicaca, very strange creatures vaguely resembling people are really depicted.

Relief from Tiahuanaco
Relief from Tiahuanaco

Relief from Tiahuanaco.

Here is what Uru was told to the French ethnologist Jean Velard, who lived among them for a long time:

We are very ancient, the most ancient … We are the inhabitants of the lake, cat-sun. We are non-humans! - they said to the ethnographer Jean Velard.

Here, like the Toda, the whole way of life is unusual. In addition, they are surprisingly resistant to cold, not humanly, one might say. And the language also has no analogues among the languages of the earth, but there is nothing strange - in America it is generally a common phenomenon. Genetic studies, unfortunately, have not been carried out … well, or they have not been published anywhere.

So with Uru's unusualness, the question is open. So far, this is all just mythology.

Multi-valued logic

Unlike the previous two, the Aymara people are not small in number and make up about 25% of the population of Bolivia. Moreover, Bolivian President Evo Morales is an Aymara by nationality. True, they also live high in the mountains and again near Lake Titicaca mostly, though on the shore.

Aymara themselves do not claim that they are not people or that they came from the stars. Their mythology fits well into the standard framework. But their language raises great doubts about their earthly origin.

After all, any human language is based on the principles of human thinking and fully reflects it, and it may be differently. So all languages are based on binary (binary logic) peculiar to people. Yes - no, truth is a lie, good is evil, and so on. Of course, everywhere there are mechanisms for doubting the truth or falsity, the subjectivity of these concepts. For example, what is true for one may be false for another. However, the binary itself is the same for everyone. Everyone, except Aymar.


There is a third element in this language. For example, truth, falsehood and the third, which is both true and false, and not subjective for someone, but absolutely objectively and independently. To be honest, it somehow does not fit into my standard head. And so in everything. This is no longer a binary standard human logic, but a higher level - ternary logic, the first stage of multi-valued logic. Can you imagine how complicated all further reasoning and conclusions are. However, there are much more opportunities.

I must say that humanity came to this only in the 20th century and only in higher mathematics. Now advanced computer languages are built on this logic, and Aymara have been using it in everyday life for thousands of years. How so.

This question is of great interest to both linguists and mathematicians, but there is no answer. Well, except for a hypothesis such as that there was some highly developed civilization that created an artificial language and instilled it in one of the primitive tribes. It's hard to believe somehow. Well, maybe in time they will figure it out.

And also Aymar's future is behind, and the past is ahead. Such is the language.