Artificial Intelligence With Pedophile Tendencies. AI Has Cunning Abilities - Alternative View

Artificial Intelligence With Pedophile Tendencies. AI Has Cunning Abilities - Alternative View
Artificial Intelligence With Pedophile Tendencies. AI Has Cunning Abilities - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Intelligence With Pedophile Tendencies. AI Has Cunning Abilities - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Intelligence With Pedophile Tendencies. AI Has Cunning Abilities - Alternative View
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When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, the jury still doesn't know if AI will be the savior of humanity, helping to make our lives easier and more peaceful - or if a Terminator scenario is being created in which humanity will have to fight technology in order to survive. While we at TFTP remain optimistic about the AI outlook, the story below shows that there are some concerns.

This week, the mother of a 7-year-old girl was horrified when she learned that her daughter was interacting with an AI robot on the Internet, and the robot turned the conversation to a sexual topic, knowing that she was a child.

Amy Holland, the mother of 7-year-old Gracie, lashed out at an AI app called Cleverbot, which allows users to communicate with artificial intelligence - after it began asking inappropriate questions and writing dirty sexual messages.


What makes this case especially insidious is that before the AI started using sexual innuendo, it learned that the girl was underage.

As you can see in the screen below, the conversation started out innocently enough.


However, he quickly took on a predatory nature after the AI learned that there was a child on the other end.

Promotional video:


Gracie clearly lied about her age, however, the 14-year-old is still a child, and the AI control program was supposed to stop this conversation and prevent it from progressing further to where it came to.


“Now I have to explain why this happened to her, now everything is perverted, children should lose their innocence at a young age, you think that they are just talking to a robot, and he pushes them to do it,” said Gracie's mother.

I'm afraid my daughter might see this on the Internet, and then if someone comes up to her on the street and offers the same thing, she'll think it's good.

I am very upset, I have to warn other parents about this, there must be many parents who do not know that this is happening and what I discovered by accident.

She thinks it's all innocent, she doesn't understand, she's just an innocent child."

Moreover, Amy reported to the police, but there she was told that there was nothing they could do because the online predator was not human.

“When I went to the police, I was furious, and they just said that they could not do anything, because this is an automatic service.

The comments I have seen on the Internet say that such pedophilic cases are no longer uncommon and many other people have had the same problem.”

We know what you are thinking. This mom should never let her daughter go online and start chatting with someone at the age of 7. The whole situation could have been avoided if Amy had been more worried about what her daughter was doing. However, AI bots should not be programmed by pedophiles.

This incident also shows another powerful point. The person or group of people who programmed this AI also bribed the police as they completely ignore this fact, and this shows which side they are on and where their priorities are, and they are definitely not with children.

This AI application could have been created by pedophiles to spy on children and get them to engage in sexual conversations, as a means of collecting some unhealthy information that programmers want to collect. But the authorities don't give a damn.

This case can be used as an example for everyone. Parents, follow your kids online and understand that AI has devious powers.