Bigfoot In The Karkaraly Forest - Alternative View

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Bigfoot In The Karkaraly Forest - Alternative View
Bigfoot In The Karkaraly Forest - Alternative View

Video: Bigfoot In The Karkaraly Forest - Alternative View

Video: Bigfoot In The Karkaraly Forest - Alternative View
Video: Bigfoot Files | Bigfoot Encounters - Face to Face | Channel 4 2024, June

Incredible eyewitness accounts of encounters with the unknown

I believed in the existence of Bigfoot for a long time. But the fact that fantastic creatures lived in the Karkaraly forest, I could not imagine. However, later I was firmly convinced of this. Judging by the stories of the old residents of Karkaralinsk, snow giants live in the local forests. My interlocutors, absolutely healthy, rationally thinking people, also did not believe in their existence. Until, being in a sober mind and with a firm memory, they faced the unknown …

Baikal Daharuli, born in 1940, unfortunately, now deceased, told me the first story about the meeting with the Bigfoot in the Karkaraly forest.

- We were young men. Once with the boys went to the forest for berries. We collect it and suddenly we see something shaggy from behind the bushes a few meters from us. We thought the dog was a stray. But what was our surprise and fear when, instead of the dog, they saw a large man overgrown with hair, similar to a monkey. We, forgetting about the berries, ran as hard as we could … I'm sure it was Bigfoot. He did not look like an ordinary earthling or some kind of animal …

If the first story took place not far from the city itself, then the second case of meeting with a Bigfoot was recorded a little further from Karkaralinsk - in the Kent Mountains. This gives reason to assert that more than one mysterious creature lived in the local forests, but there were more of them and they lived in different parts of the green oasis.

Here is what the old-timer of Karkaralinsk Sofya Alekseevna Karazhan, born in 1935, told:

- The meeting with Bigfoot happened in the Kent Mountains in the summer of 1959. In June, an expedition to collect herbs arrived in the Karkaralinsky region from Leningrad. I got a job with them, I wanted to earn some money for clothes. There were 13 of us on the expedition. The main one is Mikhail Donchik who came from Leningrad, he was with his wife Tatyana. We pitched tents and lived in the Kent Mountains. Around the forest, mountains, a river flows from below. Beauty! There was wintering not far from the forester's house. Once its owner, an aksakal, complained to us that often someone takes the cattle away, especially in the winter months. According to him, this thief looked like a man, but not a man. For some reason, the old man assumed that it was a shaitan. And then we heard from other people that Bigfoot lives in this area. They did not know whether to believe these stories or not. We were lucky to be convinced of their veracity in a few days. Forester Kappas lost his horse, and we decided to help him find it. At dawn we went to look. The combing of the territory turned out to be ineffectual. But we got to the cave, which was not far from our camp. And here we are sitting not far from this hole in the mountain, talking and - you will not believe it: we saw a tall man covered with wool, he was without clothes. This creature has long hair on its head and huge arms. Height is about two meters. We were shocked! So it’s true! We observed the Bigfoot with our own eyes. He was leading a horse. We immediately thought it was the forester's missing horse. The hairy giant approached the cave and led the animal there. We sat in shock and watched him in silence. Fear gripped us. A few minutes later the forester himself approached. We told him about what we saw. Kappas flatly refused to go to the cave.“This something can destroy my entire family. Better to eat my horse! the alarmed man said. Several days passed. For the sake of curiosity, we decided to visit this cave in the afternoon. The forester went with us and dared. We went in, went into the depths and found the well-gnawed bones of a horse. On the sidelines, they saw the snowman himself, he was sleeping on the branches of trees. We ran out of there in fear … Soon this forester quit. I heard that then the cordon burned down. When the expedition was leaving, Mikhail Donchik said that he would inform his superiors and whoever needed this unprecedented creature that perhaps researchers would come to Karkaralinsk. But we never got any news from them …The forester went with us and dared. We went in, went into the depths and found the well-gnawed bones of a horse. On the sidelines, they saw the snowman himself, he was sleeping on the branches of trees. We ran out of there in fear … Soon this forester quit. I heard that then the cordon burned down. When the expedition was leaving, Mikhail Donchik said that he would inform his superiors and whoever needed this unprecedented creature that perhaps researchers would come to Karkaralinsk. But we never got any news from them …The forester went with us and dared. We went in, went into the depths and found the well-gnawed bones of a horse. On the sidelines, they saw the snowman himself, he was sleeping on the branches of trees. We ran out of there in fear … Soon this forester quit. I heard that then the cordon burned down. When the expedition was leaving, Mikhail Donchik said that he would inform his superiors and whoever needed this unprecedented creature that perhaps researchers would come to Karkaralinsk. But we never got any news from them …what he will inform his superiors and who needs about this unprecedented creature, that perhaps researchers will come to Karkaralinsk. But we never got any news from them …what he will inform his superiors and who needs about this unprecedented creature, that perhaps researchers will come to Karkaralinsk. But we never got any news from them …

If in the two previous stories the encounters with the snowmen ended well, in the next one the encounter with the unknown turned out to be tragic.

Promotional video:

“This accident happened to my father,” said Vera Yakovlevna Mokrinskaya, a resident of Karkaraly (born in 1924). - When the Berkkar mine was closed, the boss of the Pope called and asked him to come. It was spring, mud … Father saddled his horse and set off. I got there safely, got my payment, vacation pay and went back. When I reached the peak of Komsomol (located a few kilometers from Karkaralinsk. - Author's note), suddenly a terrible humanoid creature came out onto the road. Now I'm sure it was Bigfoot. Father got scared. The horse reared up, even got wet. And this creature says to the father: "You will die this year." He arrived home dumbfounded and upset. Has changed dramatically - stopped talking, eating. We ask the reason - is silent. We had just a tenant lived, worked in the personnel department in geology. He and his father loved to communicate, talked for a long time. Once she asks him: “Yakov Grigorievich, what's the matter with you? Previously, they were constantly joking, they were talkative, but now keep quiet, as if something is eating you? " Her father revealed his secret to her, told what happened to him. But he asked her not to let her family slip out. She told us only after my father's funeral. The father met this creature in March and died on July 5. It was in 1953 …

If you follow the dates, then all the evidence that snowmen live in Karkaraly belongs to the middle of the last century. Since then, no one else has said that they saw this mysterious creature. Where are the hairy giants nowadays? Why don't the current residents of Karkaralinsk see them? Perhaps they live in the depths of the forest, away from people. Probably, a person, mastering all new territories, scares away unknown inhabitants. Some sources describe that they can disappear. Perhaps somewhere in a parallel universe we walk side by side with them. And only sometimes, in order to tease or scare us a little, they come out of the gloom …

Erlan Mustafin, ethnographer, Karkaralinsk