To The History Of The Issue. Contacts And Human Civilization - Alternative View

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To The History Of The Issue. Contacts And Human Civilization - Alternative View
To The History Of The Issue. Contacts And Human Civilization - Alternative View

Video: To The History Of The Issue. Contacts And Human Civilization - Alternative View

Video: To The History Of The Issue. Contacts And Human Civilization - Alternative View
Video: Asia and the Lights of Civilization: A history of exchanges 2024, September

What the Bible Told

In 1997, the UFO phenomenon celebrated its 50th anniversary. What characteristics were not given to this phenomenon over the past five decades - this is the "paradox of the XX century" and "mass psychosis" and "the threshold of contact with other worlds" and "an unknown phenomenon of nature"

Meanwhile, for a very long time, man was faced with inexplicable phenomena and we see confirmation of this in the works of literature and art of many peoples who inhabited the planet long before our era. We also find echoes of these visits in ancient mythology. The idea that the gods, who came from somewhere from outside space, once interfered in the affairs of people, was not invented by Erich von Deniken, but is common to many human cultures.

Take a highly respected book like the Bible. Modern researchers believe that it began to be recorded 3200 years ago, but it is possible that this period is two to three times longer. In Genesis (6, 2) it is said: and the sons of God saw the daughters of men and that they were beautiful and took them as their wives, whatever one chose.

These "sons of God" are also described in the so-called Book of Enoch, which was half-rejected by the early church precisely for claiming that the fallen angels ("Nephilim" or Observers) were physical beings capable of sexual intercourse with humans. The Book of Enoch was largely forgotten and rediscovered (in an Ethiopian Coptic monastery) in the early nineteenth century. This manuscript dates from the second century BC, but goes back to an older source. Enoch himself, the father of Methuselah (Genesis 5, 18-24), was kidnapped: “And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, because God took him."

And so what? - the reader will ask. “Well, the man is gone, the Lord has cleaned him up …” But no, he did not clean up and did not kill him. The Bible is an extremely accurate book. Over the course of three thousand years, this book has been copied, re-read and compared with the original in the most accurate way. Only in Judea did the profession of a Torah reader exist, who corrected each copy of it from beginning to end and back, even comparing the frequency of repetition of individual letters. And this profession was hereditary and the responsibility was very high.

Further (Genesis 5:27) follows: “All the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty-nine years; and he died. And higher:

"… all the days of Adam's life were nine hundred and thirty years and he died." In the same way, his son Seth, and his grandson Enos, and the great-grandson of Cainan, and the great-great-grandson of Maleleil, and the great-great-grandson of Jared died … But Enoch … - "was taken by God!"

Promotional video:

And it must be - about this outstanding man, "walking with God" (how is this generally understood? Was his spy? Overseer over people?) - about such a mysterious person the Bible does not say a word more for the remaining 1000 pages and 3000 years!

The Book of Enoch was cursed by the rabbis and removed from the Bible. However, they could not completely erase this text, so as not to violate the logical integrity (and possibly the secret meaning) of the Bible - hence the beginning of the sixth chapter of the Bible - 1-8.

Further in the book of Enoch it is said how two hundred observers "descended" on Mount Hermon (on the border of Syria, Lebanon and Israel). These were "Elohim" and people could hardly look at them. Contrary to the advice of their leader Shemyaza, under the leadership of Azazel, they became local settlers, taught people the forbidden arts and took human wives who bore them children. This offspring was so fortunate that Holy Scripture directly calls them "giants". And he adds "a strong, ancient glorious tribe …"

As a result, as Enoch writes, God told the watchers of heaven, who left him and stained themselves by contacting women, that their children would perish, and they themselves would not know mercy and mercy. Sent to heaven by observers to pray for them, Enoch, guided by the intensified light of the stars and flashes of light, reached the crystal wall surrounded by "vibrating light." Through it he went to a "special dwelling", also built of crystal. Here Someone, "whose clothes were brighter than the sun," ordered him to say to the observers:

- You must pray to me, not people for you … for you were originally spiritual and possessed a life that is eternal and not subject to death. I have not created wives for you, for being spiritual you must dwell in heaven.

The Lord's decision was duly carried out on earth by his "Satans" (prosecutors). The observers were taken into custody awaiting the Last Judgment, their offspring were destroyed, but evil spirits were expelled from their bodies, which haunt us to this day.

No matter how you consider the story told by Enoch, whether it be everyday, sci-fi or mythological-legendary, for a society that does not recognize the existence of another civilization outside our planet, his story will be the most disgusting heresy, no matter what religion it professes.

The rabbis, who carefully compiled the lists of the Torah for three thousand years, made another unforgivable mistake, which was regularly repeated by hundreds of thousands of scribes, translators, printing workers and editors suggest that this is actually a cryptography, understandable only to the initiated). Literally it sounds like this: “… And the Lord said: behold, there is one people, and all have one language; and this is what they began to do (we are talking about the construction of the Tower of Babel. - Avt.), and they will not lag behind what they decided to do; let us go down and mix (italics ours. - Auth.) their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other. (Genesis 11: 6-7).

Experiencing the deepest respect in the Bible, as the greatest and oldest book of all times and peoples, considering it fundamental for the fate of most of the peoples of the Earth, we do not believe that its scribes, translators and editors had a hard time with grammar. And then the questions arise: With whom did the Lord talk? Who did he suggest to go and mix the languages of the aborigines of our planet? And finally, what did He gain from what He did?

We mentioned this episode of world history in our previous book "The Mysteries of History". Let us recall that we consider it unnecessary here to consider what the Lord used to destroy the harmony of understanding that existed among our great-great-ancestors.

We believe that even today a strong psychic hypnotist is able to inspire a sufficiently large number of people gathered in one room that each of them does not understand the language of his neighbor. What can we say about a force that can flood the entire planet in the blink of an eye or send a rain of fire to cities they dislike?

Let's dive into terminology for a moment. What did the ancient Jews understand by the word Lord? The Hebrew term elohim, as used in Genesis, is usually translated as "Lord" or "God." In fact, it is the feminine plural of the word "el" which has a common meaning in many ancient languages. In Sumerian it meant "brightness, brilliance" or "shining", in ancient Cornish "angel", just as in Anglo-Saxon "aelf" (elf) means "shining creature". So what does it mean in the Bible? In the Hebrew version, it first appears in the first line of the first chapter (Genesis 1,1), read like this: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

But then in the same chapter (Genesis 1.26) God becomes much (!): "And God said: Let us make man in our image, in our likeness." There is something strange about this. But if you substitute the term God for its original meaning, then everything falls into place: "In the beginning, the Shining heaven and earth were created." Or: "The shining ones said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."

This confusion (and the term "elohim" appears in the Pentateuch about thirty times) throws a dubious light not only on these early beliefs or the history of pre-Moisean Jews, but also on the motives that have guided Bible translators over the past twenty centuries (!). Was extraterrestrial interference deliberately misinterpreted by the rabbis to make it acceptable to an emerging new religious ethnos? Did the early church fathers work to suppress any belief that "God" and "angels" could be anything other than "supernatural" powers? But why was this done? More than once information has appeared in the press that the "most ancient mystery of the Bible" has finally been solved. As a rule, behind this lies the attempts of another home-grown interpreter to present to the world his delusional views on the problem of the Apocalypse. However, we believe that someday actual archaeological data will also come to the aid of logic and reason.

Other stories about contacts with an alien mind have survived, especially those described by the Chaldean priest Burroess and, unfortunately, the "Babylonian story", which is now preserved in fragments. Written around 300 BC she claims that the earthly civilization was founded by alien amphibians.

Led by Oannes (later Dagon, the fish-tailed Philistine god), these creatures were very unattractive in appearance. Berossus writes:

“The whole body of this animal was like a fish and had another under the fish's head, as well as legs below, which joined to the tail. Voice and language were articulated and human … When the sun went down, this creature usually dived into the sea again and stayed there in the depths all night, as it was amphibious."

This phrase is strangely consistent with the statement of Plato (see "Timaeus", "Critias") that the Atlantean civilization (which died 12-15 thousand years ago) was founded by the children of Poseidon (as opposed to people - the children of Zeus).

The very existence of the dispute implies a mystery that defies all preliminary concepts. Authors like von Deniken can be safely dismissed for distorting the available evidence in favor of our own theories. Barry Downing is also not credible after his claims that Old Testament prophets such as Elijah and Ezekiel spent their time traveling in UFOs (as the author interpreted the biblical chariot of fire). However, these theories do not prove that such contacts never took place.

Some argue that the "sons of God" continued to influence the world beyond the time of Enoch. Christian O'Brien proves that the Elohim later traveled around the globe teaching humanity that they were the Tuata de Danaan, a magical Irish tribe from Celtic lore, and that the Mesopotamian ziggurats, Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge and Avebury are the result of their training. Likewise, the late TS Lethbridge speculates that the "sons of God" after the "war in heaven" settled on Earth and built megalithic circles as navigational beacons, powered by the "bioelectronic power" emitted by human dances and rituals.

Legends about the visit of the Earth by unknown creatures can be found in many sources. The Book of Daniel says that he saw "wheels of fire" in heaven. The famous "Qumran Scrolls" tells how Eve saw a chariot of fire, which was carried through the clouds by four sparkling eagles, and Adam, near which this "flying machine" landed, clearly saw the smoke breaking through the wheels.

In ancient Christian sources, there are also descriptions of flights of some unknown objects that resemble modern UFOs. According to the data of the candidate of historical sciences Bilinbakhov, in the legends of the North American Indians, observations in antiquity of flights of some round objects were also mentioned. So, in the legends of the Indians of the state of Wyoming, it was said that many moons ago a large "wheel" sailed from the sky and landed on the top of the Shaman Mountain, and then flew away with the speed of a frightened bird. And in the legends of the Indians of Minnesota and Canada, it was said that "long before the arrival of the Europeans, round silent chariots that could land on the sea flew there."

But enough about the legends, let's look for other evidence.

So that the reader does not get the impression that the UFO problem was invented by the Americans, who have read the novels of Heinlein and Hamilton, it makes sense to delve into the historical chronicles. And then we will make sure that UFOs visited our planet no less often than now.

Objects that resemble modern UFOs were observed on Earth in ancient times. In the annals, legends and writings of ancient authors, many messages have been preserved about unknown objects of the correct shape, from time to time appearing in heaven.

The very first images of UFOs, made, apparently, 10-15 thousand years ago, were found on the walls of caves in Spain, France, China. For example, disc-shaped objects are depicted in the cave of La Passiega in Spain and in the caves of No and von de Goma in the province of Dordon in France.

Located in Altair, in the Spanish province of Santander, herds of buffalo are depicted on the walls of the cave, and on its vault - rows of disc-shaped objects similar to UFOs, which allows us to assume that they were observed in the sky.

In Kyushu province, Japan, the Chin San tomb, dated 2000 BC, depicts an ancient king raising his hands in greeting before seven flying discs.

In the ancient Tibetan texts "Kandshur" and "Tandshur", kept in the dungeons of Buddhist monasteries, it is reported, in modern language, about flying machines "like pearls in the sky" and about transparent balls in which the gods were occasionally shown to people.

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.
