Ancient Giants. Part One - Alternative View

Ancient Giants. Part One - Alternative View
Ancient Giants. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Giants. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Giants. Part One - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Giants and Their Magical Powers... Secrets of Catalina Island 2024, June

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To carry out particularly laborious work and the construction of gigantic structures, the Anunnaki, using genetic engineering, created several varieties of giants with a height of 2.5 to 15 meters, endowing them with a significant life expectancy. Moreover, mostly only males - apparently, so that they do not reproduce uncontrollably (there is almost no mention of female giantesses in ancient legends).

In the legends of many peoples and biblical legends, information about the "Rephaim" (giants), "copper giants", "frost giants", which almost all perished during the flood or were destroyed by the gods, has been preserved.

The Babylonian priest Berossus wrote that in antediluvian times the land was inhabited by giants. At first, the giants treated people well, but over time they hardened and began to eat them:

Feeding on human flesh, they expelled the fetuses of women for cooking. Prodigally cohabited with their own mothers, sisters, daughters, boys, animals; did not respect the gods and did all sorts of iniquity.

The gods decided to destroy these evil and sinful creatures by sending the waters of a flood to the earth.

The codes of the South American Indians - "Codex Rios" and "Codex Telleriano-Remensis", stored in the library of the Vatican and the episcopate in Rheims, contains information about the existence of giants who lived on our planet before the Flood:

The day came when death took possession of mankind. Then the adults had to retire to the country of Mistlan, and the children took their places at the miraculous tree. This tree fed the children with its milk, like a mother. Then a new race of giants was formed, which existed for 4008 years. Then the gods, dissatisfied with them, sent a flood to Earth. When the flood stopped, a new race arose. It existed until a hurricane of extraordinary strength came from heaven, destroying all living things … The surviving people turned into monkeys …

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An Indian of the Quechua tribe in 1545 told the old soldier-priest Cieza de Leone about people of enormous stature:

These giants were of such size that from the ground to the knees, they were the same height as the height of an adult. They looked amazing with hair falling over their shoulders. But they were beardless. And they ate more than fifty people. Their eyes were as big as a plate. The arms and legs were accordingly incredible sizes. Some covered themselves with animal skins, others were simply naked. They were not accompanied by women. Moving deep into the continent, they literally devastated the country …

According to the legend of the Indians, passed down from generation to generation, the giants arrived in reed boats from the Pacific Ocean in very ancient times. The giants broke the resistance of the Indians and took their women as their wives:

But they led to the death of these women; the giants were too big for them, and the women were simply torn apart and perished.

Later, the giants became homosexuals:

… because there were no women with them; while they were openly engaged in their obscene business in the marketplace, the heavens opened and the fire punished them.

The most authoritative chronicler of Peruvian history, Garci-laso de la Vega (1539-1616), a descendant of the Peruvian princess and the Spanish conquistador, wrote in the History of the Inca State about the appearance of a tribe of giants on the South American continent:

The locals tell, based on the story they heard from their fathers, which existed and exists for a very long time, that such huge people sailed across the sea on cane rafts made in the form of large boats that some of them had the same knee height as [the length] of the body of an ordinary person, even if he himself was of good stature, and that the parts of their bodies were so consistent with their enormous size that it was terrifying to see [their] heads - so huge they were - and hair falling over their shoulders. The eyes were as big as small plates; claim that they did not have beards, and that some of them were dressed in animal skins, while others [walked] in what nature has bestowed on them, and that they did not bring women with them. Those who arrived at this cape arranged their dwelling like a village [for even in these times the memory of the placeswhere these things of theirs that they built] and did not find the [fresh] water, from the lack of which they suffered. They dug the deepest wells, which were a structure worthy of memory in itself, for it was created by such extremely powerful people, as it can be assumed about them, because they were so huge. They dug these wells right in the rock until they found water, and then they laid them out with stone from the water to the very top, so that they lasted for many times and centuries; they have very good and tasty water, and it is always cold, which is why it is a great pleasure to drink one might suppose about them, since they were so huge. They dug these wells right in the rock until they found water, and then they laid them out with stone from the water to the very top, so that they lasted for many times and centuries; they have very good and tasty water, and it is always cold, which is why it is a great pleasure to drink one might suppose about them, since they were so huge. They dug these wells right in the rock until they found water, and then they laid them out with stone from the water to the very top, so that they lasted for many times and centuries; they have very good and tasty water, and it is always cold, which is why it is a great pleasure to drink it.

When these big people built their dwellings and they got wells from which they drank, they began to destroy and eat any food that was found in the surrounding lands; they ate so much that one of them is said to have eaten more than fifty men from the natives of that land; and since they lacked the food that they found [on the land] to support their existence, they killed many fish in the sea, [catching] it with their nets and fishing utensils that they had. The locals disgusted them with great disgust, because if they used their women, they died …

The "Legends of the Jews of Antiquity" speaks of several types of giants that existed on our planet in time immemorial - emiters ("terrible"), refaiters ("giants"), giborim ("mighty"), samsunites ("crafty"), avids ("Perverted"), nephelim ("depraved"). In the apocrypha of "The Revelation of Baruch" (Greek version), even the exact number of giants is indicated:

… When God made a flood on the earth and destroyed all flesh and 4,090,000 giants, and the waters rose 15 cubits higher than the highest mountains.

When Noah, warned by the gods about the impending flood, began to build his ark, the giants, who were taller than the tops of the tallest palms, laughed at him: “The flood will not harm us. We are too tall and can block rivers with our feet. But the Flood broke out, and almost all the haughty giants died. The giant Og (Ogmiy) escaped death by hiding on the roof of the ark. The Babylonian sacred books mention this event:

Noah saved Og, the giant, by allowing him to fit behind the barred door of the ark. Through the bars Noah served him food every day.

The surviving giants settled in Palestine. After the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, Moses sent scouts to Palestine, who informed him:

There we saw giants, the sons of Anak, from a gigantic family; and we were like locusts in our eyes before them, we were the same in their eyes (Num. 13, 34).

The Talmud describes the meeting of Moses with the giant Og:

Moses saw a gigantic mass towering over the wall. "What is it?" - thought Moses … It turned out to be the king of Bashan Og. He sat on the wall, and his feet reached the ground.

In the Fifth Book of Moses, it is reported about the size of the king's bed:

For only Og, the king of Bashan, remained of the Rephaim. Here is his bed, an iron bed, and now in Rabbah, with the sons of Ammon: its length is nine cubits [4.5 meters], and its width is four cubits, male cubits (Deut. 3:11).

Rephaim translated from Hebrew means "giant". One of the Palestinian tribes kept the bed of the last Rephaim king for a long time as a relic.

In Celtic legends, information about giants-cannibals has been preserved, who tore out the bellies of people and, having eaten with human flesh, danced around their victims. The figurine of an anthropomorphic monster with a human hand sticking out of its mouth very accurately depicts the process of saturation of the giant. The monster holds the heads of people in its paws. Similar reliefs and statues are found among the Indians of South America.

Giants are mentioned in Vedic and Hindu mythologies. Daitya giant demons, opponents of the gods, were the children of Kashyapa and Diti. The Rakshasas, giants with bristly hair, open mouth and sharp protruding teeth, were created by Brahma to protect the pristine waters, but over time they went out of control and began to harm gods and people: at night they ravaged altars, drank the blood of sleeping animals and abducted women. These cannibals grabbed the unfortunate victim, tore her belly and drank in blood, and after the feast they indulged in dancing.

There is a lot of information about giants in Greek mythology. From the sky god Uranus, the earth goddess Gaia gave birth to the titans and titanids, including Kronos and Rhea. When the Cyclops (with one eye in the forehead) and the Hecatoncheira (hundred-handed) were born, Uranus was so frightened that he did not release them from the womb of Gaia. Suffering from the severity of the fetus, she decided to suppress the excessive fertility of her husband, and at her instigation Kronos emasculated her father. From the blood of castrated Uranus absorbed into the earth, giants arose. (Here you can see a clear hint of the ancient Greeks about the use of the chromosomes of Uranus in a genetic experiment conducted by the gods.) The giants rebelled against the Olympian gods, but were defeated by Hercules and thrown into the underground Tartarus.

Cyclops (cyclops) were distinguished by extraordinary strength, rude and cruel disposition. They lived separately in caves on the tops of the mountains and were engaged in cattle breeding. Cyclops Polyphemus, who is described in the Odyssey, easily lifted and threw a stone that could hardly have been moved by 22 horses harnessed to carts. Treacherous and fearless, he ate several of Odysseus's companions.

Hesiod in his "Works and Days" wrote about the people of the copper generation, whom the ancient Greeks considered giants:

The third parent of Kronid is a generation of speaking people, He created copper, in nothing unlike the generation

with the former.

With spears. Those people were powerful and terrible. Loved

Terrible business of Ares, violence. They did not eat bread.

Stronger than iron was their mighty spirit. No one to come close

I did not dare to go to them: they possessed great power, And unrestrained arms grew on the shoulders of the powerful. They had armor of copper and copper of their dwelling, The work was done with copper: no one knew about iron.

In the poem "Theogony", he, probably, based on more ancient sources, describes the battle of the titans with the gods:

For a long time we fought against each other

In fierce mighty battles, with tension that wounds the soul, Gods Titans and gods born of Cronus:

Glorious gods Titans - from the greatest Orphic mountain, Gods, born of Gaia fair-haired from Cronus, Any giver of benefits - from the peaks of the snowy Olympus.

A terribly endless sea roared, The earth moaned deafly, the sky gasped wide, And she shuddered; the great Olympus trembled to the foot

From a terrifying fight. Heavy soil trembling, Dull foot stomping and the whistle of mighty throwing

The depths of the deepest have reached the underworld shrouded in darkness.

Lightning rained down, went the Thundering Lord. Peruns, Full of brilliance and thunder, from a powerful hand flew

Often one by one; and the sacred flame swirled, Scorching with heat, the earth hummed dully and mournfully,

And crackled under the fire devouring the forest innumerable.

The soil was boiling all around. Oceans were seething currents

And the noisy sea. Titans subterranean cruel

Heat seized.

They were thrown into the underground, as deep as far from the sky, For so far from us is the gloomy Tartarus …

Publius Ovid Nazon in his work "Metamorphoses" also mentions the tribe of giants destroyed by the gods:

They say that the Giants began to strive for the kingdom of heaven, To the high stars they piled up the mountains in steps.

Here the almighty father Olympus crushed, he sent down

Lightning; from Ossa he overthrew Pelion perched on her.

The earth is crushed, the bodies of giants lay, Here, according to legend, children with abundant blood

The earth became wet and the hot blood revived;

And so that some kind of memory is preserved from her kind, The image gave her people. But this is her offspring

He did not honor the gods at all, he was fiercely greedy for murder …

The biblical Goliath, defeated by David with the help of a shepherd's sling, judging by the descriptions, was about three meters tall. Originally from Gath, he belonged to the remnants of the ancient gigantic Rephaim tribe. During the war between the Philistines and the Israelites during the reign of Saul, he terrified the army of the Israelites. The armament of Goliath is detailed in the Bible:

He was chained from head to foot in military armor: he had a copper helmet on his head, and his torso was dressed in scale armor, so that his armor weighed 5,000 shekels of copper [81 kilograms], and one point of his iron spear weighed 600 shekels [9 kilograms].

The sword of Goliath was kept for a long time at the tabernacle as a relic.

In the 2nd book of Kings (15-22), the war between the Israelites and the Philistines is described, in which five descendants of the Rephaims (giants) participated - Safut, Goliath the Tephian and two unnamed. One of them was six-fingered. They were all killed by David's soldiers.

In the folklore of the peoples of the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Western Siberia, devas (deva, diva, daiva) are evil spirits, or supernatural beings, mainly anthropomorphic or zoomorphic giants. Tall, strong and stupid, they were often depicted with small horns. According to legends, the devas were three times taller than people, their ribcage was a solid bone plate, so it was difficult to kill them. Since the giants were a terrible force in hostilities, people tried to enlist their friendship: daughters and sisters were given to them, but these marriages were doomed, children in such families were not born. The devas lived in isolation and separately from each other, they built houses as rough as themselves: uncouth blocks were laid on top of each other and covered with logs.

In Scandinavian mythology, etuns (turs) are mentioned - giants who arose from the pre-temporal Chaos of the world abyss. They are opposed to the aesir gods, with whom they will fight at the End of the World. Popular beliefs also tell about trolls - ugly, stupid and mischievous giants who live inside the mountains.

The Fomorians in Irish mythology are chthonic (land-born) creatures described in legends as one-armed and one-eyed giants. They were defeated by the warriors of the goddess Danu at the Battle of Mag Tuired and expelled from Ireland forever.

Russian legends describe the giants as savages, taller than the forest, with a tree torn from the ground instead of a stick. They can squeeze water out of a stone, wade across the deep sea. The epics tell about the giant Svyatogor:

There is a tent under a great raw oak tree, And in that tent there is a big heroic bed:

The bed is ten fathoms long,

The bed is six fathoms wide.

The mother of the cheese earth is wobbling

Dark woods stagger

Rivers pour out of steep banks.

… the hero rides above the standing forest, Head rests under a cloud walking, A crystal box is carried on the shoulders.

The epic about how the heroes died in Holy Russia explains the death of the knights-giants. Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich became proud with their strength and called the heavenly warriors, that is, the gods, to battle:

And Alyosha Popovich Young says:

“Give us power that is not from this [heavenly];

We will cope with that strength, knights!"

As he uttered a foolish word, Thus appeared two warriors, And they shouted in a loud voice:

“Let us, knights, keep the battle with us;

Don't look that there are two of us, and you are seven!"

Alyosha Popovich galloped on them and cut them in half from his entire shoulder, but the heavenly warriors did not fall dead, but only doubled: there were four of them, and everyone was alive. Dobrynya flew in, cut four in half - and there were eight of them; Ilya Muromets swooped in, immediately cut eight - and again they doubled. All the knights rushed into battle:

They began to stab and chop strength …

And the strength keeps growing and growing, Everything goes to the knights with battle!..

The mighty knights were frightened, They ran to the stone mountains, to the dark caves:

As the knight runs up to the mountain - so it turns to stone, As the other runs, it turns to stone …

The White Sea Pomors have preserved a legend that in ancient times three heroic brothers lived on the islands of Kalguyev, Zhogzhin and Konchakovsky navolok - Kalga, Zhogzha and Konchak. For greed and robbery, Kalga and Zhogzha were punished by a gray-haired old man who appeared from nowhere and struck them with a lightning strike, and then disappeared. The third brother was killed by people, putting a cruel death.

In Belarus, the Smolensk province and Lithuania, giants were called "volots". According to legend, near Vilna (Vilnius) in ancient times, the volot Alces lived. He fell in love with the daughter of Prince Vilna Jauterita and exchanged her for treasures. The image of a giant with a princess around his neck, holding in his hand a whole tree instead of a staff, can be seen on the old coat of arms of the city of Vilna. Smolensk legends told about the volot Sidor. His huge ax was kept in the village church until the end of the 19th century.

There is historical evidence that the giants were seen in the Middle Ages.

Akhmed ibn Fadlan, who in 921-922, together with the embassy of the Baghdad caliph, visited the headquarters of the ruler of the Bulgar kingdom, wrote that a man of enormous constitution was kept there in captivity, who was kept on a chain. Ibn Fadlan did not find the giant alive, since he was strangled because of his evil and violent character. According to the testimony of the Bulgars, from the mere glance of a giant creature, children fainted, and pregnant women had miscarriages. Ibn Fadlan saw only his remains:

And I saw that his head was like a large tub, and that his ribs were like the largest dry fruit-branches of palms, and in the same way the bones of his legs and his ulna. I was amazed and surprised.

According to the stories of the Bulgars, the giant was caught far in the North, in the country of Visu.

The Arab traveler and theologian Abu Hamida al Garnati visited the capital of the Volga Bulgaria in 1135-1136 and not only saw a living giant, but also talked to him:

And I saw in Bulgar in 530 [according to the Muslim calendar] a tall man from the descendants of the Adits, whose height is more than seven cubits, named Danki. He took a horse under his arm like a man takes a little lamb. And his strength was such that he broke the shin of a horse with his hand and tore the meat and sinews like others tear greens. And the ruler of the Bulgar made him a chain mail, which was carried in a cart, and a helmet for his head, like a cauldron. When there was a battle, he fought with an oak club, which he held in his hand like a stick, but if he hit the elephant with it, he would kill him. And he was kind, modest; when he met me, he greeted me and greeted me respectfully, although my head did not reach his waist, may Allah have mercy on him.

Petroglyphs with images of giants have survived to this day. One of the rock paintings in Libya (Matendu, Fezzan) contains anthropomorphic creatures with jackal heads and stone tools in their hands. One of the painted giants lifts a rhino by the leg.

In the Aztec Codex "Vaticanus A" there is an illustration depicting a scene of the capture of a wounded giant: the Indians tied the giant with ropes. Obviously, the artist painted events that really took place in the distant past in South America. Another illustration depicts the goddess Chalchiuhtlike pouring out the waters of a flood on our planet. According to Aztec legends, many people, including giants, died during this worldwide disaster.

In 1996, an archaeological expedition explored an ancient settlement on the Altiplano high plateau in Bolivia.

In numerous excavations, scientists have found various items, none of which corresponded to the known cultures of pre-Columbian America. All artifacts found were large - black stone masks, smoking pipes, stone flutes. The items are covered with turquoise patterns and carefully polished. For an ordinary person, they would be too large. Not far from the excavation site, "human" skeletons were found that belonged to creatures whose height ranged from 2.5 to 2.7 meters. The study of the skulls showed that the heads of the giants had an oblong shape, while they were not artificially deformed. After consulting with geologists, scientists came to the conclusion that the settlement was destroyed as a result of some kind of cataclysm or explosion that occurred about four thousand years ago.

In the Nazca desert (Peru), where on the surface of the earth there are giant "drawings" with images of birds, monkeys, lizards, etc., the purpose of which is still unknown, an unusual ceramic statue was found: a giant in a hat holds a knife in one hand for ritual murders, and in the other - a severed human head. If we compare the sizes of the heads of the giant and the victim, we can assume that the growth of the giants was truly enormous. Sharp cone-shaped fangs protrude from the open mouth of the monster. In the legends of many peoples of the world, the fangs of giants, lips protruding far ahead and elongated ears with double curls are mentioned.

In 1960, peasants working in the fields in the Piura River valley discovered a crypt deep underground, in which samples of highly artistic ornamented ceramics, as well as beautiful items of gold and silver, were preserved. The burial turned out to be part of a large cemetery of the Mochica Indians, which later became known as Loma Negra ("Black Barrow"). Some of the burial grounds were mercilessly plundered by lovers of easy money, and scientists lost a huge number of artifacts of this ancient culture. The gold plate from this burial depicts a deity with an open mouth and huge teeth, very reminiscent of a clay figurine from the Nazca desert.

Archaeologists have found many artifacts of this kind, and they belong to different cultures and peoples of different continents.

Gigantic statues of dense volcanic tuff rise along the coast of Easter Island. These stone sculptures are similar to other images of giants found in various regions of the world. Most of the statues are 3 to 6 meters high, some are 9 meters high and weigh over 50 tons. On their heads are placed huge cylinders of red stone - pukao. The dimensions of the "hats" amaze the imagination: a cylinder 2.5 meters high and over 3 meters in diameter was found in Pu-na-Pau, which weighs more than 30 tons. The largest statue (about 21 meters long) remained lying in the quarry, not delivered to its destination. The massive platforms on which the stone idols stand are 60 meters long and about 3 meters high. Cut massive statues out of stoneit was hardly possible for ordinary people to move them a considerable distance and install them on hewn platforms.

Next part: Giants of antiquity. Part two