Contact Classification - Alternative View

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Contact Classification - Alternative View
Contact Classification - Alternative View

Video: Contact Classification - Alternative View

Video: Contact Classification - Alternative View
Video: 2.3.5 Alternative view 2024, September

… Today's ufology is overflowing with a huge number of classifications of contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, different in their structure. Many ufologists, trying to make their contribution to the classification of encounters, make a huge mistake, starting the classification with a visual observation of UFOs at great heights (this is where the first step) and going almost a meter in the height of observation continue to mold other types of contacts …

I have met with many classifications of meetings and, on the basis of the information studied, I have developed my own generalized system for classifying contacts with the VC, reinforcing each type of contact with real facts. So, there are ten types of contacts. Of these, six are explicit and four are implicit. Let's consider each case separately:

Explicit contacts:

Type I contact:

… Observing the flight of an unidentified flying object from a distance of 200-300 meters. This is the most common type of contact. However, I hasten to note that UFOs, when observed at an altitude of more than 1 km, cannot be attributed to a type I contact.

Type II contact:

… Landing of an unidentified flying object, or its low hovering above the ground, and the appearance of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization from it. Contacts of this kind are quite rare.

Promotional video:

Type III contact:

… Psycho-physical impact of intelligence laboratories of extraterrestrial civilizations on wildlife and technical means. The impact of the VC on wildlife is usually a temporary paralysis of the motor apparatus of humans and animals (i.e., absolute paralysis!), As well as a change in the human psyche. As a rule, everything ends without serious consequences, but there are cases that go beyond the normal functioning of the human brain.

Type IV contact:

… Telepathic communication with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, when representatives of the CC are out of sight of the contactee.

Type V contact:

… Abduction, that is, the abduction of people aboard a UFO, which usually occurs without the consent of the abducted. Such contacts usually take place without the use of brute force.

Type VI contact:

… Death of a person through the fault of a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization.

Implicit contacts:

"Red contact":

… An official or semi-official meeting of civil services with representatives of the EC. Such contacts are carried out in the strictest secrecy.

"Yellow contact":

… Having sexual intercourse with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. This type of contact is especially popular in the "yellow press" (in fact, that's why it got the name "yellow contact").

"Green Contact":

… Living with a colony or representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization outside the Earth for a long time. This type of contact also includes the enslavement of a person by representatives of the CC, in order to obtain free (and possibly paid) labor.

"White contact":

… Paleocontacts, ie contacts of the human race with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization in ancient times.

Contacts of the third kind

Contacts with UFOs have long passed from the category of myths and inventions to the category of scientific facts. Moreover, in the West there are special statistics that clearly record each case of communication between earthlings and fellow humans. In modern ufology, contacts with UFOs are usually divided into three types. The first type is the observation of an object in space, the second type is when UFOs are seen during landing on the ground, and, finally, the third type includes direct communication between earthlings and aliens, which, as a rule, is carried out at a telepathic level.

Statistics show that the attitude of UFOs towards earthlings tends to become increasingly close. If earlier the press wrote mainly about the first two types of encounters with UFOs, now there are more and more cases of contact of the third type. Time has shown that direct contact of UFOs with earthlings can be very diverse in nature - from telepathic conversation with people to abduction for the purpose of conducting some kind of experiments.

It is the last type of "contact" (let us add - contact in a forced form) that became the object of research of the American writer Bud Hopkins. Now in almost every country there are people who claim that they have been on "flying saucers", and sometimes consider themselves the ambassadors of higher civilizations. Previously, this contingent was given attention only … in psychiatric hospitals. Of course, attention is of the appropriate kind. Bud Hopkins was one of the first to take these people and their stories seriously. In 1981 he published the book "Lost Time", where he described 20 cases of abduction of people by UFO pilots. Currently, in the Hopkins archives, no less than no more - 400 evidences of abductions of earthlings by aliens.

The title of the book "Time Lost" was not chosen by Hopkins by chance: a mandatory sign of abduction by aliens was the memory lapses of the victims. Information about what happened to the people on board the UFO could only be obtained with the help of regressive hypnosis, which makes it possible to “remember” past events by extracting them from the subconscious.

The second inalienable evidence of the abduction is the strange scars and injuries on the bodies of people who have been on board the UFO. The origin of these scars was usually unclear to the abductees themselves. The combination of these two signs - "lost time", that is, blackouts, and strange scars on the body, the origin of which the victims did not know, and became, in fact, the kidnappers, which Hopkins first of all took advantage of, collecting information about this phenomenon.

The researcher not only lectured on the problem that interested him, but also questioned people who had all the signs of contact with aliens. He subjected those who approached him to regressive hypnosis, with the help of which Hopkins was able to restore the general picture of what happened to the UFOs abducted aboard.

An interesting fact is that some of the respondents were abducted by UFOs twice - with an interval of several years. One of these victims was Virginia Norton, a US lawyer. As a child, she lived with her family on a farm. One day Virginia went to the barn and returned two hours later with a large scratch on her leg. Where did she get this scratch and what she did for so long in the barn - Norton did not remember.

After 10 years, she and her family were on vacation in France. Once during a picnic in the woods, Virginia suddenly disappeared for about an hour and a half. When she reappeared, she said that she saw a deer with big strange eyes in the forest and followed him. What happened next - she does not remember. Virginia could not explain and the appearance on her blouse of two specks of blood, noticed after returning from the forest.

During a regressive hypnosis session, Norton recalled that when she was six years old, she met a man with a large head in shining clothes and was carried aboard a strange craft that landed behind trees. In the apparatus she was examined on a special table, some mechanical device was doing something to her leg. Ten years later, a deer with strange eyes led her to the same apparatus. There she met the same person who allowed her to ask questions. Virginia asked him how he could find her again, to which she was told that brain radiation is as unique as fingerprints.

Such cases were recorded not only by Bud Hopkins. In the United States, a scientific group "Visit" was created to study such phenomena. One of the goals of its activities is to analyze the scientific and technical reliability of the information provided by those who have visited the aliens. The group's psychologist D. Kleimer said that people who claimed that they were abducted by UFOs, as a rule, have increased nervous excitability, damage to vision, gastrointestinal tract, hair. Some of them have traces of burns caused by, as Kleimer believes, radioactive radiation.

A characteristic detail: many who applied to "Visit" had strange, barely distinguishable scars on their bodies, reminiscent of postoperative stitches. When scientists checked the life circumstances of several of their wards with scars, it turned out that they had never undergone surgery on Earth. In short, it is rather difficult to explain the evidence of the abducted by swindle or mental disorders. But "Visit" investigated more than a hundred such cases.

For what purpose are the aliens performing various studies and procedures on the abducted? What should have been their result? - these are the main questions that all this more than strange information about abductions raises among scientists and the public. To date, there are several versions of a secret experiment on humanity taking place in the sky. One of them is, at first glance, shocking, but at the same time it has a sufficient amount of evidence, version of a genetic experiment conducted by our older "brothers in mind" in Space. Moreover, many of the abducted, describing the situation of the UFO, said that they saw special devices inside the alien ship, resembling incubators …

Where is the truth here, and where is the fiction - for ourselves to judge. But numerous stories about special adventures with UFOs do indeed suggest some kind of genetic alien experiment. Judge for yourself. Among the many UFO abductions, Bud Hopkins cites the story of a young woman named Katie Davis. According to Katie, she had been visited for several years in a row by a creature of alien origin. These visits were accompanied by artificial conception - an egg was taken from Katie, fertilized and transplanted back. Naturally, all this was done when the woman was in a special trance state. During all these strange visits of the alien, Katie became pregnant several times.

After a strictly defined time, the fetus was "evacuated". Once, as Katie said, aliens took her to their ship and there showed her a daughter, who was born as a result of these experiments. How real is Katie's story? Let's remember: "test-tube babies" are no longer a fantasy, even for a civilization of our level. It is quite possible that a more highly developed civilization is capable of carrying out similar experiments on a more complex level. Moreover, Katie Davis's testimony is not the only one of its kind. There are many facts confirming the desire of aliens for experiments of this kind.

Interestingly, the objects of genetic experiments are not only women, but also men. True, much less often. At one time, one of the American newspapers told about the amazing story that happened to an American farmer who got on a UFO. Somehow late at work, the farmer went home on foot across the field, as his car was broken. Needless to say, that late evening he was not alone in the ill-fated field. It was there, about three kilometers from his house, that a UFO landed.

And then the events well-known to ufologists played out: a beam of blinding light in the face, and our hero woke up on board an alien ship. It seems that everything that happened to him there, the farmer perceived, being already in an altered state of consciousness. His memory retained not an integral stream of events in time, but, as it were, separate fragments. And the main plot of these fragments was the appearance of a "beautiful naked alien", in whose intentions the farmer had not the slightest doubt.

Later, talking with psychoanalysts and ufologists, the American said: She was beautiful, with a magnificent figure. She had a beautiful face, thin waist, wide hips. And yet I would prefer even the ugliest woman on Earth to her, because instead of human speech, she made some kind of grunting sounds. The alien, however, was not embarrassed by the lack of love enthusiasm for the earthly guest. Apparently, she believed that it was possible to explain herself in the language of love without the help of English. But the poor rural guy, apparently, thought differently and therefore offered her desperate resistance. Then he was plunged into unconsciousness.

What happened to him at that moment and whether the alien managed to fulfill her intentions remains a mystery. The farmer woke up in the morning and found himself in a field very close to his home. However, it was not so easy to recover after all that had happened. The poor man had to go to the hospital, and although he, of course, did not want to tell anyone about his mind-blowing adventures, knowing what reaction it would cause in normal people, he nevertheless had to do it.

The reaction to his revelations, as he expected, was appropriate: first he was offered a blood alcohol test, then he was referred to a psychiatrist. However, fortunately for the victim, in the hospital there was one smart and experienced doctor who, having studied the symptoms of the patient's strange condition, sent him … to the dosimetry office.

A survey for radioactivity immediately showed that there was a radiation dose on the farmer's body that exceeded the permissible limits. The clothes in which he returned home after his adventures were even more radioactive. Analyzing this case, ufologists noted that in the area where the American suffered from alien love lived, there was not a single object - civil or military, that would deal with radiation. And if everything that happened to a simple American hard worker was the fruit of his sick psyche, where could he "pick up" a decent dose of radiation in one night? Well, his painful condition, as experts later found out, was caused precisely by radioactive contamination.

Of course, in all these stories with genetic experiments of alien civilizations, there is a lot of incomprehensible things. But to date, there are a huge number of cases similar to that of Katie Davis and others. The opinion of many serious specialists working in this field is unambiguous: experiments are really being carried out! To deny the obvious is foolish, even if we cannot explain it.

And in fact, there are not so many explanations for what is happening to people on UFOs. A genetic experiment is really the first thing that can come to mind when analyzing such situations. But this, in general, logical explanation carries further questions. Okay, experiment. But why? For what purpose? After all, each experimental program has its own scientific goal and methodology. The methodology of genetic experiments by UFO people, to put it mildly, is not distinguished by a highly moral attitude towards the experimental, that is, people. It contradicts one of the great moral laws of the Cosmos - the law of free will. Let us recall: esoteric sciences assert that the entire Cosmos is organized on the basis of uniform moral and ethical laws. Although - who knows? - maybe older brothers in reason are trying for the good of humanity?

Call from afar (story by Klara Malikova)

Clara Malikova, the head of a group of one of the Tashkent design institutes, remembers July 9 very well. Suddenly the right hand became heavier and stopped obeying. Soon the brush began to tremble, and the only obsessive thought pulsed in my brain: take a pencil. Clara pushed a blank sheet of paper over. Dancing in his fingers "kokh-i-noor" immediately dug into its white field and in a matter of seconds streaked the whiteness with scars of incomprehensible signs. A drawing appeared under the hieroglyphs: smaller and larger black circles, and between them - shading, reminiscent of the schematic representation of the lines of force of the stars in books on astronomy. Clara Malikova has never seen anything like it.

Finally the pencil drew a final line and stood still as if the printer had finished printing the program from a floppy disk. The hand again - from the forearm to the fingertips - became tangible, its own.

- Aren't you scared?

- Not. She even took the wild pencil dance for granted.

A few hours later the drawing session resumed. The paper was again covered with incomprehensible symbols and images of "stars". But the ending turned out to be unexpected: the letters of the Russian alphabet - K, O, B - began to appear in the unshaded place on the sheet … The letters formed the word KOVESPUL.

"What it is? - thought Clara. - Country? Town? Thing? Name?". “Yes,” was the answer. The hand trembled again and, dispelling doubts, brought out one word "CLARA" next to it.

- Clara, when did you guess what was going on?

- It turned out very ordinary, everyday:

- "Are you human?"

- "Not".

- "Where are you?"

- "Long away".

- "Are you on Earth?"

- "Not".

- "On your planet?"

- "Yes".

- "What is the name of your planet?"

- "Poiatoston".

Covespul's "visits" became daily. He made Clara paint at work and at home; sometimes for several hours in a row. If the first results of co-authorship resembled the recipes of first-graders, then gradually they acquired the appearance of a calligrapher. The content of the figures has become noticeably more complex. A kind of image of a section of the Universe appeared, on which the location of Poiatoston's position relative to the Earth was indicated. In another picture, the face of our planet itself, transformed by the coming cataclysms.

- Covespul explains the meaning of the drawings?

- Not. Sometimes he says to whom this or that scheme, pictogram is intended. Once I asked him if they knew on their planet how human life originated. He drew his answer. Then I asked: "How are you?" - "Egg". - I laughed: "How's the chicken?" - "Yes". After that, he depicted the process of the emergence of the creatures of Poyatoston, saying: "Biologists."

- You use the verbs “said”, “spoke”, “explained”, “hears”, as if we are talking about a person …

- Of course, no thunderous voice of heaven is heard overhead. Hard to explain. I mentally or aloud ask a question, and immediately in myself, in my consciousness, like a neon inscription, the answer flashes. All that remains is to read it and pronounce it. Sometimes I do not have time to finish the phrase, and the answer is already “burning”. I have a feeling that here, - Klara touches her left temple, - some kind of receiver was installed, and an instant connection arose. I asked Covespull how they do super-fast interaction. He answered shortly: "We use gravity." In general, he prefers to conduct a conversation extremely laconically.

- Clara, I can’t help but ask how you determined, hmm…, the gender of the alien? You say he. Why not "she", not "it".

- In one of the drawings, Covespul depicted himself as a humanoid - a young man with a piercing gaze. And then he also has Ulirista! He once said that he was not watching us alone, but with Ulirista.

- Did your alien interlocutor reveal the reason that prompted him to dialogue with earthlings?

- Yes. Striving to preserve civilization on our planet. He believes that she is in danger of death. A few days after the first contact, Covespul gave the key to his writings. We have already managed to decipher some of them.

- Why such difficulties? Wasn't it wiser to speak in any earthly language?

- I thought about it too. Kovespul replied: "We want not only us to know about you, but also you about us." It turns out that they use such signs when communicating with other civilizations. "Are there many such civilizations?" I asked. “Little,” was the answer.

- You spoke about decrypted inscriptions.

- An employee of our institute L. I. Rusanova was engaged in this. It took her two weeks for the first texts to speak Russian. See what happened.

“To man is a covenant. Cosmos will show the way to power. This is the beginning of the letter. Where the ray will point - look for the beginning of the letter, and the beginning of the letter will indicate the power of the cosmos. A ray of light will indicate the forte of space. This power as a covenant will point the light of the cosmos to God - God is power, decree, covenant, light. The calculation of the path will be indicated by the galaxy. I will give advice on how strength leads to the strength of the cosmos … I lead a person to strength, firmness. I give you a scheme-decree, I give you a way, I give words - signs to a person: the force of direction, calculation, the beginning of writing, physical and chemical state, cosmic connection. I'll show you the contact myself soon. How, where, when - I will indicate the term …”.

“Clara, I didn't understand much about these spells. Is everything clear to you here? Is it not by chance that you were chosen as a contactee?

“When I asked Covespul about this, the first thing I said was“kind”.

- You never know good people … Take at least me.

- He said that he was looking for a contactee for a very long time all over the planet. The supposedly necessary condition for communication is the combination in one person of many different parameters and details. He noticed me on the eve of the contact at a session of psychics. I remember that I was very upset because of the lack of any susceptibility to the passes of psychics. No hypnosis took me. I don’t know how to connect this case with the alien's choice, but it turns out that he played some role. And another very important detail was named by Covespul: death. I was once in a state of clinical death, and for some reason this is given importance on Poitoston.

One of my first questions was this: do our scientists believe correctly that man descended from ape? Covespoul denies this. He talks about embryos, which, for the purpose of experiment, were brought to our planet by other civilizations, including theirs, Poitoston. If observers from other planets are almost constantly on duty on Earth, collecting data on the course of our evolution, then Poitostonians follow us from far away. They have repeatedly in the past contacted people, interfering with the experiment, the development of which the cosmos, according to Kovespul, is unhappy. Reasonable life here did not follow the path predicted by the experimenters, but turned into a dead-end branch. And this is a major setback.

- Clara, can I ask Covespul some questions?

The chosen one of the sky concentrated like a telephone operator of a long-distance station, calling a subscriber. “Well, why would this woman at an inconsiderate age start a joke? - I reflected meanwhile. "Don't consider real negotiations for many thousands of light years?" I believe that the world is not easy, but I am wary of miracles … But Clara gets in touch. It turns out the alien doesn't mind the interview. Nonsense.

- Covespul, what is the meaning of the experiment with the settlement of intelligent beings on a planet far from you?

- See how they will develop in these conditions.

- For what?

- It is necessary.

- The experiment, in your opinion, failed. Are you going to eliminate its results and install a new one?

- Doesn't answer. - Klara Malikova is a little confused.

- Okay, let's ask a little differently. Is the space aid late? Will we prevent the apocalypse?

- There is still time.

- How much time?

- There is time.

- Covespul, - this is Clara, - can a person survive in your conditions?

- With difficulties.

- Why?

- The parameters are different.

- When cataclysms break out, will earthlings be evacuated to other planets?

- It's impossible.

- Why? Doesn't anyone need us?

- Yes.

- Do you have some kind of apparatus operating on Earth?

- Yes. In the mountains.

- Can we find it?

- Not necessary.

- What is your planet? Is our year equal to yours?

- Not at all.

- Seasons?

- Not.

- Rotation period? Is the day shorter or longer?

- Longer.

- How's our week? Month?

- Like that.

- Are representatives of other civilizations watching us?

- You have them.

Readers' first reaction is likely to be, "Is it true?" and "What are the scientists saying?" However, I gave up on the idea of presenting the opinion of science. And that's why. Science explores the real, material, measurable surrounding world. And until Covespul jumps out of the test tube, and Ulyrista does not swing the pointers of potentiometers, all that has been said is fables, interesting at best only to psychiatrists.

“The first printer of the material about Klara Malikova, the journalist of the local newspaper Anatoly Skorobogatov, at parting, handed me a piece of paper:“Read it!”. The leaflet was a telegram. Responding to the publication in Tashkentskaya Pravda, the addressee from Krasnodar said that he had information about Kovespul.

In the service of aliens:

- Viktor Alexandrovich, and how did the aliens come to you?

- It happened in the 89th year. I was then a convinced skeptic. As part of a small expedition, he arrived in the Perm anomalous zone. We had to investigate the Zone and characterize the phenomena that occur in it. To be honest, I just wanted to go fishing and frankly teased all the research. One night, when we were sleeping in the tent, I suddenly woke up because someone else's thought sounded in my head. I clearly realized that she was not mine, that someone was addressing me. At first I decided that I also "went crazy" (I met people on the street who talk to themselves, I knew what schizophrenia was), but I was surprised by my physical condition: the feeling of cold was gone, consciousness sharpened and became clear, and the body seemed to rise above the ground and gently swayed from side to side.

- What did THEM want to know from you?

- The question they asked me was: "Who are you, what are you doing here?" And I thought: why not answer? It’s interesting. And he began to mentally talk with THEM. The first contact lasted twenty minutes. The next night THEY appeared again. I asked why I don't see my interlocutors and whether it is possible to see them at all. In response, they literally took me out of my body, lifted me 300 meters above the ground and carried me some distance. I hovered over a large clearing and watched the silvery figures that moved along it. THEY are the same people as we are, but they have one feature - absolutely symmetrical faces. And THEIR spacecraft - metal "flying saucers" - solid, without seams, rivets, with rounded lines, without protruding antennas or landing gear, and even without any lights.

- You have been in contact with THEM for so long. Surely you found out a lot of interesting things from THEM?

- Much of what interests all of us. The fact that a person is a combination of a mortal physical body (or, in their words, biomass) and an immortal soul (or bioenergetic clot). The fact that as a result of reincarnation we work out the full program of our spiritual development, being born either as a man or as a woman. And the main thing is that there is the Supreme Cosmic Mind, which we call the Supreme Deity or God. And also, that man did not come from a monkey, he was always reasonable. At one time, the Earth, as the most favorable planet for life, was inhabited by several highly developed civilizations, each race with its own civilization. Those with whom I contact, also participated in the settlement of the Earth, and now THEY are taking care of our planet. THEY do not interfere with human activity (this is prohibited by space law),THEY watch over the ecology of the Earth and safety in space.

- Why did they need you?

- Just for this. I carry out some of their assignments related to the environment. (And I'm not the only one doing this, THERE have several contactees all over the Earth, other civilizations, too.) For example, there is some kind of contaminated site, say, a nuclear waste burial near Sergiev Posad. I am given specific coordinates on the map, I go there, I check the radiation level. Sometimes I take soil samples into a special container and transfer them to the IM at the designated place. And THEY then work with this area, deactivate it.

- Were you provided with any means for communication: a cell phone or a satellite dish?

- I get in touch once a week. I conjure up a certain sequence of symbols and begin to hear THEM. We exchange information. For me, this is work, nothing more.

- It's strange, why don't they take the soil themselves, measure the radiation? Why use the labor of mercenaries and reveal yourself?

- How do you imagine that? Moscow suburbs, a fairly populated area - and then suddenly a UFO appears! Yes, THEY appeared, for example, over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but it was necessary for them to visit there themselves in order to urgently make a decision. And in those cases when time is running out, THEY entrust this work to people like me.

- It is customary to pay for work. How do they pay you?

- First, THEY moved me in space, as if taking my soul out of my body. But this is a very energy-consuming process, and in the end THEY made a special matrix for me - my energy copy, into which I can be included with my consciousness. The matrix is capable of moving to any distance in short periods of time. There are no barriers for her. With the help of the matrix, I visited many planets, at the request of specialists from the Mission Control Center, I tracked down the Phobos-2 station lost in Mars orbit, examined it and outlined all the damage. Of course, representatives of the KGB also came to me: a spy who is able to penetrate anywhere is a godsend for the special services! I replied that I would not work for any intelligence agency in the world.

- You just do not be offended, but I cannot but ask about whether you went to a psychiatrist?

- I understand you. When I arrived from the Zone after the first contact, I myself went to a psychiatrist and asked me to examine. I also visited the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. As soon as she heard my name, Vanga pointed to the sky and asked:

"You receive information from THEM, what do you want from me?" Only after that I calmed down.

- Did THEY take you to their planet?

- Yes. I will not say the name of THEIR civilization, so that no one uses it for their own purposes. I can only say that THEY are located at a distance of 17 million light years from us and they have a similar planetary system, only they live on two planets at once. What struck me: there is a lot of greenery on the planet, all buildings have rounded corners, there are no asphalt roads anywhere, people move on foot. To move from one settlement to another, THEY do not use technical means, THEY have the ability to fly. Yes, straight through the air, imagine. As THEY explain, it is not difficult at all, and any civilization eventually comes to this. Our yogis, who are just rising above the ground, are just taking their first steps.

About three million Americans claim to have been abducted by UFOs, a phenomenon that takes on the characteristics of true mass psychosis. While some experts regard it as a manifestation of anxiety by people, others take it seriously … All this reminds of Wells' novel "The War of the Worlds", but this time it is not a complete fiction. Suffice it to bear in mind that the CIA, NASA, FBI and Air Force special commissions are working diligently and in the strictest secrecy on the UFO phenomenon."

(Post from NASA News Agency New York)

Ashtar Team

A MESSAGE from space arrived on Saturday in a blue envelope. The district postman brought it on an old bicycle, tossing it with a pile of Moscow newspapers under the door of the office. Written in correct Spanish, the message was disheartening, but not final. "Your planet," said the typed text, "is approaching an evolutionary period during which it will move from the third dimension to the fourth."

This, as reported further, is in the order of things, if not for one circumstance: the angle of inclination of the earth's axis, and therefore the earth itself, can change too much during the transition, which will entail dire consequences in the form of catastrophic hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the like. It is here, the letter said, that we will help you to evacuate. There was a signature under the text - the ASHTAR team. Below were indicated the place and date of the meeting, at which they promised to provide details, as well as explain what and how to do.

Having made a good look at the message - and it turned out to be with enticing cosmic diagrams and drawings on glossy paper - I decided to go to look at the authors … I saw the ASHTAR team emblem as soon as I got out of the elevator. In the blue circle there is a white letter "A", a bird's wing and a spaceship. The emblem was on a flag next to a brightly lit podium at the back of the hall. Tables protruded from the semi-darkness along its walls. on which towered ice giant models of space plates. They melted quietly, surrounded by drinks and snacks, quite earthy and affordable. About two hundred people gathered listened to the speaker on the podium. He was in a dazzling white suit and was very curly. “I am Angel,” said the speaker. I am from the ASHTAR team."

From all sides flowed enchanting space music, which did not drown out the voice of Angel, who, as it turned out, was the main organizer of this event. Standing on the podium, he held in his hand the magazine "Soviet Union", not so long ago published in Spanish. Demonstrating UFO photos on the cover, Angel gave explanations, before which everything I had heard about aliens faded. Then the Mexican television workers from Morelia, the capital of Michigan, took the floor. One of them read out a collective testimony that stated the following. Since May LAST year, Angel Major has been in their hometown. TV people came to his hotel to meet and talk. When they - seven people - stood on the terrace, a large star appeared in the sky. Judging by the glow, she either approached or receded,staying in sight for at least 15 minutes.

"This is a mother ship," said Angel, answering a question from the observers. "Look, now he will greet you." Indeed, the cosmic body blinked with lights and then disappeared. The TV people were dumbfounded with amazement.

I believed the television workers, after all - my colleagues. I was also close to the state of dumbfoundedness from everything I heard that evening. Therefore, he limited himself to taking Angel's business card. The next day we met him in a cafe in the Polanco district of the Mexican capital, a stone's throw from the building where Angel was conducting his "space reception."

- So, you are from the ASHTAR team, - I began, moving the recorder to him. - What is this organization and why is it called that?

- ASHTAR is the name of a person, that is, a person, if we agree to call thinking creatures that way. And the team is an intergalactic organization that has existed for many millennia. Its mission is to help planets in their evolution.

It will be easier for you to understand this, - he continued in all seriousness, - if you learn that all planetary systems are created by stellar engineers. They know at what point this or that planet moves to a higher evolutionary level and whether it will need help from other systems.

Further, Angel told that in our, earthly, case, Tilar will come to the rescue. This is the alleged name of the planetary system, which, like ours, revolves around a very large sun called Alcione. In the Tilar system there is a huge planet, which in space is called Eocolubus, and in terrestrial science it was dubbed Bernard-1. It was discovered by the Chilean astronomer Carlos Muñoz Ferrara in 1977. This planet, according to Angel, along with its sun approaches the Earth every seven thousand years. Beonard-1's mass is 3200 times that of Earth. Knowing this, it is easy to imagine what influence this planet has on ours when approaching. The axis of the Earth changes its tilt, the Bernard-1 field invades the Earth's electromagnetic field with all the ensuing consequences.

Each has its own mission

- Every year these consequences are felt more and more, - said Angel. - I mean earthquakes, volcanic reactivation and similar visible phenomena. Thus, approaching, Beonar-1 carries danger, but also brings salvation. The situation was calculated by stellar engineers who are well aware of everything.

- How do you know about this?

- This is my mission. For her sake, I came to Earth.

“Repeat, please,” I asked, hoping I had misunderstood him.

- I have come to you to tell you about all this.

- Where did you come from?

- Who cares? If I tell you where it comes from, it still won't tell you anything. Everyone on Earth has a mission. With her, everyone comes to this planet. True, most then forget why they came. Therefore, the main thing is not to forget about your mission.

- Do you think I also have a mission?

- Sure. At you, at me, at her, - Angel pointed to the next table. Behind him sat a charming, puffy mulatto. Looking at her, I immediately guessed with what mission she arrived on Earth.

- You mean, - I asked, looking from the mulatto to my interlocutor, - that we were born not on Earth, but somewhere else?

“Well, then,” Angel said softly, as caring doctors say to critical patients. - In that case, I will have to delve into the topic. Yes, we were born here. But we are talking about the appearance on Earth of our bodies, our, so to speak, physical shells. But you are not a shell. You are a bundle of energy that feeds your physical shell, your body. It is weak, it belongs to the 3rd dimension. Whereas your energy body belongs to the 4th. For clarity, this can be compared, say, with cars: what brand of car do you prefer to have in your country?

I didn’t have time to open my mouth to enlighten Angel about our economic situation, the rise in prices, the transition to the market, and so on. “Yes, yes,” he said. - You don't have many car brands. Well, let's take Lada. So, today you are "Lada", tomorrow - "Ford", the day after tomorrow - "Nissan". Now it is clear? We all had a lot of physical shells.

- Only humans or animals too? - I asked, remembering Buddhism and the barbaric extermination of fauna.

“Only human,” Angel reassured me. “We belong to the category of sentient beings. He led us from humanoid to cave dweller and then to man. We are walking along evolutionary steps, each of which is 26 thousand years long. And in this universal campaign, man is not the end of the road. This is his continuation. Now we are moving on to the next step - the superman.

Then I remembered Sylvester Stallone in the image of Rambo, but Angel corrected me. “Superman,” he said, “is a creature vastly superior to man in thinking abilities. He does not fabricate, but creates what he needs. There, - he raised his eyes to the ceiling, - there are no factories that produce cars. There are creative centers there that create from matter. Everything there can be created by the power of reason …