Captured By Celtic Idols - Alternative View

Captured By Celtic Idols - Alternative View
Captured By Celtic Idols - Alternative View

Video: Captured By Celtic Idols - Alternative View

Video: Captured By Celtic Idols - Alternative View
Video: Celtic Soul Shorts Matt McGlone (Alternative View) 2024, September

In August 2006, in England, brother and sister Leslie and Colin Robsons accidentally dug up two strange stones the size of a saucer each in their garden: well, spitting out human mini-heads! The children took the stones to their parents. The heads' faces were roughly carved from gray quartz and looked like death masks, male and female …

John Robson, the father of children, decided to show the amazing finds to his friend, scientist and archaeologist Dr. Ross.

And with the advent of stone heads, nightmarish things began to happen in the Robsons' house. Often, all of a sudden, the heads of themselves began to rotate, books and dishes fell from the closet, a new computer, a TV, a vacuum cleaner burned out, for no reason at all exploded: a toilet bowl.

In addition, all family members began to experience unexplained anxiety, fear, and insomnia. Several times the neighbors of the Robsons in their absence saw that their houses were on fire and, in general, judging by the noise and flickering in the windows, something was wrong.

One evening Ann Robson heard crying from the nursery. She hurried upstairs and found the children terribly frightened. The children asserted, choking on tears, that they had just been in their room, appearing from nowhere and just as suddenly disappeared. The mother, as she could, reassured the kids, convincing them that there was just a bad vision. But, finding herself on the threshold of her own bedroom, I was horrified to find in it a terrible humanoid creature.

The woman screamed wildly, and the creepy creature jumped out the window. At the same time, Ann clearly heard the sound of a fall and the steps of the fleeing one.

A few days later, the mysterious creature reappeared in the house of the terrified family. This time the owner of the house himself noticed the creepy monster at the door. “I was terribly scared,” recalls John Robson, “but unexpectedly for myself I rushed to this horror movie nightmare: I wanted to expel the terrible creature from my house by all means. Oddly enough, she rushed out the back door."

The unhappy family went to the police. Courageous cops referred them to a psychiatrist. Meanwhile, in the house all sorts of devilry continued to happen: mirrors and dishes were broken for no reason, household appliances were on fire, other people's voices, groans and lamentations were constantly heard. Long ago the cat and the dog fled, and some disgusting creatures like turkey-sized toads appeared in the rooms.

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The reason for the strange phenomena remained a mystery to everyone, until the owner of the house accidentally noticed a woman's stone head emitting an intense blue light! It occurred to him that mysterious idols were to blame for all misfortunes. He urgently called Dr. Ross, told about what was happening, begged him to come and pick them up, otherwise he, Robson, would simply drown them in a swamp.

Upon arrival, Ross examined the finds in detail and came to the conclusion that in his hands were Celtic idols, one of which personifies the deity of war, and the other - the spirit of magic and witchcraft. Both were unusually ancient.

Dr. Ross decided to take the findings with him in order to scrupulously examine them. At the same time, he stubbornly calmed an extremely anxious family, convincing them that all the stories about the witchcraft properties of idols were nothing more than superstition. In jest, he even told them a Celtic legend about how one hero pacified a raging spirit with one word "Obey!" This is supposedly enough to temporarily protect oneself from evil forces.

Laughing at the "silly superstition", Dr. Ross went home. But before he could drive a couple of miles, he began to feel growing anxiety. All the time it seemed to Ross that someone was looking hard at the back of his head. There was no one in the backseat save for two idols. When the archaeologist looked around again, it seemed to him that a woman's head was grinning! Ross turned, horrified, and picked up speed. But his car suddenly stalled in the middle of the highway, and several drivers struggled to avoid colliding with him. Ross wanted to start the engine, but he couldn't move. People passing by were looking at the Nissan with a numb and deathly pale driver at the wheel, standing on the road.

“Suddenly I remembered the legend of the ancient Celtic. I turned and shouted, “Obey! Obey me, fiend of darkness! " The feeling of wild fear disappeared, the car started up. With great relief I saw that the evil grin on the face of the idol was gone."

Having reached the house, he did not dare to bring the idols into the apartment, but hid them in the bushes. Research carried out at the Archaeological Museum confirmed his conclusion about the Celtic origin of idols.

But that is not all. A day later, Ross had an accident. He himself was not injured, but the car had to be scrapped. Then there was a fire in the Robsons' house. And when he found out that all devilry began to happen in the museum of archeology, he was no longer surprised, for he felt the curse of ancient idols on himself.

The ancient Celts - the aborigines of the British Isles - since ancient times worshiped the deities of war and witchcraft, whose idols were carved out of stone in the form of grotesque human heads. The Celts decorated their homes with them, buried them in yards. According to legends, these idols are favorable to people only if they are worshiped and appeased in every possible way. But idols are very willful and vindictive, very vindictive and very difficult to please them. If they were "offended" by one person, then, according to legend, in revenge they can send a curse, horror, obsession on anyone who looks into their eyes. There is a lot of evidence that these ancient gods have retained power over people to this day.

Alexander Evteev