An English Butcher Photographed The Ghost Of A Medieval Girl - Alternative View

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An English Butcher Photographed The Ghost Of A Medieval Girl - Alternative View
An English Butcher Photographed The Ghost Of A Medieval Girl - Alternative View

Video: An English Butcher Photographed The Ghost Of A Medieval Girl - Alternative View

Video: An English Butcher Photographed The Ghost Of A Medieval Girl - Alternative View
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34-year-old English butcher Mark Whitaker claims to have photographed the ghost of a girl near Skipton Castle, which has stood in North Yorkshire for over nine centuries. According to the man, the phantom girl is dressed in a medieval dress to the ground and has a lady's cap on her head. As a deeply religious person, Mark does not even doubt that he has met something supernatural.

Whitaker visited the ancient castle back in 2014, taking many photographs inside and outside the fortress. Returning home to Lancashire, the Briton looked at some of the images on the laptop screen, but then quickly forgot about them. His wife Amanda was at that moment in her penultimate month of pregnancy, and therefore Mrak already considered himself guilty because he went on an excursion without his wife.

In a word, he did not then carefully consider and sort these images. Just the other day, a man came across a folder with these photos and decided to run through them with his eyes. Stumbling upon one of the strangest pictures taken two years ago near Skipton, the Englishman was literally speechless. He immediately showed this photo to Amanda, and the butcher's wife also admitted that it was most likely a real ghost.


The girl's ghost caused a mixed reaction

Whitaker says: “When I saw this picture, goose bumps ran down my spine. Amanda and I immediately decided that I was able to capture the spirit of a medieval girl in a photo. She is indeed wearing a vintage dress and an old-fashioned bonnet - no one dresses like that now. If any fancy-dress events took place near the castle that day, then the explanation of what happened would be quite understandable. But I remember very well that no actors were there and close."

Some regulars on the World Wide Web, where Mark posted this mysterious photo, accuse the Englishman of editing the picture in a photo editor. At least the author gave the image a black and white look, although this was not necessary. Skeptics are convinced that the photographer wanted in this way to hide some irregularities in the pasting in the photo of this very "ghost". However, most Internet users agreed that a ghost was captured in the picture. As a rule, one of this majority noted, forgeries are more "realistic", and then furnished with more "reliable" facts and details of the event that took place. Here everything is prosaic and simple, like life itself …

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