Chronicle Of The Last Space Battle Of The Outgoing Era. The Truth About Lenin - Alternative View

Chronicle Of The Last Space Battle Of The Outgoing Era. The Truth About Lenin - Alternative View
Chronicle Of The Last Space Battle Of The Outgoing Era. The Truth About Lenin - Alternative View

Video: Chronicle Of The Last Space Battle Of The Outgoing Era. The Truth About Lenin - Alternative View

Video: Chronicle Of The Last Space Battle Of The Outgoing Era. The Truth About Lenin - Alternative View
Video: Vladimir Lenin, Russian revolutionary, documentary footages (HD1080). 2024, June

The tactics of the Hierarchy of Darkness have always been distinguished by deep and thorough planning based on a deep knowledge of the psyche of people. At one time they succeeded in not burying Lenin's body, which left His Soul in a borderline state in the Subtle World. The black-essences, in accordance with their plan, managed to turn the image of the leader of the proletariat into an object of cult-fanatical worship.

His body has become one of the main black portals that collect and transmit the psychic energy of people to the Hierarchy of Darkness. Each image of Lenin, each monument served as a microportal for collecting and transmitting the psychic energy of people. The construction of the monuments was carried out in the "best traditions" of the pin antenna construction. Along the laid Dark Highways, they transmitted energy to one of the main Black Portals of the Planet - Lenin's Mausoleum in Moscow.

The Mausoleum itself was built on a tectonic fault, which in combination with its pyramidal shape, became a powerful repeater through which the circulation of dark energy was carried out. After the collapse of the USSR, many monuments to Lenin were dismantled, but this practically did not affect the state of affairs, since their counterparts continued to function on the Thin Plan. Before entering the Age of Aquarius and the Sixth Race, it was vital to destroy this infrastructure, eliminate the Portal and free the captive aspects of Lenin's soul.

During the reign of the Prince of the World, the Hierarchy of Darkness on Earth, it was possible to re-qualify many Places of Power of the planet into Black Portals. The most powerful black portal was the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow. It was one of the main black portals of the Earth. The Black-Essences used Lenin's body as a guide.

Before entering the New Era, it was evolutionarily vital to eliminate this stronghold of the Hierarchy of Darkness. The battle was planned for a long time, since it was supposed to be the last battle of the Forces of Light and Darkness of the Age of Pisces (not to be confused with Armageddon!). Everything was at stake, from one side to the other. The Hierarchy of Light could not enter the New Era and the new millennium with a black portal in the heart. For the Hierarchy of Darkness, the loss of the Portal would actually mean the loss of control over the Earth and humanity.

The main events unfolded on March 16, 2001. A strategic plan for the Hierarchy of Light was developed, of which the "X" group was an integral part. The circumstances were arranged in such a way that one of its participants was at that time on Red Square in Moscow. Simultaneously, training was conducted in Simferopol.

The idea of the Hierarchy of Darkness was to inflict a preemptive strike on the group at the beginning of the work with the aim of energetically destabilizing the fields. They scanned all their thoughts. The participant of "NAM" was in Moscow and We, the Hierarchs of Light, made sure that his thoughts were occupied with everything, just not the work ahead.

Starting from noon, the Hierarchy of Light began to pull the main striking forces to the Lenin monument in Simferopol (Crimea). Soon the group "X" moved to the place of work. The Hierarchies of Darkness began to panically regroup Their Forces from the area of the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow to Simferopol, because, in Their opinion, the main events should have developed there. In fact, the Hierarchy of Light undertook a diversionary maneuver - it presented energy-information copies - phantoms of Its Impact Forces in Simferopol, and the Hierarchy of Darkness could not recognize them and took them for the main Forces of Light.

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Soon after, the Hierarchy of Light mobilized additional energy reserves from the Crystals of the Earth and Shambhala and placed them over Simferopol. It was real energy - not quasi-phantoms. According to the plan of the Hierarchy of Darkness, they were supposed to inflict a series of preventive muffling strikes on the Places of Power, as well as on the "X" group. They were about to do it.

However, We controlled the situation. At the appointed time, participant "X" "remembered" about his work and began to move towards Red Square. His thoughts were instantly scanned by the Hierarchy of Darkness. At the same time, the Hierarchy of Light projected a phantom of the group "X", modeled while working on the Yalta pyramids, near the Mausoleum. This, together with the physical body of the employee “X” that appeared there, brought complete confusion into the ranks of the Hierarchy of Darkness. An energy-informational clone in the form of a super-capacious energy capacitor was made from the matrix of the participant "X" taken earlier - one of the latest developments of the Hierarchy of Light laboratory. It was placed above the focus point of the Beam above the Mausoleum. This served as a target designator for striking the Hierarchy of Darkness. All the phantoms of the "X" group were also moved to Moscow, which gave the impression of preparing for a serious battle. Something like a panic has begun at the Black Essence headquarters. Some believed that what was happening was a tactical trick of the Forces of Light, others that these were real events and the battle would take place in Moscow. There was no time to think, and They decided to make the main blow to the Red Square area. An urgent regrouping of the forces of the Hierarchy of Darkness from Simferopol to Moscow was made. A preemptive strike against Group X was thus not delivered, as the Black Essences considered it a distraction –0 decoy. They did not believe that We could entrust such a responsible work to people, because Our fate also depended on the outcome of the battle. But we took the risk, giving our destiny to people, and we were not mistaken. As it turned out later, it was precisely such an unconventional step that was decisive in Our common victory.that what is happening is a tactical trick of the Forces of Light, others are that these are real events and the battle will take place in Moscow. There was no time to think, and They decided to make the main blow to the Red Square area. An urgent regrouping of the forces of the Hierarchy of Darkness from Simferopol to Moscow was made. A preemptive strike against Group X was thus not delivered, as the Black Essences considered it a distraction –0 decoy. They did not believe that We could entrust such a responsible work to people, because Our fate also depended on the outcome of the battle. But we took the risk, giving our destiny to people, and we were not mistaken. As it turned out later, it was precisely such an unconventional step that was decisive in Our common victory.that what is happening is a tactical trick of the Forces of Light, others are that these are real events and the battle will take place in Moscow. There was no time to think, and They decided to make the main blow to the Red Square area. An urgent regrouping of the forces of the Hierarchy of Darkness from Simferopol to Moscow was made. A preemptive strike against Group X was thus not delivered, as the Black Essences considered it a distraction –0 decoy. They did not believe that We could entrust such a responsible work to people, because Our fate also depended on the outcome of the battle. But we took the risk, giving our destiny to people, and we were not mistaken. As it turned out later, it was precisely such an unconventional step that was decisive in Our common victory.and They decided to strike the main blow at the Red Square area. An urgent regrouping of the forces of the Hierarchy of Darkness from Simferopol to Moscow was made. A preemptive strike against Group X was thus not delivered, as the Black Essences considered it a distraction –0 decoy. They did not believe that We could entrust such a responsible work to people, because Our fate also depended on the outcome of the battle. But we took the risk, giving our destiny to people, and we were not mistaken. As it turned out later, it was precisely such an unconventional step that was decisive in Our common victory.and They decided to strike the main blow at the Red Square area. An urgent regrouping of the forces of the Hierarchy of Darkness from Simferopol to Moscow was made. A preemptive strike against Group X was thus not delivered, as the Black Essences considered it a distraction –0 decoy. They did not believe that We could entrust such a responsible work to people, because Our fate also depended on the outcome of the battle. But we took the risk, giving our destiny to people, and we were not mistaken. As it turned out later, it was precisely such an unconventional step that was decisive in Our common victory. They did not believe that We could entrust such a responsible work to people, because Our fate also depended on the outcome of the battle. But we took the risk, giving our destiny to people, and we were not mistaken. As it turned out later, it was precisely such an unconventional step that was decisive in Our common victory. They did not believe that We could entrust such a responsible work to people, because Our fate also depended on the outcome of the battle. But we took the risk, giving our destiny to people, and we were not mistaken. As it turned out later, it was precisely such an unconventional step that was decisive in Our common victory.

Then there was the following. Having determined that the place of the main battle would be the Mausoleum in Moscow, the Hierarchy of Darkness struck a blow with all its might at his heart, that is, at the quasi-phantom of the participants of "X". The energy condenser took over most of the energy, transformed it and directed it to the point of localization of Lenin's soul over the Mausoleum. At the same time, an information Beam was sent from the center near Simferopol, which, having connected with the transformed energy from the condenser at a point, released a huge amount of energy.

There was a collapse of space-time, as a result of which the captive aspects of Lenin's soul were released.

The Mausoleum Portal has been transformed into a Portal of Light. Immediately, the burning of black ties began, going from the Mausoleum to all the monuments of Lenin - all over the world. The ray trajectory was supported by the collective thought-form of the "X" group.

It is especially noteworthy that in the course of this cosmic battle, the Hierarchy of Light practically did not expend its own energy (Our Ray was informational, not energy, that is, it carried a non-energy-intensive conversion program). Also, with the help of people, We managed to reprogram the energy of Darkness into Light and inflict a crushing defeat on the Black Essences. Verily, this battle entered the Golden Pages of the History of the Cosmos.

Thus, the place in the Mausoleum became "free" and it was necessary to place the aspects of the Supreme Essence of Light - the Guardian of the Portal of Light. The aspects of the Sphinx have become such an entity. As a result of the trip of employee "X" to Egypt, on the Giza plateau, aspects of the Sphinx were implanted into it, brought to Moscow and at 14.00 on March 25, 2001. - on the day of the third new moon of the third month of the first year of the third millennium - released at the point of the Mausoleum.

This is how this grandiose operation ended - the operation of equal cooperation between the Hierarchy of Light and the people of the Earth. You cannot imagine with what tension the entire Cosmos followed the development of events!

The Hierarchy of Darkness lost its dominant control over the Earth, the Black Portal of the Mausoleum became one of the main Portals of Light on the planet. After incorporating aspects of the Sphinx into it, the Portal received the channel and energy of the constellation Leo and the Egyptian Pyramids.

Lenin's personality is surrounded by many contradictions and odiousness. At first they literally prayed for him, and then they mixed him with dirt, like an unthinkable tyrant.

The truth is that Lenin is a collaborator of the White Brotherhood of the Mahatmas of Shambhala and the Planetary Hierarchy of Light. Don't jump to conclusions! You need to know that We have both “good” role-based incarnations and “bad” ones. In fact, We are simply doing the work necessary for evolution. Lenin came to lead the country to the bottom so that later the Golden Age would begin with Russia. Judas Iscariot had a similar mission. Both the One and the Other accomplished a life feat. And you will soon be able to realize this and be convinced of it. You will discover the evolutionary significance of "bad" incarnations and all the torment that accompanies Our co-workers throughout their life path in such incarnations.

The darkness is especially black before dawn. Before the Earth entered the New World, it was necessary to aggravate suffering and torment, bringing them to a critical point. This is how the Universal Atonement took place. The time of the renaissance of the Slavic peoples is coming, and has already come.