Were Our Ancestors Giants? - Alternative View

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Were Our Ancestors Giants? - Alternative View
Were Our Ancestors Giants? - Alternative View

Video: Were Our Ancestors Giants? - Alternative View

Video: Were Our Ancestors Giants? - Alternative View
Video: When Were There Giants? 2024, September

Were our ancestors giants? Sardinia, which is often visited by tourists, has many ancient monuments, including those that are officially called the tombs of giants. Many locals talk about finding skeletons of unusual large sizes, but none of the local museums can show such remains.

In the middle of the last century, excavations were carried out on the island by Giovanni Liliu, an archaeologist who became famous for having declared that the Nuragi, the megalithic towers that remained in Sardinia from a vanished civilization, were built not by ordinary people, but by giants. These cone-shaped structures with truncated tops began to be built on the island from the second century BC.

The words of the archaeologist caused a heated discussion in the society and in the press. The island has a total of about eight thousand such buildings. This means that there was once a whole kingdom of giants, which built these towers. However, other scholars who disagree with this version compromised and called the Nuragians simply giants of thought.

At the same time, the partial recognition of the legends about the ancient giants in a separate country almost did not affect the opinion of the entire world science.

So did the giants really exist?

For example, Gilgamesh, carved in stone by the Sumerian tribes, pressed a lion to his chest, which on his body looks like an ordinary kitten. Was he, like other characters in the legends, really such a powerful giant?

In pseudo-scientific mythological literature, there are many references to the race of giants. Literally all peoples tell legends about them. However, official science calls such statements fairy tales.

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If the legends about giant people reached their contemporaries as memories of distant times, then it would be wrong to call them continuous inventions. But scientists say that today there are no genuine remains of giants in any of the world's museums. But on the other hand, facts and reports about such finds come from different countries almost every year.

Today, there are many fakes on the Internet that add even more confusion to this issue, but those who create these pictures hardly know how much evidence of the existence of giants has survived in Eastern Armenia alone.

In 1974, under the walls of a very beautiful temple in the village of Ohanavan, human bones of truly gigantic proportions were discovered. And five years later, when laying a road in Goshavanka, an excavator brought to the surface the remains of people whose bones were human-sized.

The length of the skeletons on average reached four meters, and the skull was so large that the one who carried it in his arms could see at least two meters around.

But where do all the found remains go, and is the notorious filtration of unfavorable facts really working here again?

In Soviet times, the Hrazdan hydroelectric power station was built next to the pearl of Armenia - the stunningly beautiful high-mountainous lake Sevan. As a result, the lake became shallow, and on land a whole archaeological complex appeared before the researchers, which includes a cyclopean fortress of the third century before our chronology, as well as settlements and burial grounds. For three and a half thousand years, the latter were under the waters of Sevan. Since 1956, an archaeological expedition has been working here in the area of the village of Lchashen, which discovered giant chariots, many bronze items, figurines of birds and animals. There were even mirrors among the artifacts. The finds testified to the high level of culture and development of the ancient population in the Sevan basin even in pre-Urartian times. It turns out that among the burials there were many remains of a truly gigantic size,however, these facts were simply kept silent at the time.

Bone remains of giant people are constantly found in the mountains of the Caucasus.

Many of the remains are found in a place where the highlands border the plains, so the researchers conclude that the remains of the giants should be sought in mountainous places.

Thirty years ago, in the Yeghegnadzor region of Armenia, a large group of young people, vacationing in the mountains, began looking for a place to hide from the pouring rain. The guys went into the first horseshoe-shaped cave they came across with two exits. All twelve people began to examine her. Soon, under the beams of flashlights, they saw something that none of them could even imagine. In the middle of the cave, facing the ground, lay a fairly well-preserved skeleton of incredibly large size. Two years later, in the area of the city of Sisian, a burial was discovered in which the giant lay. In the hands of the giant was a sword made of metal, which left rust along the body.

A huge settlement was also found there. The fortress with masonry in two rows was assembled from huge megaliths, so ancient that at first glance they resemble rocks.

Similar megaliths are found throughout the territory of Armenia. Some of them are twelve meters high and weigh about twenty tons. And ancient legends say that a race of giants once lived here.

In Soviet times, scientists who went against generally accepted dogmas could easily lose their jobs and titles. Darwinism was at the heart of the communist ideology, therefore, everything that contradicted this teaching could not be a scientific fact, let alone made public.

However, today Armenian historians provide a lot of evidence for the existence of giants. In general, the Armenians consider the legendary Hayk as their progenitor, who had a gigantic stature and defeated Bel, the Babylonian king-titan. In ancient historians, the history of the origin of the Armenian people is directly related to the race of giants.

“The first Gods were majestic and formidable. A whole generation of giants separated from them, huge bodies of absurd giants, one of which was Hayk, who is considered an eminent and brave leader. This is how the book “History of Armenia”, written by the fifth century historian Movses Khorenatsi, begins.

According to the biblical legend, one of the great-grandsons of Noah Togarma, whom the Armenians call Torgom, divided his possessions among his grandchildren. One of them was the giant Hayk, from whose name the name of the Armenians came. The book of Khorenatsi indicates exactly where the sons of Hayk, the giants, built their cities later. And it is there that the Cyclopean fortress is located, the megaliths of which weigh tens of tons.

In the twentieth century, legends about giants were considered myths or fairy tales, but at the beginning of the twenty-first, the situation changed dramatically. Independent researchers, including those from Russia, have found out how true the legends about the giants are.

Thus, the great Khorenatsi described that the cities of giants are also located in the gorge of the Vorotan River in the Armenian Highlands. Here in 1968 they built monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. And when they were leveling the mound, we came across ancient tombs with very unusual remains. These were truly huge people. Today, archaeological expeditions from Germany are working in this region together with Armenian scientists.

Legends about giants tell about giants tens of meters in height. For example, Russian legends speak of Svyatogor, who was as tall as a mountain, and Ilya Muromets, with whom he came to the Ararat mountains, could fit in his palm. Many historians believe that Ilya Muromets is a historical person, and he lived during the time of Prince Vladimir in the tenth century during the adoption of Christianity by Russia. Maybe Svyatogor was not a fiction, although according to Russian epics he was more "standing forest".

Today, none of the researchers can answer with certainty whether there was a real prototype of Svyatogor. It is quite possible that he was a kind of symbol of other, much more ancient types of people. And in this case, his frequent presence on the Ararat mountains testifies to the fact that our ancestors were aware that giants really lived in the Armenian Highlands.

It is not yet possible to say exactly how tall this ancient type of people was. It is quite possible that among our ancestors there were also giant nations.

All these questions are still a mystery today. Anthropologists admit that our ancestors are two meters tall, but they are skeptical about three meters. But the facts say something quite different.

And when science begins to study them very carefully, perhaps then humanity will receive an answer to the question: who and what were their ancestors in reality.