The Mystery Of Lead Books Describing The Life Of Jesus - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Lead Books Describing The Life Of Jesus - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Lead Books Describing The Life Of Jesus - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Lead Books Describing The Life Of Jesus - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Lead Books Describing The Life Of Jesus - Alternative View
Video: The Temptations of Jesus 2024, September

In a cave in northern Jordan, ancient manuscripts were found carved into lead plates, which were held together by wire. A collection of 70 books was discovered between 2005 and 2007. However, the general public about the find, which, according to scientists, will turn the whole biblical history, became known only a few days ago.


The books were found in the part of Jordan from which Christians fled after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. According to initial research on the metal, the find may date back to the 1st century. AD and thus is the most ancient relic of Christianity.


Scholars believe that lead plates, each no larger than a credit card, make up the Book of Revelation mentioned in the Bible. The manuscripts are written in Hebrew using hieroglyphs. Some of the text has already been deciphered. It talks about the Messiah, the Crucifixion and the Ascension.


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Experts believe that the relic is evidence of the non-Jewish origin of Christianity. This is evidenced by the symbols placed on the covers of books: crosses related to Roman culture, and seven-branched lamps, which were strictly forbidden to be depicted by Jews.


If the guesses of scientists regarding the lead books are confirmed, it will undoubtedly become a world sensation, because we will be able to obtain unique information about the life, as well as the death of Jesus. Maria MULANOVA