Energy Vampires That Kill With A Glance - Alternative View

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Energy Vampires That Kill With A Glance - Alternative View
Energy Vampires That Kill With A Glance - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires That Kill With A Glance - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires That Kill With A Glance - Alternative View

Nowadays, they often talk about bioenergetic vampires that harm others. However, you shouldn't call a person a vampire if you just feel bad after talking to him. A real energy vampire - kills, directly, with one glance.

A strange visitor. Eyewitness Elena

Back in 1994, my husband and I were selling flowers in a small stall. As usual, in those difficult times there was simply no other job for those who received higher education. It's good that we thought of starting our own business. The business turned out to be quite profitable - there was no end of buyers. In the flower business, the main thing is to keep the flowers in good shape. So, while I was at the counter, my husband monitored the temperature and sprayed the plants.


Everything was going well, but once we noticed that a strange guy periodically comes to our stall, who does not buy anything, but only carefully examines the flowers. After his departure, most of the flowers withered, we began to suffer losses.

Even in those wild times, it was not customary to drive customers out. However, we decided to act decisively. You probably know that doing business in those days was impossible without a "roof". We paid the bandits a percentage of the profits, and they, in turn, helped us when problems arose. The husband gave the go-ahead to the brothers, and they, having dragged the flower vampire to the nearest gateway, explained to him that it was better not to appear in the stall, and to bypass the area itself by the tenth road. The strange guy agreed and walked away.

It was only after this that even more mystical events followed - the bandits died one by one. No, not from bullets or knives, as is their custom. Hefty guys just withered from unknown diseases, like flowers in a stall.