What You Need To Know About Energy Vampires - Alternative View

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What You Need To Know About Energy Vampires - Alternative View
What You Need To Know About Energy Vampires - Alternative View

Video: What You Need To Know About Energy Vampires - Alternative View

Video: What You Need To Know About Energy Vampires - Alternative View
Video: Spot an Energy Vampire Right Away with These 6 Steps (And 1 Surefire Way to Repel Them) 2024, September

In modern medicine there is no direction that would describe energy vampirism as a social phenomenon, like a disease. There is no way to identify people-vampires, protection from them, means and methods of treatment for both vampires and their victims. All psychics unanimously believe that energy vampires are people who lack their energy, so they are forced to steal it from others, although some do it unconsciously, while others do it the other way around. Such vampires deliberately provoke us to breakdown and irritation in order to take our life force. After which the vampire becomes easy and good, and the donor, or the victim of the vampire, always remains broken and sick.

Child vampirism

It is known that a child is always drawn to a pure, bright and joyful person, and begins to be capricious in the presence of a person with a bad character. And if your child annoys you all the time, for which you endlessly scold and beat him, this means that you are a vampire in relation to your child, and not vice versa. Over time, the child adopts your manner of communication and, like you, becomes a vampire. However, it drains energy from those who are weaker. Therefore, if your child pulls a cat by the tail, hits girls in class or breaks trees, know: this is already an established vampire. Also, there are a lot of cases when the cause of vampirism in people turned out to be a school or even a specific teacher who had a habit of humiliating and insulting students.

Family vampirism

Perhaps the biggest disaster for humans is family vampirism. Most families have donors and vampires.

One of the types of vampirism is jealousy. The vampire keeps his victim in constant mental stress and on the verge of collapse. The vampire-spouse (spouse) through jealousy provokes the donor-spouse (spouse) for his energy supply. It is very difficult for one of the spouses to live in eternal tension, constantly proving their love and devotion. The vampire does not see or hear the object of his love until he shakes it energetically. And only after that can he grovel in his deceitful feelings. Constant reproaches and nagging of one of the spouses, causing resentment and irritation, is also one of the variants of family vampirism, which leads to the development of cervical osteochondrosis in the donor spouse.

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Often the mother-in-law or mother-in-law plays the role of a vampire in a family. Receptions - all the same nit-picking, far-fetched quarrels and scandals. Having arranged a dressing down and feeding on your energy, such a vampire says that he has gotten excited, asks not to be offended. He wants you to relax so that he can “drink” you again. The vampire takes energy either from one of the family members, or from everyone a little. Old sick relatives also support their existence at the expense of the energy of loved ones. Family vampires live painfully long, poisoning the lives of household members. Oki worry about their donors, and we wonder why good people die before bad ones. How many destinies, families, talents have been ruined just because the cunning of vampires was not recognized and stopped in time!

Horseradish radish is no sweeter, and vampire neighbors are no better than family ones. Neighbors-vampires under various pretexts will impose their friendship on you. They come to visit you easily, like a neighbor, sit, cry, blush and leave. We get tired of empty conversations, we are tired and annoyed by their obsessive presence. But that's all a vampire needs. It has been noticed that vampires never invite them to visit, but strive to come themselves to drink tea. The best thing to do here is to break off relations with them.

Vampires at work

At work, both bosses and subordinates can be vampires. Bosses at work love to spend their "vampiric" five minutes. Depending on how much the energy received from you is enough for the boss, these five minutes will be so frequent.

The vampire boss will be able to get everyone. He will scream, bang his fist and insult you. And all in order to take more energy.

It has been noticed that the boss-you-feast has the highest turnover. Nobody wants to work with a vampire, get psychic shocks every day. They are already enough in our life. The worst thing is when vampires run children's institutions, creating constant mental stress in the team. Fighting a vampire boss is not only useless, but even harmful, because that is exactly what he expects from you in order to charge extra. Conduct an experiment, do not react to the rudeness of the boss, smile, say something about the weather, and you will see how he suddenly turns red, turns purple, shakes and grabs his heart. You did not give him your energy, and the symptoms of vampirism are obvious: screaming - from powerlessness, rudeness - from bad manners, rage - from anger. A vampire subordinate usually uses a vampiric technique such as whining. If someone next to you repeats endlessly that he does not like his job, know: in front of you is a vampire. And one more common feature of vampires - they do not enjoy authority in the team.

Technological progress has given rise to the most sophisticated type of vampirism - telephone. The telephone vampire shares with you not joy, he calls every day and always at the wrong time and constantly solves his problems. He (a relative, an acquaintance, a colleague) takes up a lot of time, distracts from business. You listen to him with irritation, and an invisible stream of your energy flows to the vampire. The geographic location does not matter. The vampire does not need to come to you, he just picks up the phone and connects to his victim. You can disconnect from a vampire only by referring to your busyness. Psychics also advise mentally surrounding yourself with fire and thus interrupt the pumping of energy.

Hidden techniques of vampirism

Imagine this situation. A person suddenly enters a room, an office, or a kitchen whom you do not like or, as some say, you hate. So, this person deliberately playfully or noisily begins to loom in front of you or speaks to someone present, pretending that this does not concern you at all, but in fact this is a hidden technique with which the vampire will receive a fair share of your energy.

When this person appears, you immediately begin to "pound": the heart beats faster, breathing stops or passes into the nose. At the same time, the nostrils twitch nervously, the teeth and lips clench convulsively, the throat is intercepted by spasms, the arms and legs twitch nervously. Considering yourself a cultured person, you do not even show, you do not expose the feelings that have overwhelmed your entire being.

The vampire purposefully used a covert technique against you, and you showed latent irritation. The more impulsive your reaction was, the faster and better you fed the vampire. After a while, the vampire comes out, and you grab your heart, head, pills and start loudly indignant. It immediately becomes clear that of all those present, you have become a donor for the vampire. What if this is repeated every day?

Another hidden trick that vampires use is that they require proof. You will never convince them of anything, they will still remain unconvinced. And how many nerves will you spoil at the same time and how devastated you will feel after these conversations! Here the conflict is important to the vampire, it provokes an energy clash. We get annoyed trying to prove something, and he is filled with contentment. Remember, the wise proves nothing to anyone. It has also been noticed that people with high self-esteem are more likely to fall into the hidden traps of vampires.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to cleanse your body with various methods. All these methods and techniques cleanse only the physical body of a person, completely without affecting the astral and mental. After such "purifications" people go to an energy minimum and unconsciously take energy from others.

Vampire protection

If you do become a victim of a vampire, you need not only to calm down, but to be able to forgive the offender and forget him.

Try to understand why the vampire chose you as his victim. If you get angry with your offender, a channel will open between you and the vampire through which your energy will flow to him.

Only calmness, only a person's soul filled with joy can resist psychic attacks and protect themselves from harmful energy vampirism.

A. Bunina. “Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism №22 2013