The Mystery Of Fateful Signs - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Fateful Signs - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Fateful Signs - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Fateful Signs - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Fateful Signs - Alternative View
Video: Epica - Canvas of Life (Acoustic) 2024, October

Spring is coming, and for some people, the first bright rays of the sun give grief, especially to those with thin and delicate skin. In spring, when many sources of energy are activated and the sun shines brighter than in winter, an excess of energy accumulates in the human body. Cosmobiologists believe that this is the reason for the appearance of freckles on the skin. Freckles most often cover the face and hands and are more visible in redheads and blondes. Freckles in brunettes (women and men) are extremely rare. Freckles do not cause any discomfort. Their "evil" is purely subjective. Moreover, they are considered a defect in their appearance not only by girls and women, but sometimes by young men. And in attempts to get rid of freckles, they do not stop at anything, sometimes causing harm to the skin with inept actions. In addition, some are deprived of special attractiveness,which freckles give their face. Remember at least a cartoon known from childhood about a charming "red-haired, freckled" boy.

However, freckles can appear not only with an excess of energy in the body, but also with a lack of it. And this should already be alarming. Warm days come in spring, people are lightly dressed and less protected. They give up their energy more easily. Moreover, both other people and animals and plants can take energy, "suck" it. In ancient times, freckles that appear on the body seasonally were attributed to the signs of Mercury. All ancient sages and healers recommended removing freckles. This, as they believed, increases the body's energy security. The presence of freckles on the body, especially on the unfavorable, "evil" side (for men - left, and right - for women), was considered a bad sign for a person.

The ancient sages assessed the state of a person, his energy and health, not only by moles, spots, freckles. They believed that human hair is the energy antenna of the body, connecting both with the Cosmos and with other people. It is known that fluffy thick hair and fluffy hairstyle attract the attention of other people. However, as the popular wisdom says: "everything is good in moderation." An overly hairy, overgrown person can subconsciously repulse because of the "animal" excess of energy. A bald person has to significantly strain his bioenergetics in order to achieve the same result in communication, which can easily be achieved by a person with lush hair.

Spring is coming, and for some people, the first bright rays of the sun give grief, especially to those with thin and delicate skin. In spring, when many sources of energy are activated and the sun shines brighter than in winter, an excess of energy accumulates in the human body. Cosmobiologists believe that this is the reason for the appearance of freckles on the skin. Freckles most often cover the face and hands and are more visible in redheads and blondes. Freckles in brunettes (women and men) are extremely rare. Freckles do not cause any discomfort. Their "evil" is purely subjective. Moreover, they are considered a defect in their appearance not only by girls and women, but sometimes by young men. And in attempts to get rid of freckles, they do not stop at anything, sometimes causing harm to the skin with inept actions. In addition, some are deprived of special attractiveness,which freckles give their face. Remember at least a cartoon known from childhood about a charming "red-haired, freckled" boy.

However, freckles can appear not only with an excess of energy in the body, but also with a lack of it. And this should already be alarming. Warm days come in spring, people are lightly dressed and less protected. They give up their energy more easily. Moreover, both other people and animals and plants can take energy, "suck" it. In ancient times, freckles that appear on the body seasonally were attributed to the signs of Mercury. All ancient sages and healers recommended removing freckles. This, as they believed, increases the body's energy security. The presence of freckles on the body, especially on the unfavorable, "evil" side (for men - left, and right - for women), was considered a bad sign for a person.

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On the human body, spots and freckles are often located asymmetrically. They can appear and disappear, accumulate, forming "myceliums" in the projection of some organs, for example, under the scapula. This can be a sign of an upcoming, important for a person, decision or event. If freckles accumulate on the hands, this can be considered a sign of performing some kind of physical work that is important for a person. Signs on the body can be arranged symmetrically. It is believed that this may indicate the state of the human nervous system, the manifestation of nervous diseases.

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The ancient sages assessed the state of a person, his energy and health, not only by moles, spots, freckles. They believed that human hair is the energy antenna of the body, connecting both with the Cosmos and with other people. It is known that fluffy thick hair and fluffy hairstyle attract the attention of other people. However, as the popular wisdom says: "everything is good in moderation." An overly hairy, overgrown person can subconsciously repulse because of the "animal" excess of energy. A bald person has to significantly strain his bioenergetics in order to achieve the same result in communication, which can easily be achieved by a person with lush hair.

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The presence of hair on certain parts of the body, their density is taken into account when assessing the character of a person, his inclinations. For example, a large amount of hair on a man's chest on the right side ("good" - for men) refers to the home, strengthening the clan, will help to strengthen his authority, his affairs in these areas. Accordingly, one should take into account the side of large hairiness on the lower back, on the sacrum and legs, guided by the qualities of the "good" and "evil" sides of the body.

If a man's beard (or hair on his head) is thicker on the "evil" side, this indicates that a person needs to be softer, should not persist, insist on his own when achieving a goal, as this may result in failure. It is believed that the presence of hair on the lower part of a man's face strengthens his connection with society, increases his social significance as a person, and also enhances his masculine qualities.

In some cases, having body hair is a sign of dependence on a person's inner ego. Such people have a highly developed intuition, their behavior is often at the subconscious level. (Sometimes they cannot explain their actions.) If, moreover, a mole appears in the hairy part of the body (on the "good" side), this may mean that a person should share his happiness, bioenergy or something else with other people. The appearance (or development) of hairiness at the location of the mole on the "evil" side may indicate that, regardless of a person's will, other people can take advantage of his kindness, love, decency, nobility, as well as his ideas.

To determine the event indicated by the sign on the body, each part of the body is divided into thirds. In addition, you should take into account the average life expectancy of a person. Then each third is divided into eight equal parts and it is determined in which of these parts there is a mole, a spot or another sign. The event time is determined from top to bottom. For example, if a mole is in the middle of the forearm, then the event will occur at 40-45 years old. Experts believe that this should take into account the national characteristics of a person, namely: the shape of the face, the structure of the hair.
