Hitler's Purses: Freedom In Exchange For Silence - Alternative View

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Hitler's Purses: Freedom In Exchange For Silence - Alternative View
Hitler's Purses: Freedom In Exchange For Silence - Alternative View

Video: Hitler's Purses: Freedom In Exchange For Silence - Alternative View

Video: Hitler's Purses: Freedom In Exchange For Silence - Alternative View
Video: Hitler Returns To Germany From France (1940) | British Pathé 2024, October

Who actually financed Hitler's rise to power? Historians still do not agree on this point: some believe that the Nazis were secretly kept by the German Reichswehr, who cherished the dream of revenge after the defeat in World War I, others argue that the main sponsors of the Fuhrer were German industrialists.

Meanwhile, when, at the Nuremberg Trials, the ex-President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economy Hjalmar Schacht suggested that, for the sake of justice, to put on the dock those who nursed the Third Reich, mentioning the American corporations General Motors and Ford, as well as the personal manager of the Bank Norman Montague's England - the Americans made a deal with him, promising freedom in exchange for silence. And the International Military Tribunal fully acquitted Schacht despite the protests of Soviet lawyers.

At the initial stage of his party career, the secret of Anglo-Saxon aid to Hitler was taken to the grave by two people - an inconspicuous at first glance Swiss financier Wilhelm Gustloff (it is no coincidence that the Fuhrer will posthumously assign his name to the largest cruise liner in Germany) and the NSDAP treasurer Franz Schwarz. Hjalmar Schacht called Gustloff, who was killed in 1936 in Davos, Switzerland by some puny student, as a "permanent intermediary" between British and American corporations, on the one hand, and the Nazis, on the other (according to some sources, Gustloff mediated from 1925 to 1929). As for SS Obergruppenfuehrer Schwarz, he died no less strange than Gustloff: on December 2, 1947, he was supposed to be released from the filtration camp in Regensburg, but the general never got out. Had breakfastfelt bad and after an hour and a half died - "due to stomach problems", as noted in the medical report. In April 1945, Schwartz burned in the "brown house" (the headquarters of the NSDAP in Munich) all financial documents that could compromise the representatives of the victorious countries, and for this reason he naively counted on leniency.

Hitler received the first chest with currency from the head of the Shell concern

But despite the fact that two of the most important witnesses were forever silent, some historians still managed to get evidence of the Anglo-Saxon sponsorship of Hitler and his henchmen. In particular, the Italian Guido Giacomo Preparata, who devoted almost two decades to studying the Nazis' ties with the business circles of London and Washington, named those who brought the “browns” to power by name: “Who financed the Nazis from the very beginning? According to a funny tale, persistently implanted in society, the Nazis financed themselves by collecting money at rallies. And further, the Preparation convincingly proves that most of the funds of the Nazi party were of foreign origin. The overseas financial clans of the Morgan and Rockefellers, through the Chase National bank, promoted the shares of IG Farbenindustrie and a number of other German chemical plants on Wall Street (later Krupp's brainchild came under the control of Rockefeller's Standard Oil), and the Dillon and Reed bank - Vereinigte Stahlwerke Alfred Thiessen. “By 1933, when it became clear with irrefutable clarity that AEG had financed Hitler,” wrote Preparata, “30% of the shares belonged to its American partner, General Electric. Thus, the historian believes, “for 15 years, from 1919 to 1933, the Anglo-Saxon elite actively intervened in German politics, with the intention of creating an obscurantist movement, which could later be used as a pawn in a great geopolitical intrigue … Hitlerism, but it was they who created the conditionsin which only this phenomenon could appear”.

And here is what another researcher of financial flows that flocked to Hitler, the German historian Joachim Fest, wrote: "In the fall of 1923, Hitler went to Zurich and returned from there, as they said," with a chest full of Swiss francs and dollar bills. " That is, on the eve of the attempted "beer putsch" someone allocated a substantial sum in foreign currency to the future Fuhrer. " This "someone", according to some reports, was none other than Sir Henry Deterding, the head of the Anglo-Dutch concern Shell. He would later finance Hitler through Wilhelm Gustloff. Interestingly, the Munich court, where the putschists' case was heard, could only prove that the Nazi party received $ 20,000 from the industrialists of Nuremberg to organize the mutiny. But the costs of Hitler's associates were estimated at at least 20 times more!In April 1924, Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison for high treason, but in December he was released, acquired the Berghof villa and began publishing the reconstituted newspaper Völkischer Beobachter. The question is, what shishi? “Since 1924,” wrote Joachim Fest, “Hitler-sympathetic industrialists and financiers (Thyssen, Vogler, Kirdorf and Schroeder) secretly gave out significant sums to the Nazis. At the same time, the leadership of stormtroopers and party functionaries received salaries in foreign currency. " It is noteworthy that Vogler and Schroeder were rather not German, but American businessmen - they earned their capital mainly overseas. Among Hitler's sponsors were other controversial figures - for example, IG Farbenindustrie head Max Warburg - the brother of the director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Paul Warburg. Or Karl Bosch,headed the German division of the Ford Motor Company.

And how could German industrialists want Hitler to come to power? After all, the National Socialists, no less than the Bolsheviks, wanted to restrict industrialists!

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For which Henry Ford was awarded the highest order of the Third Reich

Speaking of Ford: in 1931, a journalist from the American newspaper Detroit News, who came to Germany to interview a promising politician Adolf Hitler, was surprised to see a portrait of a person she knew well, Henry Ford, above his desk. “I consider him my inspiration,” Hitler explained. But Ford was not only the mastermind of the main Nazi, but also a generous sponsor. Ford and Hitler agreed on the basis of their inherent anti-Semitism. Back in the early 1920s, "Grandpa Ford" at his own expense published and sent to Germany a half-million edition of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and then two of his books - "World Jewry" and "The Activities of Jews in America".

In the photo: Henry Ford received the highest order of the Third Reich from Hitler. And the American General Motors owned one of the largest German carmakers - Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning"
In the photo: Henry Ford received the highest order of the Third Reich from Hitler. And the American General Motors owned one of the largest German carmakers - Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning"

In the photo: Henry Ford received the highest order of the Third Reich from Hitler. And the American General Motors owned one of the largest German carmakers - Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning".

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Ford, according to some sources, generously fed the NSDAP (written evidence of Franz Schwarz has been preserved on this score - however, he never named specific amounts). And as a token of gratitude, Hitler awarded Ford with the Grand Cross of the German Eagle - the highest award of the Reich, which could be awarded to a foreigner. This happened on July 30, 1938 in Detroit, at a festive dinner attended by about one and a half thousand eminent Americans. The order was presented by the German consul. Ford, they say, was so moved that he even cried. After that, Ford took over the full financing of Hitler's "people's car" project - in the end, he got 100% of the shares of the newly formed Volkswagen concern.

The ties between Ford and Hitler were so strong that they were not interrupted even during the war. By that time, a special law had been passed overseas prohibiting all cooperation with the Nazis (Trading with the enemy act), but for Ford this law seemed to have no effect. In 1940, Ford refused to assemble engines for the aircraft of England, which was at war with Germany - at the same time, in the French city of Poissy, his new plant began producing aircraft engines for the Luftwaffe. European subsidiaries of Ford in 1940 delivered 65 thousand trucks to Hitler - free of charge! In occupied France, the Ford subsidiary continued to produce trucks for the Wehrmacht, while the other subsidiary, in Algeria, supplied Hitler's General Rommel with trucks and armored vehicles. By the way, a remarkable touch: at the end of the war, allied aviation bombed German Cologne to the ground. Untouched - by some miracle, not otherwise! - only a few buildings of the Ford automobile plant remained. Nevertheless, Ford (and along with his competitors from General Motors) obtained compensation from the US government for damage "caused to their property in enemy territory." At the same time, General Motors owned one of the largest German auto concerns Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning". On the basis of these machines, craftsmen created the notorious "gasenvagens" - gas chambers on wheels. By the beginning of World War II, the total contributions of American corporations to German branches and representative offices amounted to about $ 800 million - Ford's investments were estimated at 17.5 million, Standard Oil (now Exxon) - at 120 million, General Motors - at 35 million. Nevertheless, Ford (and along with his competitors from General Motors) obtained compensation from the US government for damage "caused to their property in enemy territory." At the same time, General Motors owned one of the largest German auto concerns Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning". On the basis of these machines, craftsmen created the notorious "gasenvagens" - gas chambers on wheels. By the beginning of World War II, the total contributions of American corporations to German branches and representative offices amounted to about $ 800 million - Ford's investments were estimated at 17.5 million, Standard Oil (now Exxon) - at 120 million, General Motors - at 35 million. Nevertheless, Ford (and along with his competitors from General Motors) obtained compensation from the US government for damage "caused to their property in enemy territory." At the same time, General Motors owned one of the largest German auto concerns Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning". On the basis of these machines, craftsmen created the notorious "gasenvagens" - gas chambers on wheels. By the beginning of World War II, the total contributions of American corporations to German branches and representative offices amounted to about $ 800 million - Ford's investments were estimated at 17.5 million, Standard Oil (now Exxon) - at 120 million, General Motors - at 35 million. At the same time, General Motors owned one of the largest German auto concerns Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning". On the basis of these machines, craftsmen created the notorious "gasenvagens" - gas chambers on wheels. By the beginning of World War II, the total contributions of American corporations to German branches and representative offices amounted to about $ 800 million - Ford's investments were estimated at 17.5 million, Standard Oil (now Exxon) - at 120 million, General Motors - at 35 million. At the same time, General Motors owned one of the largest German auto concerns Opel, which produced army trucks of the Blitz model - "Lightning". On the basis of these machines, craftsmen created the notorious "gasenvagens" - gas chambers on wheels. By the beginning of World War II, the total contributions of American corporations to German branches and representative offices amounted to about $ 800 million - Ford's investments were estimated at 17.5 million, Standard Oil (now Exxon) - at 120 million, General Motors - at 35 million. Standard Oil (now Exxon) - 120 million, General Motors - 35 million. Standard Oil (now Exxon) - 120 million, General Motors - 35 million.

Cash flows from the US to Germany were controlled by the chief of American intelligence

Remember the episode from "Seventeen Moments of Spring" where Nazi General Karl Wolf meets with the head of the CIA Allen Dulles? Historians often ask the question: why did President Roosevelt send Dulles to Switzerland for separate negotiations? Meanwhile, the answer is obvious. In January 1932, Hitler met with British financier Norman Montague. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Military Sciences Yuri Rubtsov believes that at it "a secret agreement on financing the NSDAP was concluded." “At this meeting,” Rubtsov writes, “the American politicians, the Dulles brothers, were also present, which their biographers do not like to mention.” One of the brothers is the future head of American intelligence Allen Dulles. Are such coincidences easy? According to some historians, it was Dulles who personally controlled all American cash flows,flocked to the Reich since the 1930 Nazi election campaign. By the way, it was half funded by IG Farbenindustrie, by that time already under the control of the Rockefeller Standard Oil. So, Roosevelt sent Dulles to secret negotiations for the sole reason that he knew better than anyone who of the American tycoons and how much he invested in the rise of Hitler and later in the economic rise of the Reich. Why did Dulles ask General Wolff so biasedly about the assets and gold reserves of the "new German authorities"? Yes, because he was given the task of "recouping" all expenses as soon as possible!Roosevelt sent Dulles to secret negotiations for the sole reason that he knew better than anyone who of the American tycoons and how much he invested in the rise of Hitler and later in the economic rise of the Reich. Why did Dulles ask General Wolff so biasedly about the assets and gold reserves of the "new German authorities"? Yes, because he was given the task of "recouping" all expenses as soon as possible!Roosevelt sent Dulles to secret negotiations for the sole reason that he knew better than anyone who of the American tycoons and how much he invested in the rise of Hitler and later in the economic rise of the Reich. Why did Dulles ask General Wolff so biasedly about the assets and gold reserves of the "new German authorities"? Yes, because he was given the task of "recouping" all expenses as soon as possible!

The topic of financing Hitler by Anglo-American corporations is so vast that it can hardly be covered in one newspaper article. The story of Ernst Hanfstaengl, an American of German descent, who "supervised" Adolf Hitler on behalf of American intelligence in the 1920s and who transferred money from overseas businessmen to the future Fuhrer, remained outside the framework of our story. It was not fully possible to tell about the role of the Englishman Norman Montagu in financing Hitler and the split of the British elite. We hope to continue the theme we started in one of the next issues of Our Version.


Nikolay STARIKOV, historian, publicist:

- If you read the books of Hitler's biographers, then note to yourself that none of them could give any factual details about the sponsoring of the Nazis before 1932. In 1932, when Hitler came to power, or rather, when he was dragged into power by the scruff of his neck, there were a lot of people willing to give him money. And who financed the National Socialists before that, from 1919 to 1932? In 1922, when the search for new political figures began in Germany, no one was going to drag Hitler into power - almost no one heard about him beyond Munich. Therefore, the US military attaché in Germany, Captain Truman Smith, first met with other people - with the former General Ludendorff, who commanded the German army in the First World War, with Crown Prince Ruprecht. It was they who told the American about the new "rising star". On November 20, 1922, the captain met with the future Fuhrer in his squalid apartment. The obscure leader of a small local party spoke of his intention to "liquidate Bolshevism", "throw off the shackles of Versailles", "establish a dictatorship." Thus, Hitler offered himself as the "sword of civilization" in the fight against Marxism. That is, with Russia. Hitler seemed so promising to the Yankees that on the same day the “overseer” from the USA, Ernst Franz Zedgwik Hanfstaengl, was assigned to the future Fuhrer. From this very moment, we can talk about how Hitler was taken up by the Americans. Financing came from Switzerland - from there Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin received funds "for the revolution"."Establish a dictatorship." Thus, Hitler offered himself as the "sword of civilization" in the fight against Marxism. That is, with Russia. Hitler seemed so promising to the Yankees that on the same day the “overseer” from the USA, Ernst Franz Zedgwik Hanfstaengl, was assigned to the future Fuhrer. From this very moment, we can talk about how Hitler was taken up by the Americans. Financing came from Switzerland - from there Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin received funds "for the revolution"."Establish a dictatorship." Thus, Hitler offered himself as the "sword of civilization" in the fight against Marxism. That is, with Russia. Hitler seemed so promising to the Yankees that on the same day the “overseer” from the USA, Ernst Franz Zedgwik Hanfstaengl, was assigned to the future Fuhrer. From this very moment, we can talk about how Hitler was taken up by the Americans. Financing came from Switzerland - from there Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin received funds "for the revolution". Financing came from Switzerland - from there Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin received funds "for the revolution". Financing came from Switzerland - from there Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin received funds "for the revolution".

Leonid IVASHOV, Colonel General, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems:

- One of the reasons that the USA and Great Britain supported the Hitler regime were the conclusions of the Anglo-Saxon geopoliticians Mackinder and Mahan about the mortal danger to the interests of the powers of the "sea civilization" of the creation of a German-Russian union. In this case, London and Washington would have to forget about world domination and lose a number of colonies. The 1922 Rappal Treaty and the subsequent rapprochement between Germany and the USSR, especially in the military and military-industrial spheres, strengthened the possibility of forming an alliance against the Anglo-Saxons. So Hitler remained almost the last hope for the destruction of the formed alliance between Moscow and Berlin. It seems to me that Hitler was a clear henchman of the Anglo-Saxon elite and world capital. What is this belief based on? Firstly,Hitler acted contrary to the conclusions of all the founders of the German geopolitical classics and military strategy, who considered the main enemy of Germany to be the countries of "sea civilization" and honored the testament of the "iron chancellor" Bismarck "never to fight with Russia." Secondly, it was British banks that financed the development of the defense industry of Hitler's Germany, and London's diplomacy encouraged Hitler's eastward movement.

Author: Ruslan Gorevoy