In The Networks Of Spiritual Deception - Alternative View

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In The Networks Of Spiritual Deception - Alternative View
In The Networks Of Spiritual Deception - Alternative View

Video: In The Networks Of Spiritual Deception - Alternative View

Video: In The Networks Of Spiritual Deception - Alternative View
Video: Spiritual Deception- UTUVIS 2024, June

A web of spiritual impostors

It was 1855. Dark dark clouds began to gather over Lhasa, the mysterious and inaccessible capital of Tibet. A state of grief and fear gripped the local Buddhist people - their Dalai Lama was dead! It was rumored that some Mongol hermit had escaped by putting poison in a bowl. Someone should have been punished! On the same evening, in one of the temple rooms of the Potala (the rather vast palace of the Dalai Lama), another spiritualistic seance was held. The oracle, who had the rank of the state prophet of Tibet, called on the gods in order to find out who killed the ruler. Not far from the audience, nervously shifting from foot to foot, stood Tempu Gergan, the venerable and wealthy minister of finance. Somewhere around noon, well-wishers warned that the lot might fall on him, and he himself understood that this was quite possible, because not so long ago he publicly declared,that the oracle's predictions cannot be trusted. Now the "prophet" will most likely take advantage of the situation and try to take revenge.

So everything is ready. The soothsayer sits on his throne, dressed in ceremonial clothes: on his head is a heavy helmet made of silver and gold, decorated with 5 human skulls. One of the lamas censes in the face of the oracle, and next to him other priests are singing mysteriously. In a chilling chant, the living Buddha calls on the three-headed and six-armed demon god to manifest his power and take over the fortuneteller.

“Come, O mighty Pehar, come and tell me who killed the Dalai Lama,” the lamas sang louder and louder in excitement. Tempu gasped; he wanted to scream, but as if mesmerized, without stopping, he looked at the oracle. Another moment, and the face of the oracle was terrifying, changed beyond recognition - it was no longer a priest, but Pehar gazing ominously at the audience. Now the oracle was in full demon power! Tempu was covered with cold sweat, he peered out from behind the column with caution, feeling the earth receding from under his feet.

“I see a golden bowl, a demon is dancing on the edge of that bowl,” the priest muttered. “But some unknown priest offers this bowl to the Dalai Lama: he is wearing a high pointed hat and torn clothes.” Everyone recognized the Mongol, but the demon's voice continued to broadcast: “I see sacks of gold and silver around the saint. I see a hand reaching out silver to this unknown priest. I can’t see the face, but here it starts to appear …”.

With some sixth sense, Tempu realized that his name was about to be called. Rushing to the door, he rushed down the passage. Running into a small room, he instantly threw off his rich brocade robe, under which he found the rags of a wandering pilgrim peasant, and at the same instant heard a growing cry: “Tempu Gergan is a murderer! Keep it! ". The former minister wanted to run as fast as he could, but Tempu restrained himself - why run, because now he was a poor pilgrim. "Will these steps never end?" - worried Tempu, slowly walking down. He eventually left the building and headed for the city wall.

“Lock the gate, close the stairs! - shouts came from behind. “No one should leave the palace!” But Temu was in time, he silently climbed over the city wall and found himself on the other side, where a faithful servant with two horses at the ready was already waiting for him. So the former minister, unjustly sentenced to death, managed to escape, but he would never see his beloved city. Guilty without guilt, Tempu will live the rest of his life in exile - and all because of some dubious priest who turned to lying demons for help!

“I will never go to a session of spiritualism, I will not associate with any demons and thus ensure my safety,” you say. Don't be so sure! Stormy winds blow from the East, and the Western fascination with Eastern mysticism should no longer be seen as a passing fad. Of course, having passed through the sieve of Western secularism, the traditions of Eastern worship will not seem so threatening, but they have found their place in society and their position is quite solid. Having put on new clothes, or more precisely, disguised, the basic principles of occult philosophy are imperceptibly spreading in our society. The basics of transcendental meditation are taught in our schools as a kind of science. It has become fashionable to talk about past lives, talk about karma.

Promotional video:

But, no matter how you call it all, we must admit that, at its core, Eastern worship is based on an idea completely alien to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Like almost any false religion, Eastern theology proclaims salvation by works. Man saves himself. And no matter what its adherents may say, however, Eastern meditation is not a science. It is a religion, and despite the desire to affirm something to the contrary, meditation is nothing more than Vedic Hinduism. The rite of passage characteristic of him is a purely religious ceremony, and all his mantras are addressed to Hindu deities. Its goal is to achieve a state of divine self-realization, on the basis of which we can recognize that our true essence has a divine nature. Whether you want it or notbut the idea of reincarnation, together with the theory of karma, is a blatant opposite to the cross of Calvary. It turns out that a person says to God: "I do not need a Savior, I myself will pay for all my sins, even if for this I have to live a thousand lives!" Can't you hear the echo of the words spoken by the serpent in due time: "no, you will not die" and "you will be like gods"? The connection is so obvious that it is impossible not to hear and see it!

Whether you like it or not, Eastern mysticism flirts with demons. Hear what the Bible says: “They irritated Him with alien gods, and angered Him with abominations. They sacrificed to demons, and not to God, to gods whom they did not know, to new ones who came from neighbors and about whom your fathers did not think”(Deut. 82:16, 17).

Have you ever wondered why a person from century to century worships wood and stone gods, so meaningless, dumb and disgusting that the worshiper himself does not love them and would readily leave them if he could? Perhaps this reflects the backwardness characteristic of the East? No, it's not just backwardness. The power of these gods is hidden not in wood and stone, and in general power is not in the idols themselves. This is not to say that fear inspires people only by their disgusting appearance. The bottom line is that demons live in them. Listen to what the apostle Paul said: “What am I saying? is it that an idol is something, or does something sacrificed to an idol mean something? Not; but that the Gentiles, when offering sacrifices, sacrifice to demons and not to God; but I do not want you to be in fellowship with demons”(1 Cor. 10:19, 20).

Is it possible to hope that by reaching for the eastern fire, we will remain unburned? Is it possible to turn to what looks harmless and turn a blind eye to Satanism, human sacrifice, demonic possession and all the other horrors of Eastern mysticism? One gets the impression that in Eastern mysticism there is an inescapable desire for death, that the demonic gods standing at the mortal gates lure those who worship them there. Like the serpent from the Garden of Eden, they make death the door to the future, the gate to self-deification. What a terrible deception!

But maybe it was in the East that the fallen angel wasted all his strength? No way. He has at his disposal not some pathetic assortment of gimmicks, but an abundance of the most subtle, seemingly harmless, colorfully designed and falsely offered baits that attract the unsuspecting consumer who thinks that he is completely safe because he has never walked not for any seances. You must not close your eyes for a minute and do everything possible so that you are not sucked into the web that Satan has entangled the entire planet with!

Having started hunting for people in the Garden of Eden, the fallen angel entered into a desperate struggle to master the human consciousness, and in order to delve deeply into this unexplored, poorly mastered sphere, he chose not one beaten path! Take rock and roll for example. It's okay, you say. Very loud, and nothing more, and therefore it would be nice if the daughter or son closed the door more tightly. But Bob Larsen, who was previously a rock musician and composer, and now works as an announcer on national radio, has a completely opposite opinion. “Rock and roll,” he says, “is the means by which Satan is taking possession of today's generation. I have personally seen teenagers fall into demonic possession while dancing rock and roll. There is no difference between the monotonous movements of the shamans,the dances of the wild tribes and the dances that American teenagers dance. Everywhere there is the same hypnotizing rhythm and the same possibility of falling into demonic possession.

And here is what Larsen wrote in his book Rock and Roll - Devilish Fun: “A close friend of mine told me one of the scariest stories I’ve ever heard. For several weeks, he talked with a 16-year-old guy who volunteered to contact demons. And then one day this guy asked my friend to tune in to a radio station that was broadcasting rock and roll. They started listening, but even before a new song, which they had never heard before, started humming her words. When asked how he does it, the young man replied that all the songs he heard were composed under the influence of the very spirits with whom he communicates. In addition, the guy said that during the high he gets from LSD, he usually hears the demons singing songs,who then record psychedelic rock bands on CDs. How is it?

Yes, the fallen angel sells his goods everywhere, sticking a thousand different labels on him, and if he could show what is really hidden under them, he would immediately invent a thousand new labels. But remember - Satan would not be so successful if he did not offer what we ourselves want! We, for example, do not want to bear the responsibility that falls on us if we believe in the Creator. It is more convenient for us to assume that our ancestors crawled out of some ancient ocean, were born as a result of some cosmic event, or thanks to astronauts who came out from the pen of Von Deniken. Having written three books that have become popular, this Von Deniken probably has no idea what it means to reason consistently, logically, but he knows well what to do with the facts in order to fit them into his contradictory and changeable views. In short,he knows how to sell books!

The fact is that modern society, which professes the principles of liberalism, is ready to accept any view other than the biblical account of Creation. Instead of building their lives in accordance with the only reliable yardstick, which is the Word of God, millions of people today prefer to be guided by what the stars supposedly tell them. And they do it knowing full well that the horoscopes they rely on cannot be trusted at all.

The June issue of Science 84 featured French statistician Michel Gauquelin, who spent more than 20 years trying to figure out if astrology can be trusted. One day, he published an advertisement stating that his author was compiling horoscopes for all interested parties. 150 people responded. Having sent each of them the same horoscope, he asked to tell how much he approached them. 94% answered that they recognized themselves in him, and this was the horoscope of Marcel Petyer, who had committed many murders! Why do you need this lie called astrology? Doesn't the Lord have something better for us? I think it has. “I will enlighten you,” He says, “I will instruct you on the path you should follow; I will guide you, my eye is over you”(Ps. 31: 8) …

Satan is a great imitator, and he has millions of helpers whom we cannot see, but who are almost as adept at this occupation as himself. Remember, they are all fallen angels with angelic minds and supernatural powers, and in addition they have accumulated thousands of years of experience in the field of deception. They watch us, they learn everything they can about us, and then they catch - at least too many. They pass themselves off as dead and living, as inhabitants of other worlds; the time will come when they will try to portray the Second Coming of our Lord, and Satan will try to appear in the guise of Jesus - and almost everyone will worship him!

Now do you understand what is happening in the world invisible to us? Our only salvation is to trust the Lord Jesus, who will guide us in this last time, saturated with treachery and deceit!

George Vandeman