Our Ancestors Were The Descendants Of The Aryans And Monkeys - Alternative View

Our Ancestors Were The Descendants Of The Aryans And Monkeys - Alternative View
Our Ancestors Were The Descendants Of The Aryans And Monkeys - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors Were The Descendants Of The Aryans And Monkeys - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors Were The Descendants Of The Aryans And Monkeys - Alternative View
Video: ARE WE NOT HERE? # it's_interesting #the_of_human_theory #bible 2024, June

Many, including Professor V. Ragavan from the University of the Indian city of Madras, believe that the heroes of the famous epic "Mahabharata" are Aryans, and … our ancestors.

And they are representatives of an even more ancient civilization. The practical study of Vedic mythology and philosophy, a unique spiritual heritage that we inherited from our ancestors - the ancient Aryans, has been saying for more than two decades: we, the inhabitants of the Earth, really had some great and very mysterious past, one might say, such a past, in comparison with which any, even the most exciting, fantastic story will seem very wretched.

These Aryans, our ancestors, were gods by origin, and we, today's people, apparently, they became much later, after interbreeding with earthly lower tribes, at a time when an era of degradation began on Earth, an era of oblivion of their present, true nature. It is known for certain that the civilization of these ancient Aryans was the progenitor of a significant part of humanity, from northern Europe to Iran itself with Indonesia. This is evidenced by modern research on the origin of languages, according to which we, Russians, belong to the linguistic group - Indo-European.

The epic "Mahabharata", more precisely, "The Legend of Rama" tells about the gods who reincarnate on our land in order to maintain stability in different worlds and therefore conceive offspring from female humanoid creatures - some demihumans - semi-monkeys or bears. And it is these gods that will then lay the foundation for the entire ancient family of Rama, and, consequently, the civilization of the Aryans.

The present modern humanity, according to the Mahabharata, is the result of a kind of genetic experiment-experiment conducted by a higher civilization of highly divine beings. This experiment developed as follows. At first, the Earth was inhabited by great apes and at the same time - by half-humans, called Vanaras, who possessed the rudiments of intelligence.


The gods, who are in their subtle-material and subtle-astral spheres, were in great need of people, and therefore they came to a decision: to transfer part of their skills and abilities to the Vanaras - earthly ape-like demi-humans, so that they would fulfill a special mission in the future - to free the world from the dictatorship of Ravana, a certain evil a god with demonic inclinations. This story is very similar to the very specifically targeted creation by ancient scientists in a laboratory operating in natural conditions, of certain creatures whose species characteristics are given as a result of genetic experiments.


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And from that moment on, the evolutionary development of people inhabiting our Earth took a completely different path: creatures with divine intelligence and supernatural powers began to emerge, which then became the leaders for the rest of the people.

And as a result of the combination of gods and semi-monkeys, a completely new subspecies of semi-divine beings arose, which was already able to resist Ravana. And it is these demi-humans and demigods, who have absorbed the signs and qualities of these both races, and are our real proto-ancestors - the ancient Aryans and progenitors of all people. Their main habitat, a kind of Aryan divine abode, were the circumpolar, northern regions on Earth, which had a subtropical climate in those centuries.

According to the authoritative scientist Tilak and numerous other researchers of the culture and history of the Aryans, it was this area that was described in the Vedas as the habitat of the ancient Aryans. It was they who laid the foundation for the modern - our human race, having founded the greatest dynasties of rulers on Earth, the heroes of the Mahabharata, immortals who met with the gods as equals and similar, traveled on vimanas - those strange air ships of the Aryans, knew how to use magic weapons, possessed wisdom and strengths that were capable of shaking the universe.

KHAN-UM - in Eastern mythology, the "Divine Monkey", the son of the leader of the Vanara tribe named KESSARI and the beautiful representative of the Apsara tribe AN-JANA.

The name KHAN-UM, distorted by local linguistic transcription, is found in the history of many peoples:

- UM-KHAN, UM-AN and UM-AN in Eastern Europe;

- KHAN-UM and AN-UM in the Middle East;

- MARUTI, KHAN UMKHAN and KHANUMAN in Southeast Asia.

KHAN-UM (left)


It turns out that the scheme of the origin of the present humanity, its further development is as follows: in order to fulfill a certain special mission to destroy Ravana and further restore balance in the Universe, they are Gods and decided to create a completely new class of beings. And for this, they reunited their energies with the half-ape-half-people.

Although, it is quite possible that these were not ordinary monkeys, but the forest homo-habilis - “skillful man”. And as a result, new creatures appeared - God-people, that is, gods who were partially endowed with human features. And it was they who became our first ancestors from the Rama dynasty.

And then, as they gradually mixed with earthly people, their descendants more and more lost their divinity, and more and more human appeared in them. In the end, this new class began to be dominated by the so-called homo sapiens - ordinary people, known to us from school textbooks, who laid the foundation for our entire current civilization. Our distant ancestors along this "heavenly line" were gods, along the earthly line our ancestors were an ordinary forest people - the same "Vanaras", half-humans and half-monkeys.

HARA is a representative of the most ancient people. Other little-known names of the people are BO, BOH (remember the term "God"), BOHA, BOHARA (remember the term "Bukhara"), SA, SAKH, SAKH, SAKHAR (recall the term "Sahara"), SO, SOKH, SOKHA, SOKHARA, TO, TOKH, TOKHA, TOKHARA (remember the term "Tokhara").


SITA presents HARA (RAMA, KRISHNA) with the symbol of the Union of the Four - "Cross in a circle".


But did the Vanars have a completely real prototype, since modern science knows many humanoid creatures, in the forms of which there are common features of both man and ape. The ancient Neanderthal man or the same Pithecanthropus - aka "Homo erectus" - after all, most likely it is people, while the Australopithecines are very similar to monkeys.

Therefore, in this case, attention as a prototype deserves a skilled person, whom science sometimes refers to as Australopithecines, then considers him the very first representative of the Homo genus. The remains of the latter - Homo habilis - were first found in 1960 in Tanzania by an archaeologist and anthropologist from the Leakey family. Over time, his remains were found in Eastern and Southern Africa.

The growth of Homo habilis ranged from one meter to one and a half meters, weight - up to 50 kilograms, and its brain volume - up to 650 cubic centimeters. It had supraorbital ridges, protruding jaws and a flat nose. The head of Homo habilis is larger than that of the Australopithecus. The characteristic bulge in his thin-walled skull indicates the existence in Homo habilis of Broca's center - the very part of the brain that is responsible for speech, but his larynx, in all likelihood, could not produce as many sounds as ours.

However, nevertheless, the speech of this Homo habilis was articulate and meaningful. Homo habilis was the first creature to deliberately manufacture tools and implements for hunting. It was he who stepped over that invisible border that separated the human race from other biological creatures. The tools that this skilled man made were mainly made of quartz, although it turned out that there were no deposits of this mineral at the sites of Homo habilis. They seem to have brought it from elsewhere, which proves that Homo habilis, or Homo habilis, was actually a man. A person who was careless about these self-made tools, who threw them away after use.

So it turns out that old Darwin was right, and we still descended from a monkey. Although he did not quite accurately represent the evolution of human development, who knows who was right, Darwin or Hindus, who knows …
