A New Book About Polish Ufology - Alternative View

A New Book About Polish Ufology - Alternative View
A New Book About Polish Ufology - Alternative View

Video: A New Book About Polish Ufology - Alternative View

Video: A New Book About Polish Ufology - Alternative View
Video: Former EU chief Donald Tusk stages comeback in Poland | DW News 2024, June

In the ufological literature of the whole world, there is a general stagnation and constant circulation around the same topics. Peter Celebias' new book UFOs over Poland, published in English, breaks this trend. The carefully selected Polish ufological cases may be quite unexpected for many western ufologists. There have also been numerous and rather interesting UFO incidents in this part of Europe. The book is also expected to serve as an excellent presentation of Polish ufology abroad.

It is safe to say that Polish ufological cases are practically absent in world statistics. Since the famous UFO incident in Emilcin was popularized in the West by the late Zbigniew Blania-Bolnar, Poland has remained a blank spot for Western European UFO organizations on the map of Europe for many years. In recent years, this problem has been aggravated by the fact that there were no organizational structures in Poland that would collect, record and publish information about Polish UFO sightings in foreign publications. Polish ufologists acting on an individual basis also could do little to acquaint the world ufological community with their domestic materials.

26 years after the publication in Denmark by Bronislaw Rzepiecki of the book "UFOer over Polen", which presented ufology from the times of the Polish People's Republic and which enabled the ufological community in Scandinavia to get acquainted with the most interesting UFO encounters in Poland, this negative trend has recently been reversed Peter Celebias is the author of the book “UFOs over Poland. The land of high stangeness ".

Book of Peter Celebias


The author of the book, who is also known as the co-founder of the INFRA Internet portal, a permanent employee of the Nieznany Swiat magazine and one of the authors of the Onet Internet resource, presented English readers with a good portion of the history of Polish ufology, written in an easy-to-understand language and devoid of excessive speculativeness, with which is often encountered in Western European ufological literature. The described cases of close and distant contacts with UFOs are mostly a collection of dry facts - the author of the book in this way pushes the reader to individual reflection.

Without a doubt, Peter Celebias's writing debut for Western UFOlogy is a real injection of information on the UFO situation in Poland in recent years. The vast majority of the described cases were not known abroad at all. It is a very successful step to recognize the presentation of these incidents in the appropriate historical context. Celebias presents the history of Polish ufology in a very interesting way, taking into account the geographical and cultural characteristics of the country, as well as important historical events. Thus, he organizes individual Polish UFO incidents in time and space, which allows the English reader to navigate in this jumble of places, the names of which are sometimes difficult to pronounce.

Events such as the landing of a UFO in Hel, Chernyakowska Gora or contacts with aliens in Czluchow, UFO zones in Glienik, Czestochowa and Rzeszow, we can now call legendary Polish UFO incidents. For the West, they will be real novelties, shocking that incidents of a similar nature also took place in Poland. If we make a general assessment of Western European UFOlogy, we will see that apart from UFO catastrophes, paleocontacts and "crop circles" nothing new is found in the UFO literature. There are no new cases of close contacts and their constructive analysis. Internet portals and books are constantly busy with the same topics: Roswell, abductions, UFO bases and conspiracy theories with reptilians. In all this one can see a distinct crisis and progressive stagnation."UFOs over Poland" takes the UFO theme out of this insanity and demonstrates that Poland is a real "high strangeness" territory, and UFOs are not only aliens and flying saucers. This phenomenon in its complex manifestation is very complex and far from being fully understood.

Promotional video:

The material presented by Celebias includes cases from his own author's archive, the INFRA Internet portal and the archive of Arkadiusz Miazgi. The book also includes many of the well-known incidents, which were investigated at the time by Bronislav Rzepiecki and Krzysztof Pekhota. UFOs over Poland also covers cases from my archive (which is very encouraging). All of them show the multidimensionality of the UFO phenomenon, in which there is a large portion of the paranormal. Such a view of the UFO problem may be difficult to perceive in a country where the theory of extraterrestrial life is firmly rooted in ufology, and other alternative hypotheses do not find support. It is to the latter that the author of the book "UFOs over Poland" refers his readers. His conclusions (rather brief, but significant) are based on the conclusions made once by John Keel and Jacques Vallee.“This phenomenon is both magical, absurd, technical and paranormal, and, importantly, transcending human understanding of reality,” Celebias writes in his conclusion. A huge dose of information contained in the book provides readers with the opportunity to analyze it themselves and try to find answers to the question: "What is a UFO and what is hidden behind this phenomenon?"

UFOs over Poland is, of course, just a pilot presentation of all Polish UFO research. Peter Celebias has selected the most interesting cases from the ufological chronicles. Without a doubt, it is gratifying that, in the end, someone took up such an important task and presented Polish UFOlogy in an English-language version. It is a pity that this book was not published in Polish either. Nevertheless, the Polish reader can find most of the cases borrowed from the archives of Arkadiusz Miazgi in the recently published book "UFO nad Podkarpaciem". Despite all this, I would recommend the book "UFOs over Poland" to non-English speaking readers as well. It is written in plain English and describes many interesting cases that have not been previously published anywhere except in blogs and Internet portals.

Translated from Polish: Victor Gaiduchik