Do Not Do Ufology - Alternative View

Do Not Do Ufology - Alternative View
Do Not Do Ufology - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Do Ufology - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Do Ufology - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, June

For many, many people, the concept of "flying saucer" is associated with romance: after all, in Russia, unlike the West, the people are not only compassionate, but also enthusiastic. Robert Scott, the second conqueror of the Earth's South Pole, who was only a few days late for the southernmost point of the planet, died not far from the base on the way back. It was not hardships that dumped the gallant captain of the Royal Navy of Britain: he did not survive the fact that he became the second, not the first: Amundsen conqueror of the South Pole!

Such a trifle as superiority in a particular business is undoubtedly a pleasant thing, but … In Scott's place it is impossible to imagine a Russian traveler. Romance was and is put by us at the forefront even where there is no trace of it. Jules Verne and Herbert Wells, and later Alexander Belyaev, Ivan Efremov, Alexander Kazantsev; even later - the Strugatsky brothers … Our space theme is so romanticized that we cannot even imagine any serious danger or trick. Except, of course, romantic.

The romanticization of UFOs will still play its cruel joke with our curious and curious eyewitnesses. Irradiation and mental disorders, the restructuring of the body is not in the best for health - those "little things" that lie in wait for our irrational lover who dared to take up UFOs.

However, pioneers have always been in everything. The first blows of fate fell upon them, which, in her "vest pocket", always has something to dazzle an unsuspecting pioneer. The researchers carried the first pieces of uranium ore in their pockets. There was no protection from radiation even when it was found out that it exists. Not out of fanaticism, when testing an atomic bomb on humans, the soldiers were not given the elementary means of protection at that time - gas masks: this is from the carelessness and harshness that is always characteristic of us.

And it turns out that even a newspaper publication that there and there saw a UFO affects human health! In no case should materials about UFOs be kept in the bedroom, dining room, in the nursery … It is best to take it out on the balcony, veranda, in the barn (if you are not afraid that it will flare up one day).

In order to be a real ufologist, it is not enough to be a specialist. You need to know one secret … However, I will not name it - so as not to spawn the ranks of adherents of this nevertheless dangerous profession.

A small example from the memoirs of the ufologist Vitaly Vorobyov, who started back then, in the sixties, when the ufology of our country was taking its first steps.

Vorobyov plunged into the study of UFOs, as they say, headlong. He raced in the heat and in the blizzard to the landing sites of the "plates", collecting typical samples - earth, grass, sometimes some "discharge" of UFOs: for example, shooting from the "plate" two "spent" glowing balls that burned out in the snow. Materials from incomplete combustion fell into the hands of Vitaly Vorobyov, and he, a material scientist by profession, carefully studied the composition of the not completely burnt "something". Vorobiev directly calls the discovered substance extraterrestrial and gives its composition (organometallic with a spherical structure) …

Promotional video:

As a result of the travels of a keen ufologist for the unknown and unknown, misfortunes befell his head. He calls it "devilry", and, oddly enough, turns out to be one hundred percent right!

Literally the following happened. Exactly one week after the trip of the ufologist to the Don, where he studied the UFO landing site, he was hit by a car. He was driving along the main road in a scooter, and the driver, through whose fault the collision occurred, did not see either the scooter or Vitaly Vorobyov sitting on it!.. Is it strange? Not that word! Drivers, in principle, see the road, but here … Vorobyov does not describe exactly how, but says that “under strange circumstances” his briefcase with UFO materials, which he had prepared for publication in a collection compiled by F. Siegel (famous Soviet ufologist, associate of V. Azhazhi).

An interesting story is connected with the Vologda miracles of ufological nature. When Vorobyov went to the Kharovsky district of the Vologda region and collected materials about the extraterrestrial "balls" that appeared there, from which humanoids appeared and in which, in front of the schoolchildren, a woman in a red dress disappeared, the ufologist got into a car accident with the whole family!

In addition, he complains of sudden headaches (terrible and cannot be relieved by drugs: how familiar it is to me!), Equipment failure, and so on.

But Vorobyov's suspicion arose very late! True, it did arise. Vitaly Vorobyov doubted: is it not extraterrestrial intelligence that resists his findings and research?..

Resists - not quite suitable.

The famous American ufologist was found in his own car: he suffocated in the middle of the road from exhaust gases that for some reason entered the salon …

In addition to the fact that enlonauts really like to appear in public, they are increasingly aggressive. For example, drivers who were driving KamAZ from Moscow to Ufa (M. Yumtsov and P. Stepashin), not far from Tolyatti, met a glowing ball going head-on to the car. Yumtsov slowed down.

“Before I even had time to react, he was right above us,” he recalled, “and hit us in the eyes with such a bright spotlight that I lost consciousness for a moment. I woke up, I see: there is an arrow on the speedometer at 80 kilometers, the engine hums exactly, but the car is standing as if glued. My partner collapsed on the door - either asleep or fainting. And the ball is still hanging over us, and some blurry figures descend from it along the shiny threads. One of them swam up to the windshield and began to make signs to me - come out, they say. I was about to open the door, but then suddenly I got terribly frightened and decided to stay in the cockpit. This type had a painfully repulsive look. There is no face, instead of eyes and mouth there are some dips. Well, sheer ghost. When I refused to go out, he was terribly angry. There was a piercing whistle, even the ears hurt, and dull blows on the hood. The ghost directly got stuck in the windshield, and then I see that he somehow missed several silver threads into the cockpit. They wrapped my partner's arm around his forearm and began to pull him forward. Here I could not resist and sharply gave on the brakes. Stupid, of course, but no more stupid than everything that happens. Although the car was already standing, the ghost fell from the hood and disappeared, at the same time the searchlight, which illuminated us with the ball, went out.

Then my partner woke up and asked why we were standing. And I can't really explain, my lips are shaking, my hands are shaking … So we spent the night in that place. It turned out that my friend did not see anything, remembers nothing. And at first he did not want to believe my story. But in the morning we examined the car and found strange dents on the hood, as if someone was raking at full speed. And when his partner took off his sweater and shirt, he had a bruise on his arm - as if someone had pulled his hand with a thin wire. Three years have passed since then, and his hand is still not functioning well: from time to time his fingers go numb and are taken away …"

This and another situation was described by Igor Tsarev in the newspaper "Secret Power" No. 21 for 1997. His article is called symbolically: "The stranger attacks first." And here is the second story - about a man who generates … mercury!

N. Zhigachev, a builder from Sosnovoborsk, got into a car with some “blue-faced people” in it. It is not clear how and why they took him out of town and left him on the outskirts, from where Zhigachev traveled on foot …

And on the third day he developed severe pains throughout his body. When he went to the doctors, the clinic could not recognize the nature of the disease until an X-ray was taken: foreign formations were found under the builder's skin. They performed an operation and removed the droplets of mercury from the incisions! Since then, mercury continues to form in Zhigachev's body, and he regularly undergoes surgery: his entire body is covered with scars. A hundred milliliters of heavy metal has already been extracted from a person. The patient has lost many teeth, lost weight, and now has a second group of disabilities. The body is prone to severe toxicosis …

Tsarev learned this story from the head of the rapid response group of the Siberian Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, Nikolai Novgorodov. A "funny" story - this time not with geography, but with chemistry, the section "metallurgy" …

Etc. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of events similar to those described in this chapter before.

The most dangerous thing is ufology!

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.