Novosibirsk Is Attacked SOMETHING - Alternative View

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Novosibirsk Is Attacked SOMETHING - Alternative View
Novosibirsk Is Attacked SOMETHING - Alternative View

Video: Novosibirsk Is Attacked SOMETHING - Alternative View

Video: Novosibirsk Is Attacked SOMETHING - Alternative View

The lenses of the cameras of Siberians get something whose existence has not been proven even by scientists - UFOs and ghosts …

… Several years ago, Olga Prozorova worked in a travel agency, and when she had an opportunity to travel on a hot ticket to Turkey, the woman was only happy. “Turkey, Side. An ancient peninsula city founded in the 7th century BC. e. Greek colonists. The large number of monuments throughout the city are mainly the legacy of the early Christian period. It contains the present and the past. Then the Siberian woman could not even imagine how the last lines of the advertisement would be prophetic …

- My husband and I always had a camera with us - an ordinary soap dish, - says Olga. - We were photographed on film at each excursion, then to show to friends. They did not show photographs in Turkey, they printed the photographs in Novosibirsk …

And when the couple started looking at the photos, they gasped. On one of them, where they are standing near a waterfall, something is imprinted: a translucent silhouette of a man in a military uniform of the last century … On the ghost's head is a helmet.


Soldier ghost in Turkey

“We still cannot understand where this strange figure came from,” Olga says. - It is visible both on the negative and on the photograph itself.

And here is another mystical case from Olga's life. The photograph somehow predicted bad news for the Siberian woman - the death of her pet, the Baron's dog. The dog got into the picture taken on Christmas, and after three months he died …

Promotional video:

- The Baron got into the frame by accident, the picture was taken with a digital camera, - says Olga. - The Baron had a white glowing spot somewhere on his stomach. At first they thought it was a defect, and then the dog started to get sick, the veterinarian soon said that the dog was sick with dropsy, the focus of the disease was just in the place where the spot had formed in the photo. Baron could not be saved …

UFO, give me a light

The Novosibirsk physicist Valery Makashev has been racking his brains for six months over a mysterious object, which he accidentally photographed not far from Akademgorodok.

This happened on May 28, 2008. He and two other Novosibirsk scientists were returning in the evening from a suburban walk.

“I stopped the car on the side of the road,” recalls Valery MAKASHEV. - We went out and lit a cigarette, the sky was cloudy, but very beautiful, I decided to take a couple of pictures of the evening landscape.

Done and forgot. A month later, I remembered the photographs, sat down at the computer and began to dump the material. The gaze caught on a strange object near the clouds. Something was flying or hovering in the center.


- I myself am a physicist and I can assure, - Valery assures, - that it was not a cloud that got into the frame. Perhaps this is some kind of inexplicable natural phenomenon.

Valery took the picture with a digital camera and sent it to the camera manufacturer to confirm that this is not a shooting defect or a computer genius - Photoshop.

“I believe that this is a unique image of something unidentified,” says Valery. “I’m even ready to sell the sources of the captured UFO to those who are interested in it.

Some, of course, looking at the photo taken by a Siberian physicist, twist their fingers at their temples: they say, your UFO painfully looks like a bizarre drop of water that has taken the form of a flying ship. This is the only way a simple man in the street thinks, professional photographers are sure: this is not water or any other substance …

- If it were a drop on the lens, then the picture would have turned out blurry, by itself a drop, according to all the laws of physics and photography, could not give such a clear picture, - professional photographer Andrey KOPALOV is sure. I do not think that the scientists from Akademgorodok decided to make a name for themselves in this way.

Saucer or rocket?

And on the evening of February 5, 2008, many townspeople witnessed a very unusual phenomenon. The clock was about seven in the evening, when something luminous whistled over the heads of the Siberians. Something began to slowly move across the sky … The very next day in the forums and informants there was a rumor that Siberia was almost visited by humanoids.

- UFO was observed in the area of the Klyuch-Kamyshensky plateau. The area from which the observation was conducted is not inhabited for about three kilometers, it is not built up and, it should be noted, is located on a hill, - wrote an eyewitness on one of the Internet forums. - Moving for about five minutes at a low (compared to the plane) speed, the object was observed in the time interval from 19.00 to 19.30. Then the light emanating from, figuratively speaking, the "searchlight" weakened, and the object began to rapidly move away. I have not seen anything like this either earlier or later.


Saucer or rocket?

For persuasiveness, the blogger posted photos of an inexplicable object, something similar to a comet's tail. To the sadness of many Siberians, no contact with extraterrestrial intelligence occurred a year ago. Everything turned out to be much more prosaic if you look at the page on the Internet "Roskosmos". For UFOs Novosibirsk took the launch of the Progress M-63 rocket, which delivered equipment for scientific experiments to the ISS.

By the way, it is often the creations of human hands that people mistake for UFOs - this was the case on January 30, 2008, when residents of Krasnoobsk saw a strange glowing point in the evening sky, and only a specialist could recognize in this object a stealth-class unmanned aerial vehicle, were sure it was a UFO.

… In Novosibirsk there is a special organization "Cosmopoisk", which studies everything unusual - from poltergeists to plates, but the anomaly hunters on the territory of our city hardly work - every time they go to other regions of Russia and admit that they have never been in the capital of Siberia failed to catch a real UFO in the lens. And the pictures they are shown are nothing more than a delusion or a computer farce.

And at this time

Siberian recorded the music of the dead

Now the track from the kingdom of Hades is on the Internet

A week ago, a very curious audio recording appeared on one of the Novosibirsk forums, the author of which remained a mystery. The young man wrote only a few lines in a commentary on the track that was laid out: they say, he recorded these strange sounds on a dictaphone when he and a friend went to one place, which is known in Novosibirsk as the "path of ghosts." I came home, started listening - and there … some kind of underground singing or ringing …

So I posted all this devilry on the Internet. Whether it looks like an "ensemble of the kingdom of the dead" or a person has recorded music playing somewhere remotely, you decide.