Gehenna Is Fiery. Forgotten Disaster - Alternative View

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Gehenna Is Fiery. Forgotten Disaster - Alternative View
Gehenna Is Fiery. Forgotten Disaster - Alternative View

Video: Gehenna Is Fiery. Forgotten Disaster - Alternative View

Video: Gehenna Is Fiery. Forgotten Disaster - Alternative View
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In the legends of most of the peoples of the world, there is a mass of evidence of a worldwide flood. The most famous biblical version of the presentation of this event, but for some reason everyone closes their eyes, does not notice (do not remember?) That, in fact, there was more than one disaster. The same legends tell of the subsequent misfortune that fell on the heads of earthlings. At least for a significant part of them. It is about the fiery element, about the fire that fell from heaven.

It may well be that the memories of these tragic events are engraved in the Russian proverb "to go through fire, water, and copper pipes."

Petersburg researcher A. V. Pushkarev in his book “XV century. Khans and Cataclysms”is perhaps the only one who spoke out on this topic most intelligibly. A. G. Stepanenko, but his voice was not heard either. But many surviving testimonies directly indicate that if Gehenna fiery actually happened sometime on earth, then its consequences were much more significant than the flood.

What water? She came and went. First I took it and then returned it. Not in its original form, of course, but in that which allows you to soberly assess what was temporarily flooded. And a completely different thing is the all-devouring flame, which, often, did not spare the stone. And we still wander around the world in search of the remains of giants. What kind of remains are there …

The fiery ascension of Elijah the prophet. Pskov icon of the 16th century
The fiery ascension of Elijah the prophet. Pskov icon of the 16th century

The fiery ascension of Elijah the prophet. Pskov icon of the 16th century

Here is an incomplete list of references to the fire catastrophe. I believe that for many this will be news:

Chinese treatise "Huainanzi": "The firmament broke, earthly weights broke off. The sky tilted northwest. The sun and moon and stars have moved … the fire blazed unabated …

Bible. “The fire that engulfed the earth was not kindled by a human hand, but fell from the sky” (Pap.2.10).

Promotional video:

Further, from various chronicles and chronicles:

- 352. While Pope and Athenogenes with their wives and children were drinking (feasting) in the church, fire from above fell and plunged them into the abyss.

- 362. The Temple of Apollo at Daphne, outside Antioch, is destroyed by a mysterious fire.

- 451 years. Fire fell in many places, and a bright cloud like a trumpet was visible in the sky for 40 days.

- 500. The heavenly fire burned Baalbek.

- 500. The fire fell on Antioch, burned the palace and did not stop for 6 months.

- 717 (l.m. 6210, p. X. 710). A storm from God with the intercession of the Mother of God overtook their fleet … The fiery hail that fell on them brought the whole sea to a boil, and when the tar on the ships melted, they and the people sank to the bottom of the sea.

- 841. For three nights, fire appeared. It started raining, stripping the bark from the trees and cutting down stones.

- 1011. The fire fell on Antioch and burned down the church of the Evangelist Luke.

- 1110-1111 years. In Armenia … “in the middle of the night, a mass of flame gushed from the sky onto Lake Van, the waves of which emitted a terrible roar and rushed to the shore.

- 1110. At one o'clock in the morning a "pillar of fire" appears over Kiev and Novgorod. At the same time, lightning illuminates the entire earth, and a great thunder is heard in the sky.

- 1187. Ipatiev Chronicle: “Darkness was all over the earth to the surprise of all people. For the sun died and the sky was burnt with fiery clouds."

- 1230. In Pereyaslavl Russian, the church of St. Michael, and on May 14 the sun "died", and a fiery cloud came down from the sky and sank "over the Lybyad stream" in Kiev.

- 1348. “In the east, near Greater India, fire and stinking smoke burned all the cities”, “between Katai and Persia, a heavy rain of fire fell, falling in flakes like snow, and burning mountains and valleys with all the inhabitants”.

You say: “Well, yes … Fires happen periodically. Here and there, something is sure to burn. Without a doubt, this is so, nevertheless, there are facts that give reason to believe that the annals speak not of individual fires, but of a worldwide catastrophe that almost completely destroyed life on Earth.

And one more important note: - Turkestan is located between Katai (central Siberia) and Persia. Today it is a lifeless desert, but it wasn't always that way. It is reliably known that even before the beginning of the fourteenth century, these territories were covered with dense forests, in which robbers robbing caravans were hiding, and where there was a favorite hunting place for all the great Khans of Tartary. These forests were just teeming with wild animals. The reference to "fire and stinking smoke" in 1348 fits exactly into the version of where the forests of Turkestan disappeared in the second half of the fourteenth century, and why the locals began to build houses from clay, and not from wood, as it was before.

Indirect evidence of climate change

We do not know anything about the history of pre-Petrine Russia, not only because the “interested persons” methodically destroyed all the facts of its existence, but also because most of them were destroyed even earlier, and one of the reasons for the fall of Great Tartary “could be a natural disaster. Ortelius' atlas of 1562 contains the following words: “Samarkandia was once the capital of all Tartary, now it lies in ugly ruins mixed with many traces of antiquities.” But the question: “Where are these“many traces of antiquities”today?

And a little earlier, in 1498. the Moscow spy in Boris Odintsov reported to the Moscow prince: - "And now, Sovereign to Tsar Mengli - Girey, news came from the Horde of Shi - Akhmetovs, and they say, Sovereign, the Horde is hungry and lost." These dates are known to historians as the dates of great climatic shocks. Dendrochronology has made it possible to identify anomalous cooling throughout the Earth, but it is especially pronounced in the northern hemisphere. Probably, this can be explained by the fact that the northern hemisphere has always been the most densely populated, and the level of development of material culture gave more chances to remain isolated fragments of true historical facts.

From this, we can conclude when exactly the ice caps appeared at the poles. They are not millions of years old, as historians and geologists say. Everyone knows that until recently, Greenland was quite comfortable for existence. There are maps of the area of Greenland, lists of parishes of Greenland churches, the names of governors have been preserved. There is evidence of a highly developed animal husbandry on the island. Sheep, horses, cows grazed on magnificent pastures of lush green grass, it was these pastures that gave the name to the country - Greenland - Green Land.

Now there is no need to be amazed by medieval cartographers, who "out of ignorance" misled sailors, pointing out non-existent lands on maps. They supposedly copied them from more ancient maps. Let's leave it on the conscience of historians, and don't be too gullible. Several branches of science at once irrefutably prove the dramatic cooling on the planet precisely in the Middle Ages.

Here I cannot but mention one most curious moment. Anyone who independently tries to understand the heaps of historical falsifications knows very well that the most reliable information can be gleaned from … Cookbooks. Yes, exactly the kind of evidence that it would never have occurred to anyone to destroy or edit. And now look what you find in the most common brochure for amateur gardeners, published at the end of the nineteenth century in Paris: -

The Fruit Wall dates back to the beginning of the so-called Little Ice Age, a period of extreme cold in Europe that lasted from about 1550 to 1850. The French quickly began to perfect technology for pruning fruit trees in ways that can be attached to a wooden frame on a wall.

Approximately the same discovery awaits researchers who wanted to find out what dishes were prepared in the Russian Empire at the end of the eighteenth century, but this is a separate topic for conversation.

Dendrologists also know the phenomenon of a sharp cold snap in the Middle Ages. From the rings on juniper cuts, it can be established with great accuracy that the climate in the Middle Ages changed dramatically, until the fifteenth century the annual rings were many times thicker than later.

Now let's remember the Siberian mammoths. Even as a child, in Kolyma, with my own ears, I heard stories from adults about how the Yakuts and Evens in the sixties of the twentieth century handed them over to shops and restaurants under the guise of elk - mammoth meat! Yes, these are not stories. I have heard the same stories from the residents of Primorye and Khabarovsk. The fact is that the carcasses of mammoths are perfectly preserved in the permafrost, which testifies to instant freezing, and a great many parts of animals have been preserved in this natural "freezer".

Precisely parts, because whole carcasses do not come across so often. The bodies were torn to shreds, as if a giant tore huge mammoth carcasses to pieces and tossed them in different directions. In addition to mammoths, frozen carcasses of other animals - elk, deer, many tigers - have been preserved in the permafrost. Dogs do not eat tiger meat, namely, the aborigines dug mammoths to feed the dogs. Someone came up with an idea to try the "canned food" from mammoth meat. It turned out to be edible, only tasteless. The meat is very tough, like rubber, but it's not a hindrance to getting twenty-five rubles from a restaurant director, for example!

In addition, there are several finds of miniatures on bones and trees, where the Yakuts and Chukchi depicted mammoths and deer together, which suggests that people saw mammoths alive quite recently.

And now I propose to remember your childhood, and try to understand why ancient images of people seemed strange? Don't you remember? I remember. I was very surprised that all people are naked. Of the items of clothing - only a sword. Why? Everything falls into place if you understand that until recently, the climate on earth was such that clothes were simply not needed. He covered the shame with a thin rag and went to pick grapes for himself, why not heavenly pleasure?

A long time ago, at the institute, I asked a teacher of cultural studies: - "Now you have used the word" antiquity "ten times today, but explain to me, the unreasonable meaning of this word." The teacher was no longer a young woman, but, wrinkling her forehead, she honestly admitted that she herself did not know! But at the next lecture, an explanation, obtained from the dictionary, sounded especially for me, “antiquity” means “antiquity”. At that time, I did not notice the catch, and much later I tried to verify the truth of the statement that antiquity and antiquity are one and the same.

When the Internet appeared, I literally immersed myself in dictionaries and reference books, and remembered about "antiquity." I found the most curious interpretation: - "antiquitas - events that took place until a certain moment." And then a quite slender picture began to form in my head. Well, of course, it couldn't be otherwise. The whole history of mankind is divided into "Before" and "After" something. B. C. and from R. H. It means that antiquity is the time before some very important event that changed the course of history.

To be more precise, it turns out that history was divided into the period in which the Antes lived - the ancestors of the Scythians (read - Russians) and the period when the kingdom of the Antes - antiquity, turned into ruins.

Reconstruction of the appearance and dress of the ants
Reconstruction of the appearance and dress of the ants

Reconstruction of the appearance and dress of the ants.

Was it related to a cultural or political event? Probably yes. A person always tries to benefit, even from tragic events. What could be easier than using force majeure to appropriate someone else's property? You just need to take it for yourself and rewrite history. In fact, this is a banal looting.

And the fact that in the images of the era of the ants there are no characters dressed in warm clothes, confirms the version that they lived in a warm climate. But when their civilization was destroyed, they had to invent boots and short fur coats.

Analysis of information from the official history provides a more or less reliable starting point for a new, "post-antique" period. According to the official chronology, we can conclude that the event that led to a sharp cooling occurred in the middle of the fifteenth century. What was this event? Now many are inclined to the meteorite (comet) version. Perhaps this is so, let's see what the evidence scattered in time and geography tells us.

Legends of the Sakhalin Gilyaks

“At first there was one sun, one moon, there were many people, there were many fish, there were many sea animals, there were many big whales in the sea. There were many trees on the mountains and on the ground. Then the weather turned bad. One year all the weather was bad, the snow was falling. The tar rain fell profusely on the ground. Then three suns and three moons were born. Three suns burned everything up. It was so hot that the fish that jumped out of the water was baked outside in the sun. This Earth was all burned up, broken. There was only water. The sea was boiling, all the fish, the sea animals all died. Then the land was born from the sea. After killing the superfluous luminaries, life began to appear."

Three moons and three suns … Is this really possible?

An enlarged fragment of a medieval map. This is the China (China) flag
An enlarged fragment of a medieval map. This is the China (China) flag

An enlarged fragment of a medieval map. This is the China (China) flag.

Medieval engraving
Medieval engraving

Medieval engraving.

The phenomenon, filmed by an eyewitness on a cell phone camera in China
The phenomenon, filmed by an eyewitness on a cell phone camera in China

The phenomenon, filmed by an eyewitness on a cell phone camera in China.

Where else could the legend of the three luminaries be reflected? We'll see:

Emblem of the Royal Swedish Air Force
Emblem of the Royal Swedish Air Force

Emblem of the Royal Swedish Air Force.

Coat of arms of Russia
Coat of arms of Russia

Coat of arms of Russia.

Biohazard sign
Biohazard sign

Biohazard sign.

Tamerlane's banner
Tamerlane's banner

Tamerlane's banner.

As you can see, the echo of past events may well be conveyed through symbolism. At the same time, it is worth remembering the mythology of the Slavs, in which a huge place is reserved for the battles of the Gods. The three-headed serpent, the Trinity, Svyatovite, etc., all of this can also have a subtext that has retained memories of some kind of catastrophe or catastrophes.

Legends of the Amur Nanai

“Instead of one heavenly body, three of them arose, people began to go blind from the light, from thirst to perish. The sun was burning so hard that the earth burned, water boiled in the rivers. When the fish, playing, jumped out of the water, its scales slipped off. At night, when the three suns had set, three moons appeared, and the night became so bright that people could not sleep."

Tale of Bygone Years

“There was the Sun in a circle, and in the middle of the circle there was a cross, and in the middle of the cross there was the Sun, and outside the circle there were two suns, and above the Sun outside the circle there was an arc with horns to the north; the same sign was in the moon, the same kind and for three days …"

An engraving from the Chronicle of Lycostenis
An engraving from the Chronicle of Lycostenis

An engraving from the Chronicle of Lycostenis.

One could include in this story the legends of the Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians of Central and South America, etc. In the Bible, I know at least two references to such an event - the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah and the revelation of John theologian. And all the legends and traditions are related by several factors:

- Three moons and three suns, though I will make a reservation, in Vietnam there were already twelve of them, and about seven.

- An intolerable heat that incinerated the whole earth, evaporated whole seas.

- Changes to the landscape, the emergence of new islands, mountains and rivers.

- Precipitation in the form of bitumen or tar, and some flakes.

- Change the calendar.

The first factor indicates the meeting of the earth with cosmic bodies (comets, stars), the second explains the disappearance of huge masses of water from the planet (the strait between Asia and Europe and the Tethys Sea), the third - without comment, and it is so clear that before the disaster the earth had a different look, the fourth explains why most of the antediluvian structures that were not even flooded are submerged in the ground (like Pompeii) for several meters, fifth - indirectly explains several reasonably unexplained facts.

Traditional historians claim that people of the so-called Trypillian culture every 52 years burned their cities to the ground, and together with everything that was acquired by backbreaking labor! Then they went light to a new place, and rebuilt concentric cities with two and three-story houses, weaved fabrics, produced ceramics and tools. Such, they say, they have a tradition - every 52 years to start everything from scratch. Herodotus also mentioned the tribes of Pelasgians (cranes), which will live - live, and even give up everything. They set off to build a new city in a new place, and start life from scratch.

All this applies to the Scythians, more precisely to their ancestors. It is noteworthy that on the ashes of Tripoli cities (they now understand the reason for the appearance of five almost Russian names on the map of North Africa - TRIPOLI. One of these Tripoli is even the capital of the country of Libya) not even a hint of a weapon was found. The Trypillians had no one to fight with, and there was nothing for that, and therefore cities were built without any defensive fortifications.

The testament of Princess Olga. 6454 from the creation of the world (946 according to the modern system of chronology)
The testament of Princess Olga. 6454 from the creation of the world (946 according to the modern system of chronology)

The testament of Princess Olga. 6454 from the creation of the world (946 according to the modern system of chronology).

They say it is written on three silver plates with the verb, which was used by both the Scythians and Pelasgians (Trypillians), and the Wends with the Krivichs. Here are excerpts from the translation:

“This nation drinks sorrow and its duration is a thousand years. And there will be hunger, wars, and worse - an abomination of the spirit. And those lying princes in their madness will torment this people like dogs to tear to pieces, changing history. They bring death to the people too …"

“One should not indulge in the people's unbelief. Disregard for your kind will tell you who has the law, and who no longer has it …"

I have no idea how exactly our archaeologists calculated with such accuracy that exactly 52 years was the life span of one city. But I remember that I met the same period somewhere else. This "somewhere" is the calendar of the Indians of Central America. They, like the Trypillians, lived in cycles of 52 years. And this period was taken as a basis precisely because, according to the legend of the Indians, there were two fiery catastrophes with a difference of exactly 52 years. By the way, when Christobal de Colomne (Christopher Columbus) arrived in America to set up his column (colonize, mark the captured land with a cross), the Indians were not at all surprised at the arrival of a white man, because it was just another fifty-second year, completing the next cycle.

They believed that at the end of the next fifty-two years old, the white God, the feathered serpent Kezatcoatl, would certainly return from Venus. For him, they took the man who went down in history under the name Columbus. But we understand that this is not a name at all, but a position. So we can assume that the memory of 52 years is not accidental at all. Probably, in fact, two fire catastrophes happened 52 years later, one after the other. And now it's time to figure out what a YEAR (SUMMER) is.

Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that there are 365 days in a year, and no one even suggests that this was not always the case. Is it a coincidence that American Indians live on a 365-day calendar, but events are celebrated for a year of 280 days? What is this, the memory of the antediluvian number of days in a year? If Kezatcoatl is from Venus, maybe the calendar is from there? But no, there are 243 days in the Venusian year.

But maybe it wasn't always this way? After all, there are serious reasons to believe that the earthly year was much shorter recently! The main argument for this is dividing the circle by 360 degrees. What is a degree? This is the segment covered by the sun in one day. Total - 360 days a year. Why is 365 now, and even then not always? There is only one answer. The planet slows down its rotation around the sun, and most likely around its axis. Then it becomes clear the reason for the "longevity" of the biblical characters who lived for 700, 900 and even more than one thousand years. But still, even if a year lasted 280 days, then the modern thousand years will be equal to 767 years. There is one more suggestion.

Lunar time

If we assume the likelihood that one lunar cycle was considered the summer (year) until 1700, then we can take a fresh look at the entire chronology. Some previously unexplained facts become clear.

Let's take as a starting point the year of the introduction of the new calendar 1700. This is the 7208th summer from the creation of the world, and if the summer was equal to one month, then the first year, the date of this significant event, from which our ancestors began the countdown of the new calendar, is 1099 - 1100 in accordance with the accepted chronology. And what does it give us? And this gives us another independent confirmation of the correctness of Fomenko and Nosovsky.

The history is lengthened precisely by 1100 years, which are attributed to the darkness of the Middle Ages, which is attributed to the fall of the world into the darkness of ignorance, after which, supposedly, the era of renaissance began, when again everyone became intelligent and enlightened like their ancient ancestors. Nothing but sarcasm, this version can not cause a healthy person. It is as if we are now returning from the era of informatics to the transmission of information using messengers and cuneiform writing. Is it real? Really.

But only in one case, if the civilization is completely destroyed, and the handful of survivors will have to rediscover the long-discovered technologies, which could also well be if the catastrophes preserved in the myths of legends are not exaggerated in scale. But it seems to me quite logical that Peter changed the chronology along with everything that was considered pagan, beliefs, folk culture, clothing, state structure, etc. Along with the change of the calendar, the date of the true event, which went down in history as the birth of Jesus Christ, was also changed.

Let's see what happened in that 1100 year! There were a lot of events, but one of them just asks to take the place of one of the most important for the fate of the world. It turns out that on August 30, 1100. the 2nd Congress of Russian Princes was held in Vitichev. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich made peace among themselves, and gathered for the trial of David Igorevich, who violated the truce established in 1097 at the 1st Congress of Princes in Lyubech. Davyd was deprived of the Vladimir-Volyn principality, receiving in return the towns of Buzhsky Ostrog, Duben, Chortorysk and 400 hryvnias of silver."

I'm afraid I'll have to explain: - The listed princes have concluded (created) peace among themselves! Here's another greetings from Lunacharsky. Thanks to his zeal to correct the "wrong" Russian language, letters such as i and Ї fell out of use. Now the word "MIR" is spelled in the same way both in the meaning of "not war" and in the meaning of "peace, light". For example, the novel by L. N. Tolstoy in the original is called "War and Peace", which means "War and the absence of hostilities", and Light (planet), was designated in the letter by the word "Peace".

“War and Peace” is not “War and Planet Earth” at all, but it means “war and not war”. Exactly the same thing happened with the substitution of the concept of "Creation of the world". It is not at all about the creation of the planet Earth, but it is specifically about the creation of MiRA, not the WORLD. Those. the countdown was precisely from the adoption of the Peace Treaty, which laid the foundation for the existence of what was later divided into Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Those. this is the actual unification of all Slavs in the vast area of Great Tartary, inhabited by a great many tribes and peoples.

So the version can be formulated something like this: -

There were two natural disasters that wiped out the previous civilization from the face of the earth, with a difference of 52 years. First, there was a flood, an increase in the Earth's diameter and a sinking of the poles, then a global fire, which explains the complete absence of organic matter from the antediluvian period. The fire caused the effect of "nuclear winter", which led to a sharp cooling of the climate, the emergence of polar ice shells and permafrost. The survivors turned out to be by no means the best part of humanity, and began to loot, divide the remnants of the inheritance.

In this massacre, the last reliable information about the past of mankind was finally destroyed. History is not just rewritten, but rewritten, which is why you should not trust what was written before 1861. Even to be absolutely certain - earlier than 1921, when the First World War ended. Confirmation of the version with "Fiery Gehenna" is also such facts as the youth of all forests on the territory of Eurasia, it is better to read about this from Alexei Artemiev in the article "I understand your age-old sadness …"

It also becomes clear where such colossal reserves of potash appeared in Russia in the Middle Ages, which was the main article of Russian export (potash was cooked from wood ash).

The cleansing fire actually burned out the entire surface of the earth, freeing it from all the garbage and ashes of people, and therefore there is no gigantic number of cemeteries that in the history of the planet must inevitably already cover most of its area.

If everything is so, and the flood is water, fire is fiery hell, then what are the copper pipes? It is believed that this phraseological unit appeared only at the beginning of the twentieth century, and is interpreted unambiguously: - to undergo severe trials by difficulties (it does not burn in fire, and does not drown in water), and fame (fanfare). But I have vague doubts about the reliability of this interpretation. Especially if you remember the content of the Revelations of John the Theologian, with his "trumpeting angels." But, the validity of these doubts has yet to be clarified.

Author: kadykchanskiy