The Mystery Of The Death Of Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Death Of Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Death Of Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Death Of Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Death Of Sodom And Gomorrah - Alternative View
Video: SODOM & GOMORRAH 2024, September

Almost every person who has not even read the Bible has heard of Sodom and Gomorrah - cities that were wiped off the face of the earth by God's will. So God punished the inhabitants of these cities for licentiousness, debauchery and cruelty.

The fact that Sodom and Gomorrah actually existed is undoubtedly confirmed by the cuneiform texts found by archaeologists with a mention of them: "Previously, there were cities, and now there is a salty sea." But what was the cause of the death of cities has not yet been precisely established.


Scandalous cities were located on fertile lands on the shores of the Dead Sea, formerly called Sodom, in the II millennium BC. e. Everything was there so that people could live in abundance. However, the inhabitants did not want to work and, leading an idle lifestyle, were mired in sin and vice.


When the news of this reached God, he decided to destroy the cities along with the inhabitants as punishment. The Lord shared his plans with Abraham, and he began to ask for the innocent righteous who could suffer along with the sinners.

Most of all, he interceded for his nephew Lot, despised by the people of Sodom for not indulging in debauchery. And God sent angels for Lot and his family, who led the righteous out of the city (there were no others), forbidding them to look back at the dying Sodom.

Promotional video:

As soon as Lot with his wife and two daughters left the refuge of debauchery, an avalanche of fire and ash descended on the city from heaven: ““And the Lord poured sulfur and fire from the Lord on Sodom and Gomorrah like rain from the Lord from heaven. And he overthrew these cities, and all this neighborhood, and all the inhabitants of these cities, and all the growth of the earth."

Lot's wife could not help but look back, hearing the rumble and cries of dying people behind her. And, disobeying, immediately turned into a pillar of salt. And Lot and his daughters continued on their way and, climbing the mountain, saw that in the place of prosperous cities a plain covered with hot ash was smoking …


The name Sodom has become a household name, from which the concept of "sodomy" - perverted sexual relations, appeared.

Presumably, the cave, in which Lot and his daughters took refuge after fleeing, is located not far from the spring and looks directly at the Dead Sea. A church and a monastery were also built here.

In 2000, British scientist Michael Sanders and a group of archaeologists established that Sodom and Gomorrah are currently resting at the bottom of the Dead Sea.


There are many versions of the reason for the death of Sodom and Gomorrah. According to one of the hypotheses put forward by British scientists, the cities were destroyed by the fall of an asteroid. The basis for this assumption was the decoding by the scientist Mark Hampsell of the notes of the Sumerian astronomer (700 BC) from the Planispheric Tablet.

The note describes in detail how a huge white ball swiftly swept across the sky. With the help of computers, scientists created a model of the sky of that time and determined the date of the disaster. In their opinion, the ancient astronomer observed the fall of an asteroid on June 29, 3123 BC. e.

This pillar of salt on the shores of the Dead Sea is called "Lot's Wife"


They also managed to establish the size of the celestial body: the asteroid was 800 meters across. Hampsell believes that destructive processes of this magnitude could have occurred only as a result of a collision with a huge cosmic body.


Another English scientist, the archaeologist Harris, believes that a powerful earthquake occurred at the site of Sodom and Gomorrah about 5,000 years ago, as a result of which the cities sank under water. After all, they were built in the place of a fault in the earth's crust: there were two tectonic plateaus moving in opposite directions. This is one of the most seismic zones on the planet.

In addition, these cities were located practically "on a powder keg", because in the Dead Sea region there are oil and methane deposits. Even in Genesis, it speaks of the "tar pits" found in the Siddim Valley, near Sodom. Once upon a time, the Dead Sea was called the Asphalt Sea, because huge blocks of bitumen floated in it, and after the earthquake, apparently, there were too many of them.

Geologist Dorothy Vitaliano confirms this fact: “A powerful earthquake occurred in the Siddim Valley about 2,000 BC. e. It was accompanied by emissions of natural combustible gases and bitumen, ignited by fires in home fires. If some rocks with a high bitumen content were used in the construction of external walls or buildings, they served as additional fuel for the fire."

That is, an earthquake could have caused a large-scale fire. It is known that the bitumen in this area is characterized by a high content of sulfur, which, in combination with hot salt water, forms gases, including sulfur itself and hydrogen sulfide. Exposure to these gases is fatal to humans. It becomes clear where the burning sulfur came from in the biblical story.

Perhaps the cities were destroyed by fire, and then another earthquake carried them to the bottom of the sea.

There is also an opinion that Sodom and Gomorrah died during the Flood. After some period of time, the water left here, only a part of it remained in the crevice, where the biblical cities are buried. This hypothesis is supported by traces of silty deposits found in these places.

Russian scientist A. Loginov believes that Sodom was located in the northern part of the Dead Sea and died from a volcanic eruption. A number of scientists from Russia and Israel adhere to the same version.


More recently, a new version of the disappearance of biblical cities has emerged. Erich von Daniken, a German traveler and writer, believes a nuclear explosion may have been the cause.


He is sure that two nuclear bombs were dropped on Sodom and Gomorrah, but the writer does not specify where they came from and who needed it.

So, powerful nuclear explosions left no stone unturned from cities. Lot and his family escaped because they knew about the impending disaster and left the danger zone. And Daniken explains the transformation of Lot's wife into a pillar of salt by the effect of radiation on the human body. All living things: people, animals, vegetation - turned into ash, and buildings - into ruins.

On this, the writer concludes that such a picture can only be after an atomic explosion. However, scientists did not manage to find any signs of increased radiation in this area, although enough time has passed for it to disappear without a trace.


The ancient Greek geographer Strabo put forward his hypothesis of a catastrophe. Here is what he wrote: “Many other proofs are given for the benefit that this earth is saturated with fire. Steep scorched rocks and, in many places, crevices and ash-like soil, rivers that spread stench, and everywhere in the vicinity of the ruins of human dwellings.

Therefore, one has to believe the legends, very widespread among local residents, that there were once thirteen populated cities here, of which the main city - Sodom - had about 60 stadia (about 10.6 kilometers) in a circle.

From earthquakes, eruptions of fire and hot asphalt and sulphurous waters, the lake suddenly overflowed its banks, and fire engulfed the rocks; as for the cities, some were swallowed up by the land, while others left the inhabitants who still had the opportunity to escape."

In addition, he mentioned that the asphalt in the Dead Sea sometimes comes to the surface in the form of bubbles, and something else comes out with it, from which everything turns black. It is now known that it is from hydrogen sulfide that the metal darkens. And the burning hydrogen sulfide turns into sulfuric acid. It was she who poured from the sky along with the rain.

If you imagine all this, you get a picture worthy of a horror movie - all at the same time: an earthquake, fires, and finally a rain of sulfuric acid …

