Why Did God Refuse To Make Eve Out Of Adam's Head? The Question With An Edge - Alternative View

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Why Did God Refuse To Make Eve Out Of Adam's Head? The Question With An Edge - Alternative View
Why Did God Refuse To Make Eve Out Of Adam's Head? The Question With An Edge - Alternative View

Video: Why Did God Refuse To Make Eve Out Of Adam's Head? The Question With An Edge - Alternative View

Video: Why Did God Refuse To Make Eve Out Of Adam's Head? The Question With An Edge - Alternative View
Video: Why did God use Adam’s rib to create Eve? 2024, September

Why rib? Damn rib ?! Not a knee, not a kidney, not an eyebrow … I know you have always been tormented by this question. But the first Christians and Jews knew the answer perfectly well. The Christian Church has recognized only 4 Gospels. Although there were about 50 of them. That is, the priests decided what to believe and what to forget. The same thing happened with the Old Testament, which tells about the creation of the world.


1. Adam's first wife

To begin with, Adam already had a girlfriend before Eve. Her name was Lilith. But the happiness of the first couple was short-lived. The woman ran away. The conflict arose on a domestic basis. Lilith refused to obey Adam. Justified this by the fact that he was molded "from the same dust" as she. That is, the male has no advantage. Lilith swam to a small island in the sea and flatly refused to return. Attempts by God and Adam to convince the wayward young lady were unsuccessful.


And then it was decided to create a new woman for the progenitor.

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2. God's difficult choice

God realized that the material for making a woman directly affects the future behavior of the "product". One hysterical was enough for them with Adam. Well, they began to choose which male part to take as a blank for Eve. God, according to the Apocrypha, reasoned something like this:

  • Head? Oh no! Will be too smart. She's getting her head. We don't need those.
  • Eyes? It will be curious. This is a vice.
  • Ears or tongue? He will begin to eavesdrop and chat without measure.
  • A heart? Hmm. Become jealous!
  • Edge? It is always hidden under the skin. It means - it will be modest! And we need it!

This is how Eve appeared. Then the first people ate the forbidden fruit. A number of ancient manuscripts indicate not an apple, but a grape! (Intoxicating like wine) Adam stayed in paradise from 6 am to 3 pm, after which he was expelled for disobedience for the company with his girlfriend.


In the apocrypha it is indicated that many years after the death of Adam, Noah took his body to his ark. Before that, it lay in a cave, not far from paradise. And the first man was buried again at Golgotha, on which Jesus was crucified several thousand years later. It was believed that Adam's head bone (i.e. skull) was later found there.


Such are the things, friends. I am sure that for many, the resurrection of Jesus is a fairy tale.

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