His Own Diviner - Alternative View

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His Own Diviner - Alternative View
His Own Diviner - Alternative View

Video: His Own Diviner - Alternative View

Video: His Own Diviner - Alternative View
Video: Abraham Hicks When You Hear Your Own Channeling Voices 2024, September

It is quite possible to become a predictor of your fate. The whole world knows about famous clairvoyants and prophets, such as the Trojan princess Cassandra and the medieval astrologer Michelle Nostradamus. And if you delve into the memory, then each of us can tell many interesting stories from our own experience: it happens that the mother foresees the danger threatening her son, the daughter communicates in a dream with the deceased father … Psychologists call this ability the sixth sense, psychics - the third eye, priests - a guardian angel, but the very mechanism of intuition still remains a mystery …

The famous Swedish thinker and mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg, while visiting his friend in the city of Gothenburg, suddenly got up and left the room. He returned very pale, with an expression of alarm on his face, and informed those present that a strong fire had broken out in Stockholm, the house of one of his friends had burned to the ground and the fire was approaching his own home. Half an hour later Swedenborg said the fire had been extinguished. A few days later, when news came from Stockholm, all this was confirmed.

Amazing forebodings are associated with the sinking of the Titanic: as many as 16 people from among the surviving passengers on the eve of the fatal collision of the ship with the iceberg saw the catastrophe in a dream, and one of the passengers saw the tragedy at home before sailing. It is known that a certain Mr. MacDonald was persistently offered the position of senior engineer on the Titanic, but because of an inexplicable painful foreboding, he refused three times, although the job promised great benefits. The man who became the senior engineer in his place died.

It has been established that the number of passengers on trains and planes that crash is always somewhat lower than on those following this flight before or after the accident. Apparently, some people feel the impending danger and subconsciously avoid it.

There are many cases when a person was presented with pictures of disasters that have nothing to do with his own fate. So, a certain captain Ionit from California once saw in a dream how some people in the mountains were dying of hunger and cold amid snow drifts. The next night, the dream was repeated, and Ionith was able to clearly make out the faces of the people and the rocks around the gorge. The captain told about the strange vision to his fellow hunter, describing to him the place where the unfortunates were. To his surprise, he said it was Carson Valley, 150 miles from Nana Valley, where Ionith lived.

The captain persuaded several men to go with him to Carson Valley. The group took food and woolen blankets with them and, having arrived at the appointed place, actually found there a detachment of emigrants detained in the mountains by an avalanche. Some of them have already died, the rescuers took the survivors with them.

But more often intuition helps in a situation of choice when two or more options seem to be equivalent. Or to assess a difficult situation in general. There are also completely inexplicable manifestations of the sixth sense. Vera F. from St. Petersburg at a group psychological training said the following: “Yesterday I saw my friend in a dream, she had a new unusual surname. Consciousness caught on to this fact, trying to fix it in memory. In the process of memorizing the surname changed from Russian to Polish, then to Lithuanian and German, but when I woke up in the morning, I could not reproduce it. I had to call a friend whom I had not seen for six months. In response to my question about her surname, the receiver sounded: “Don't rush things, Mr. Mezhelaitis has just made me an offer …”

Just don't think!

Here is an excerpt from the memoirs of the wife of chemist Dmitry Mendeleev: “If he had to solve some difficult, important life question, he said what was the matter, and asked for my opinion on the first impression. “Just don’t think, just don’t think,” he repeated like an incantation.

I said the first thing that came into my head (or in my heart?), And it became his decision."

Dostoevsky recalled that while writing some scenes of his novels, he fell into a kind of trance, lost the sense of reality, and when he came to himself, he saw the sheets covered with writing. “If it were not for my own handwriting and, of course, my inherent style, I would call a liar who would insist on my authorship of these lines. After all, how and when all this was written, what thoughts and images was born, I did not understand and did not remember at all … However, all this seemed to me so good and so sure that in my normal state I would hardly be able to do something like that write, and prayed to God that these strange states return to me as often as possible,”he confessed.

Outstanding Russian neurophysiologist, academician Natalya Bekhtereva, who has headed the Institute of Brain of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for many years, recognizes the existence of an “intuitive looking glass” as a kind of parallel world in which each of us can find ourselves. Natalya Petrovna herself experienced such a state of altered consciousness and described it in her book of memoirs. For example, after the death of her husband, she felt where the unfinished manuscript lay, where this or that important document was. “All this happened, I would say, everyday, - said Bekhtereva. "There was no fear or doubt about the reality of what was happening." And from the point of view of a scientist, she reasoned like this: "In fact, we know nothing about the work of the brain … This is the most mysterious human organ." She suggested that the answers to the questions that arose were prompted by the "ghost of her husband", the connection with which was not interrupted thanks to intuition,aggravated after its loss. It has long been known that this mysterious feeling intensifies under the influence of stress. But where does the information come from to the brain?

Some scientists argue that our subconscious is always aware of how this or that event will proceed, others claim that consciousness catches coincidences in the surrounding world, compares similar situations. Still others say that assumptions come true only because we ourselves want to. One way or another, but the sixth sense allows you to comprehend the truth without any justification, evidence and logic. Developed intuition helps its owner make the right decisions, avoid many unpleasant situations and people. It has been found that the sixth sense works best in matters of life related to nutrition, health and interpersonal relationships. Psychologists say that women have better intuition than men. It has been proven that in extreme situations it becomes aggravated. So it is quite possible to become a predictor, at least of your own fate!

According to some researchers, over time, people will learn to use their intuition as easily as their eyes and ears. And then a qualitatively new stage will begin in the life of mankind: after all, managing intuitive thinking is a serious leap in the development of reason. But so far, alas, we are not able to properly use our "most mysterious organ" - the brain: according to scientists, people use only four to ten (in cases of genius!) Percent of its capabilities …

All children are clairvoyants

Doctor of Medical Sciences Georgy Dobroshev is seriously engaged in the problem of intuition in the laboratory he created for the study of parapsychological abilities at the SPC of Medicine and Homeopathy of the Ministry of Health: “Premonition is the simplest form of innate clairvoyance that helped our ancestors in the struggle for survival. When people learned to pass on their knowledge to future generations, their safety began to depend on the ability to learn from experience, and the "unnecessary" ability began to wither away.

Hundreds of laboratories around the world, including in the USSR, were engaged in the phenomenon of intuition. But they failed to achieve serious success. Of the hundreds of "seers" who passed through our laboratory, only two were surprised by their true supernatural abilities.

The most famous test was invented by the American psychologist George Ryne. You had to guess what is depicted on the reverse side on 5 cards with the same backs. According to the theory of probability, a person can guess one card out of five. And people with heightened intuition guess all five! By the way, when we tested 1,500 children aged three years and older, it turned out that their results were 30 percent higher than the average probable. So it is not for nothing that they say that the mouth of a baby speaks the truth! At least until the age of 8 … Even babies show miracles of clairvoyance. The last known case occurred in the city of Sambir, Lviv region. When a young mother, Oksana Nalivaiko, decided to leave the stroller with her baby at the store, the baby suddenly screamed heart-rendingly. Mom calmed him down, but already in the store she again heard a wild scream. Jumping outshe barely had time to grab him in her arms - a car crashed into the carriage at breakneck speed. I am sure that if we could understand babbling babies, we would avoid a lot of trouble."

So do not dismiss the sudden nagging feeling in your chest - what if this awakened “sixth sense” wants to tell you something important? And don't forget to ask your child for advice!

Intuition Training Exercises

• Take several identical envelopes and place one photo at a time, then shuffle and try to determine which photo is in.

• Draw one card face down from the deck. Without turning it over, name the color of the suit.

• Every time someone rings the doorbell or on the phone, try to guess who it is. Don't be discouraged if you don't hit the target the first time!

• Try blindfolds for a while. At the same time, walk, do your daily activities.

• Give your intuition a name and lovingly seek advice from it.

• From time to time imagine what will happen in the near future. For example, on your way to work, imagine what you will see when you walk into your office. Returning home, imagine what your family and friends are doing, whether the TV is on, whether the cat is sleeping. But only focus on positive images!