Real White MoGoLo - Tartars. Tartar Empire (up To The 19th Century) Heiress Of Scythia (5600 Years Ago) - Alternative View

Real White MoGoLo - Tartars. Tartar Empire (up To The 19th Century) Heiress Of Scythia (5600 Years Ago) - Alternative View
Real White MoGoLo - Tartars. Tartar Empire (up To The 19th Century) Heiress Of Scythia (5600 Years Ago) - Alternative View

Video: Real White MoGoLo - Tartars. Tartar Empire (up To The 19th Century) Heiress Of Scythia (5600 Years Ago) - Alternative View

Video: Real White MoGoLo - Tartars. Tartar Empire (up To The 19th Century) Heiress Of Scythia (5600 Years Ago) - Alternative View
Video: Tsars 02- The Era of the Tatars 2024, September

The purpose of this article is to familiarize a wide range of readers with:

  • real White MoGoLs (children of TarH and TaRa - GoG and MaGoG) and their magical and technical heritage (robotics, weather control, etc.);
  • also show the entire path of MoGoLov from their Northern ancestral home with the Pyramid forgotten there (the far east of today's Russia) to Africa and pre-Columbian America;
  • and that Empire (in the Name of Perun) over which the Sun did not set, which was created and preserved for thousands of years by the White builders, and the Teachers of Mankind from Scythia (5600 years ago) to Tartary (up to the 19th century).

In order for a wide range of readers to understand that it will be about our ancestors (those in whom God has Love - i.e. White people, pure people both in soul and body), I would like to introduce you to what real White MoGols looked like, and then already show their Culture, and the Empire throughout the Earth of the past.

We will, of course, begin with the famous Chengis Khan (ma) (presumably January 1, 1155 - August 18, 1227), and consider those written sources and illustrations of antiquity that have come down to our days.


Here is a preserved Chinese drawing from the 13th-14th centuries, which depicts Genghis Khan during a falconry, he has blue eyes, a thick red beard and all the signs of a white man.


Coronation of Genghis Khan. Miniature from the "Flower Garden of the Histories of the Lands of the East" (or "History of the Tartars") of Hayton (Hetum) (mid 1240s-1310s).

This is how the representatives of the Borjigin clan are described - this is the Mughal clan to which Timur-Genghis Khan belonged. Borjigin is translated as "blue-eyed". Rashid ad Din in his Collection of Chronicles also writes that Chinggis Khan belonged to the Borjigin family and had bright eyes. Here is another source from 1896, which describes the Borjigin family: "The Borjigins have eyes" blue-green … "or" dark blue, where the pupil is surrounded by a brown rim " Histoire de Mogols el des Tatares par Aboul Ghazi Bahadour Khan, publiee, traduite el annotee par Baron Demaison, SPb., 1874. T. 11. P. 72, Cahun L. Introduclion a l'histoire de l'Asie. Paris, 1896. P. 201 ".

Promotional video:


Genghis Khan on his deathbed. Engraving from Universal Cosmography by Sebastian Münster, Switzerland, 1588.


Genghis Khan drinks with a bayazid. Undated engraving.


Here are a couple more images from European sources.


Also, the historian Gumilyov in his book "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe" describes the Mughals as follows: "The ancient Mongols were, according to the testimony of chroniclers and the finds of frescoes in Manchuria, a tall people, bearded, fair-haired and blue-eyed …"

It is not for nothing that on the maps of Europeans the place of modern Mongolia is still called: Great Mogolia of the Blondins, the territory where the MOGOLs originally lived is marked in red.


Cengiz Khan is also depicted in a French engraving by Pierre-Duflos (Pierre-Duflos-1742-1816).


Duflo also drew not only Genghis Khan himself, but also his wife named (Hyu-Chen) Hi-Chen (or Purte Kuzhdin). And her appearance is also Slavic, and various commercial trifles are sold today with her portrait in London.


And although modern historians do not want to notice her, this wife of Genghis Khan is described in the 4th volume of the encyclopedia "The Modern Part of an Universal History: From the Earliest Account of Time", published in London in 1759 year, which is a collection of historical information: “Western Asian historians attribute the four sons of Genghis Khan to Khi-Chen (or Purta Kuzhin), while Chinese historians call her the mother of only two of them. (The western Astatic historians ascribe the first four sons of Jenghiz Khan to Purta Kujin (or Hyu-chen); whereas the Chinese history makes her the mother of two of them).

Genghis Khan is also depicted in the book of Marco Polo, here is a miniature from this book "The Crowning of Genghis Khan."


In the same book by Marco Polo there is another miniature "The Death of Genghis Khan". It is contained in the large volume "Le Livre des Merveilles" (Fr. 2810), held in the French National Library [1264], v.2, p.527.


Genghis Khan's dream. The white knight predicts his coronation.


And here we see Genghis Khan not at all a relative of the Chukchi! And a typical Slav, with a thick beard and all the signs of a white man.

Well, maybe this is an isolated case and all the other MoGoLs looked like those whom modern historical science draws to us? To refute this postulate, we will cite a couple of the most famous MoGoLs who are direct relatives of Cengiz Khan.

So in the same book by Marco Polo Khan Kublai is depicted and he is also a typical Slav! Facial features, beard - everything indicates that before us is a white man.

We see how Nikolai and Matvey Polo receive a golden Khan's plaque - a road trip to the Empire from Khan Kublai. Khan has a golden cap-helmet on his head. His courtier is also wearing a cap. They used to wear the same caps in Russia.


And the 4 wives of Khubilai depicted in the same book are clearly Slavic in appearance:


Here I would like to recall the foundations of the structure of the Universe according to the tradition of the Glorious Yang and Yin (Slav in the modern). For the Slavs, all worlds are built according to the principle - RaMHa, where: Ra - White light: M - matter: Ha - positive force (from the same place HaRaM - positive force in the material world).

Only in the 20th century, modern science began to slowly admit that only 4% of everything around us is Matter (M-u Slavs), and the rest is Dark energy (we have it - Ra) and Dark matter (we have it - Ha). Science called the found forces dark for one reason - they know absolutely nothing about these forces and energies.

Here is what N. Gumilyov writes about the echoes of these concepts in the state administration of the ancient Slavs: “Previously, in Russia, 2 people were responsible for the administration of the state: the Prince (he is the Konung, the KON is the polar star, Ra or ar, he is the Tsar, he is Caesar, Vasileus = Ruler, etc.) and Ham (n) (where HaM is the positive force of the material world, or military force, or with the ending N - ours).

The prince was responsible for managing the state in peacetime. Ham (n) or "military prince" took over the reins of control during the war, in peacetime he was responsible for the formation of the horde (army, also known as the order) and keeping it on alert. Chinggis Khan is not a name, but the title of "military prince", which, in the modern world, is close to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Army. The most prominent of them was the descendants of Genghis Khan Timur - Tamerlane (1336-1405). In the surviving historical documents, this man is described as a tall warrior with blue eyes, very white skin, powerful reddish hair and a thick beard. Which clearly does not correspond to the signs of a representative of the Mongoloid race, but fully fits the description of the Slavic appearance."

Tamerlane is also depicted in a French engraving by Pierre-Duflos (Pierre-Duflos-1742-1816).


Let's take a look at other images of Tamerlane from various sources.


The engraving reads: Tamerlan, empereur des Tartares - Tamerlan - Emperor Tartarus, and in the book "Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols & Tartares", written by Sharaf al Din Ali Yazdi in 1454 and published in Paris in 1722, he, as we see, is named Emperor of Mughal and Tartarus.


But the tomb of Tamerlane was opened and examined in the 20th century, so let's give the floor to the anthropologist Gerasimov:

“Timur's hair is thick, straight, gray-red in color, with a predominance of dark brown or red. The hair of the eyebrows is worse preserved, but nevertheless, it is not difficult to imagine and reproduce the general shape of the eyebrow from these remains. Well-preserved individual hairs … Their color is dark brown … It turns out that Timur wore a LONG mustache … Timur's small thick beard had a wedge-shaped shape. Her hair is coarse, almost straight, thick, of a bright brown (red) color, with considerable graying."


Translation: Tamerlane the ham of Tartaria, like many victories in Persia, his strength and courage helped to conquer most of India and China, as well as Tartaria, but he won the main victory near the city of Angora (now Ankara), and captured the Turkish Sultan Bayazid, putting him in an iron cage and handcuffing him, and everywhere he drove with him. Bayazid died in the cage. Here is a picture of this event in European sources of the past. Please note that Tamerlane is depicted as a redhead here. Which suggests that he inherited the main features of his ancestor Chingiz Ham (n) a.


Here are some more medieval engravings depicting Tamerlane.


Tamerlan, ruler of Tartaria, the lord of God's wrath and terrestrial terror, referred to as, died in 1402 (Tamerlanes tartarorum imperator potentiss ira dei et terror orbis appellatus obiit anno 1402) from the book of Richard Knolles General history of the Turks (The Generall Historie of the Turkes), London, Adam Islip 1603


Engraving “Tamerlane the Great. Emperor of Tartary, 1398 "(Tamerlanes. Magnus. Imperator Tartarorum, 1398), Amsterdam, Cloppenburch, 1621 from the Danish book" States, empires and principalities of the world "(" Wereld Spiegel, waer in vertoontword de Beschryvinge der Rijken Staten, ende vorstendsen Aerdbodems "). Author –Pierre Davity. Publisher and engraver - Nicolaes de Clerck;


Tamerlane the Eastern emperor, Tartary the ruler of the world (Tamberlanes imp. Orientis tartaror terror); Painting by the Florentine artist Cristofano dell'Altissimo (1525-1605);


Painting of Tamerlanus the Great (Tamerlanus magnus). Bonaparte Museum, Auxonne, France (Auxonne, musee Bonaparte). Most likely this portrait was written from this book.


Here is another image of Tamerlane from European sources:


We are interested in other European sources that claim that Tamerlane is the head of SKIFIA:


Here is what written sources say about the national composition of the MoGo-Tartar troops:

Ibn Batuta wrote: “There were many Russians in Sarai Berk”. Moreover: “The bulk of the armed service and labor forces of the Golden Horde were Russian people” (translation - A. A. Gordeev).


The Hungarian king wrote to the Latin First Hierarch:

"When the state of Hungary from the Mongol invasion, as from the plague, for the most part, was turned into the desert, and like a sheepfold was surrounded by various tribes of infidels, namely: Russians, roaming from the east, Bulgarians and other heretics from the south …"


It turns out that there is no mention of the warriors of the Chukchi people in the troops of the “Tatar-Mongols”. In the troops of the "Mongol-Tatars" there were roamers. Brodniks are free Russian warriors (predecessors of the Cossacks). Here are a couple of maps from the Middle Ages that show the Horde of the Cossacks.


Therefore, HAMs (us) are the military ranks of our princes. Let's list the most interesting ones for us - here are some full names of the Military Chiefs:

- Dmitry Donskoy - Khan Toktamysh.

- Alexander Nevsky - Khan Batu (or Batya). "Baty" - in Russian-Kalmyk language it means STRONG.

- Ivan Velyaminov - temnik Mamai.

There are also such facts - 1572-1575, in Muscovy, the Head of the Borrowing Region - Tsarevich from the Astrakhan Horde Mikhail Kaibulovich.

Grand Prince of All Russia 1575-1576 - Sain-Bulat Khan, aka Simeon Bekbulatovich, then the Grand Duke of Tver (until his death in 1606).

But all these images and descriptions are from Europeans, but what about MoGoLo - Tartarus saw the chroniclers of Russia? Yes, they also saw, i.e. on all ancient miniatures, it is practically impossible to distinguish the Mughal-Tartar from the Rus.

Here is an episode from Tokhtamysh's attack on Moscow in 1380, and try to find the difference between the opposing troops of the Russians and the MoGoLo-Tatars:


Here is another image with the so-called "Standing on the Ugra River" in 1480 (and try to find the difference here):


A miniature from the book The Life of Euphrosyne of Suzdal where Khan Batu is depicted, he is wearing a crown on the left.


By the way, in the Turkish city of Segut there is a monument to Khan Batu:


The capture of Vladimir by the Mongol-Tatars. Russian chronicle miniature.


Miniature of the 17th century Kulikovo field:


Of course, no one will show us the manuscripts where it is written that Prince Yaroslav, for example, Khan Chingiz, and Alexander Yaroslavovich "Nevsky" Khan Batu. We can only indirectly compare the information.

We watch all military campaigns 1236-1245 according to Alexander Nevsky. With the variant, Alexander and Baty are different people, a lot of contradictions arise. With the variant Alexander with the nickname Batu, this is one person - there are NO contradictions. All military campaigns were led by ONE man, with the same army. He also brought the order that existed before the arrival of the Templars, the corruption of the Princes and the creation of Muscovy.

All the weapons of the Tartar-Mughals (steel of the highest quality, technologies are not available to modern specialists from the military-industrial complex) were produced at the Trans-Ural factories, which were destroyed under Peter the Great, and only then all sorts of Demidovs appeared.


It is noteworthy that in all ancient images the soldiers of the Golden Horde are dressed in golden scale armor, the invention of which science attributes to the Scythians, were used in Russia until the 16th century.


The proliferation of firearms led to a change in the clothes of warriors, and the spread of a new term for them KAZAK. Here are the maps of that time that make it clear who the so-called Golden Hordes (Arda) consist of. Let us explain these concepts.


HORDE is a concept that modern man knows as ROD where R and d (capital) are inscribed in O (he is ALLERED - all-giving, or the world of ancestors Glory), or Yang and Yin, all together GLORY YANG YIN. Symbol A shows that we are talking about the ROD of the Earth. The writing can be such as ARD, where AR is the earth - the reflection of the heavenly concept of RA on the firmament (earth), and D is the giver. In the "language of the gods" and in Arabic, Arda is Country / Land. And it is pronounced from "Arda" in Russian to "Horde / Horde" in other languages. Great Arda = Great Country of Glorious Yang and Yin.

Let's look at the most famous map in the whole world, which historians like to refer to - Al-Idrisi, 1154, before the appearance of Genghis Khan, our historians had another 50 years, and ARDA already exists in almost the entire known world.







Here is the restored throne of Genghis Khan (m) a from modern Mongolia.


Notice the falcon is surrounded by 20 symbols, which are the basis of all the calendar systems of the ancients, from the Paleolithic of Siberia, to the Maya, Scythians, Crete, etc. Among these symbols there is a trident, the symbol of Niya-Neptune, and Kolovrat-Solar symbols, etc.

It is also not by chance that the Generic symbol of Genghis Khan (ma) is the Falcon, which is also the symbol of the Trinity, in ancient times called RyuRiK. But our ancestors had not previously written matching symbols, and the record would have been such R R K, which directly refers us to our ancient EMBLEM, which depicts two symbols: the Sun, he is Phoenix, he is Ra - symbolizes the rebirth from the ashes, and the whole WHITE light, and a symbol of the direct Divine control of the RoK bird.

Here is a military commander from China with such a symbol. We have already met him in the article: "White Gods, rulers and people of China from ancient times to the 19th century."


So RaRoK (aka Ryurik) is not only the basis of the coat of arms, but also the name of the spinning dynasty of the White people Glorifying Yang and Yin (according to the modern SLAVS), they are also the children of Tarkh - the stars from the constellation of the big bucket, and Tara of the polar star.


The joint movement of these constellations throughout the year gives such a symbol as GO - it is also a celestial movement. Therefore, one of the names of antiquity for White people is the peoples of GOGA (aka TAPH) and Magoga (the pole star, aka TARA, aka KON (b)).


This is how the POLAR STAR, also known as the HORSE, moves. Such Labyrinths are found all over the world.


That is why all the children of TarKh and Tara (Tatars) on the engravings of Europeans are exclusively white people, without any impurities from the Chukchi, widely promoted by modern so-called learned historians. Here are some of them.


Otduda has its own concept of GOI - i.e. the bearer of light, in the reverse reading of YOG, if we are talking about a woman, then you get BABA YOGA.

Therefore, the original Coat of Arms also depicts the cosmic ancestral homelands of White People, namely the Polar Star (aka TARA or MAGOG), and the constellation Big Dipper with the star TARKHA (aka Cow Zimun, it is also Ursa Major, it is Elk - name changes are associated with millennia observations, while the position of the Stars themselves changed and the shape of the constellation visible from the Earth). Compare the original coat of arms and today's one.


From the times of deep antiquity, namely from the ALL-LIGHTING LITERATURE, the writing used by white people more than 100,000 years ago, originates such a concept as MoGoL (which can be read in more detail in the article: "Daariya is the Northern ancestral home of mankind, and the first Moon of the earth Lelya return from the abyss of the sea, and the darkness of millennia. The city and the pyramid in Russia is 110,000 years old."


According to the World Literacy Mo Gol - these are two symbols together meaning the Great, or Might Teaching People (with the Grand prefix read as Omnipotent), from there the concept of Magician is a man who can do everything.

That is why on the LABELS (YARA Lik - it is from here that the Jarls of Scandinavia or Svetii) of the Great Mughal Tatars are depicted two moons of antiquity (Lelya - 7 days and the Month - 28 days), the symbol of which is more than 143,000 years old.


The writing itself is a reflection of the nodular writing of our ancestors, which we know under the name of Avestan (found in Arkaim), and ultimately called Arabic. That is why all the weapons of our ancestors are decorated in abundance with the so-called Arab Elm (a direct reference to the Knot writing), or the Warrior cryptography of our ancestors. You can read more about this in the article: "White Gods of the Middle East, from Sumerians to Scythians and Tartaria. Dey - the return of the 5th Planet, and its satellites Fata and Lucifer".

The fact that MoGoLo - Tartars had 4 types of writing was described by Marco Polo in his book in Chapter XVI: - “Marco, the son of Nicholas, very soon looked closely at the Tartar customs, and learned their language and scripts. I will tell you the truth, he learned their language, and four alphabets, and writing in a very short time, soon after he came to the court of the great khan."

This is the Svyatorussky initial letter aka Priestly writing, the 7 * 7 matrix is the potential of one particle of light (in the distortion known as Cyrillic):


This is Glagolitic (aka Lititsa in ancient times) - a letter from merchants:


This is Runitsa:


And the so-called secret writing of warriors, it is also the Arabic script later.

Coins of the Golden Horde:


You can get acquainted with these types of writing in the article: "Nodal writing SLAVS - Written language of the whole Earth!"

Here I would like to say that Marco Polo did not show all types of writing, since there is also Vector geometry, and the Koloslov technique, as well as drawings and cuts (i.e. lines and cuts) and ALL THE WORLD LITERATURE, etc. These are they ILLITERATE BARBARIANS, our ancestors, and we are their "all-knowing" descendants.


Look at how the MoGols were depicted in ancient times, there are no Chukchi among them.

Here is the Sultan General of Tartary, Brother of the Great HAM:


This is the Crimean Ham.


Therefore, MoGols did not appear in the 13th century in the steppes of modern Mongolia, but came from the northern ancestral home of mankind Daaria - the North Pole, after its death 111,000 years ago, our Mighty ancestors - MoGols moved to the lands of modern Eurasia freed from water, where we are their descendants and we still live. In the future, these territories freed from water began to be called Rasseniya, since white people settled there.


Therefore, MoGols on the maps of antiquity live in the area of the Arctic Circle, i.e. as close as possible to its ancestral home the North Pole = Daariya.


The Europeans are well aware of this, who back in the 16th century compiled detailed maps of both the North Pole and the Far East of Russia (underlined in yellow - Tartarus, in red - Mogul), which show cities in North America.


Here is a 17th century European map of Tartary:


Let's take a closer look at one of its fragments, which contains: 1 - Tartarus, 2-3 Gog and Magogo, 4- Belgian Desert, 5- Tenduk, plus the Pyramids with the tombs of the kings of Tartaria located in that area.


Here is what Marco Polo writes about the MoGoLs' residence:

“Senduk (Tenduk) - region to the east; there are many cities and castles; It belongs to the Great Ham (Genghis Khan) … The main city is called Tenduk. The king here is priest Ivan from the clan of Father Ivan, nicknamed Zhor, or George; The country is ruled on behalf of the Great Ham, but not all, but only part of it. Great Hamas always gave their daughters to tsars from the clan of Father Ivan …

Here, Father Ivan mainly stayed when he ruled over the Tartars, and owned these regions and neighboring kingdoms; his descendants lived right there. And that Zhor (George), and he is from the family of Father Ivan, the sixth emperor after Father Ivan. This place is called the land of Gog and Magog, with the provinces of Un and Mogul; each province has its own people. In Un - Gog, and in Mogul - tartars ….


Although Marco is like a real foreigner, he mixed everything together, but I think you at least know who IVANES are, modern historians, for example, still do not know. A little higher, I already explained who the MoGols, GoGi and MAGOGI are, it's time to explain who the IVANs are, since you can very often find the VAN kingdoms in the history.

і - such a sign means the UNIVERSAL concept (that is why it was canceled in Russian), and VAN is the FIRST (in the Latin alphabet it is preserved), it is ONE (the Scandinavians also have it), it is ONCE (or AS is a god living on earth), Unit or One, it is KOL (in the reverse reading LOKi - is in the Scandinavians). Those. IVAN is the First in the Universe, a man of a cosmic scale with super abilities equal to the highest creatures.

Ortelius map 1571.


Look at the international title of Ivan the Terrible in 1550: - Magna Universorum Rhutenorum Imperatori - Emperor of the Great Universal Russian Empire.


That is why both Khans and Vans are mentioned in the epic of RaMayama.

RaMayama - considered to be created in the 4th century BC, but describes events that took place about 5000 years ago. One of the main acting characters of Han Woo MAN. (Man is a rune denoting a person.)

Khan U MAN is a powerful VANARA, and the eleventh incarnation of the god Shiva (or RudRa - very similar to the distortion from ROD and RA - author), the ideal of a devoted fulfillment of the duty of honor. Son of the wind god.

Map of De Beraskushcheff 1575. This map shows both the ancestral home of Daariya and the main places of residence of the MoGols and the children of Tarkh and Tara. Plus, the Mughal empire itself is shown over which the Sun did not set, so South America also entered it with such a country as PERU (N). (on the map Asia MoGolov and South America are marked with the same color).


It is in Peru that there are a lot of green-eyed and colub-eyed white-skinned Indians with the sivol of Tartaria, an owl on their heads. They are attributed to the Moche culture (1st to 8th century) and Chimú (14th -15th century) are kept in the Museo Oro del Perú.


And the elite of the Indians simply cannot live without KOKOSHNIKS. In the photo, the Inca warrior, all with him and blue eyes, and a mace, and a kokoshnik.


When asked what the Indians of America and their Gods looked like, I already answered in the article: "White gods in America thousands of years ago! All the indigenous peoples of America are from SIBERIA!"

Another Inca product.


Dozens of such images have been found.


But here's a couple more fresh facts for you, like an image from a book published in England in 1671, which gives the latest information about America, namely, INDIANS are shown in PAULS, in the Scythian-Tatar-Russian (this is what I call them - author) hats with bushy beards who live in wigwams and hunt kayaks.


The book published in London in 1671 is the book "America: the freshest and most complete description of the New World."

America: Being The Latest, And Most accurate Description Of The New World. Ogilby, John, 1671..

Plus we are interested in the images of the King of Florida (in the "Atlas of Asia" 1653 by Nicholas Sanson).


By the way, USA is correctly translated as the United States of America, is it not by chance that this is the "heavy" legacy of MoGoLo - the Tatar yoke in America.

Here is a map of Monte (Monti), Urbano, 1544-1613 printed in 1587. The inscription on it (circled in red), loosely translated from Italian, reads: Summer training (assembly) camp TARTAR! And this is in NORTH AMERICA in 1587 !!!!

Here is a link to this map.


By the way, the Aztecs had a flag with the Coat of Arms of Tartary.


Since Colorado is the Circle of Joy, Texas is the technical Gods, and nearby in Mexico there is the city of TULA - where there are temples, the Gods who lived there earlier and were engaged in the production of technical devices. for example, like this puncher in the hands of a sculpture from the Temple of the city of TULA.


You ask, where did those who describe to us as nomads of the steppe navy come from? Here is the answer from Marco Polo, who in the 13th century stated in his book that: "Kublai's ships could simultaneously transport up to 30,000 warriors, and cross sea spaces with a distance of 1500 miles easily" (2500 km.). Plus Marco Polo describes Mughal ships as 5-masted, such Europeans learned to do only in the 19th century!


And this is only in the Pacific Ocean. It is quite possible to get to America from there on such ships, which is why we find, back in the 13th century, in the book of Ruy Gonzales about the journey to Timur's court in Samarkand, mention of the widespread use of corn (maize).


Therefore, we should now not be very surprised by the 13th century map from the Middle East region, which shows the coastline of America. World map from a 13th century Persian manuscript.


Here is another pre-Columbian map of the whole World, already from China (Chyna), this is a copy of Admiral Zheng's map, made in 1418.


It was on these maps, obtained by Christopher Columbus in the east, that he sailed to "discover" America, moreover, he did it along the shortest path, and sailed to where the White Man was known.


Our ancestors fully corresponded to the concepts of the Mighty - All the Mighty, since they perfectly knew the basic laws of the functioning of nature, which allowed them to use them, for example, when building the Pyramids, which can be read in more detail in the articles: "Pyramids are the single energy centers of the planet. Unique technologies of the Ancients on around the world. Egypt part 2 "and" White Gods, Pharaohs and the population of Egypt, up to the 19th century. Egypt part 1 ".


Also, the construction of the Pyramids allowed our ancestors to receive the necessary energies to control the weather, predict the future, and create other technological devices of antiquity such as portals, Robotics, long-range and ultra-long-range communications, flying vehicles, POLARITY and MULTIDIMENSIONALITY, etc. etc.


Let's see what Marco Polo said about weather control and other miracles: I almost forgot to tell you about a miracle: when the great ChaM lives in his palace and it rains, or the fog falls, or the weather turns bad, his wise astrologers and healers disperse the clouds with witchcraft and conspiracies and bad weather near the palace; the weather is bad everywhere, but the palace does not.

Due to the slander and witchcraft of these clever bakshi healers, full cups of themselves rise from the floor where they stood, and rush to the great boor, and no one touched those cups. Ten thousand people saw it; true that truth, without any lie. In necromancy, those who are well versed will tell you that this is possible. (Gogol probably read Marco Polo, which he described in the Evenings on a farm near Dikanka:))))


Many of you will say it can't be. What, for example, Robotics in antiquity, but also thought, and other overseas guests having visited the court of Ivan the Terrible, here is their information.

Testimonies of overseas merchants about the "iron man" Ivan the Terrible.


Overseas merchants and ambassadors told amazing stories that Ivan the Terrible had a mechanical machine-servant - "iron man". The merchant Johan Wem in his diaries cites the following information: "The iron man was beaten for the amusement of those who were feasting on the royal bear, and the bear fled from him in wounds and abrasions." In addition, the machine gun knew how to serve guests at the table: "The iron man, surprisingly to everyone, brought a cup of wine to the tsar, bowed to the guests and hummed something in this intolerable Russian language, which never succumbed to me." Another merchant wrote: “The iron man serves the king at the table, gives him a caftan in front of the guests stunned by this spectacle, sweeps the courtyard with a broom. When the king was objected that this thing was not created by the art of the master, the king at first became angry. But after drinking a cup of Malvasia, he called three artisan-looking people dressed in boyar style,and ordered them something. They opened the covers hidden under the clothes of the iron man, in it there were gears and springs that moved the arms, legs and head. The guests sobered up with fright, and the Russian tsar boasted that such servants were in Russia two or three centuries ago.


Interesting evidence that the "iron man" served at the royal table only in hot sunny weather. (Solar panels? -Aut.)

But the knowledge about the creation of robots was used back in the times of Peter the Great, when Jacob Bruce created a more delicate creation - a mechanical maid.

The courtiers said the following about her: “The new maid is a beauty written! And she took the article, and with the mind, and the way. He, Bruce, will only think: "I would like to have a coffee now!" - she already floats with a tray with a tray (control is a thought like the gods of Olympus - author). One drawback is that he cannot speak (Bruce later corrected this, and the robot already knew how to speak - author), because an artificial one, made her a graph of flowers and wire. As for the rest, on the girlish side, she is very playful and natural, which is why the decrepit Bruce is a young man."

Rumor claimed that the love of this girl was coveted by noble suitors who did not believe in her artificial origin. All stories usually ended with Jacob Bruce, tired of the obsession of aristocrats, pulling some hairpin out of the girl's hairstyle. And the maid in front of everyone crumbled and turned into an armful of fresh flowers. Then, in their presence, he re-collected it, sprinkled it with "living water" (energy is obtained from photosynthesis - plants?), And that, as if nothing had happened, began to clean up again.

The story of the "flower woman" ended in a deplorable way: Bruce's wife eventually became jealous of him for the mechanical servant and, when the earl was in the service, smashed her to smithereens with a club.


A small wooden puppet from Germany, depicting a monk, dates from the mid-sixteenth century and is equipped with levers and articulated joints. On the right is a mechanical woman playing the lute from the same period.

There is also evidence of a Legendary automatic robot called the Golden Woman or an old woman made of gold who could predict the future, is devotedly revered by the Obdorites and Yugurs.


The Golden Baba is also called the Siberian Pharaoh. The priest consults with this idol about the mode of action and directions of movement and (it is amazing to talk about this in the notes of witnesses) she gives those who turn to her clear answers leading to obtaining the correct results.


This could be attributed to a myth, but the map of the 16th century is presented to your attention, which clearly indicates the location of this machine located on the territory of modern Russia. By the way, it also has a legendary curvature and other interesting names.

Map of Russia by Gerard Mercator, 1595:


Slata baba on the map of Muscovy Herberstein (1549)

Here is Daniel Keller's European map of 1590. Consider in an approximation one of its fragments.

Here is a link to the map with translation.

The Golden Woman on Daniel Keller's 1590 map.


This map is especially interesting to us because it shows the forgotten Pyramids of the Russian Far East. Three pyramids, as on the Giza plateau in Egypt, and in modern China, and ancient America.


Here are some more maps with the Pyramid from the Far East of modern Russia depicted on them. (1627-Speed John).


But next to the pyramids there are depicted structures that have no analogues at all. (they are present on Daniel Keller's 1590 map). Giant buildings of rectangular cross-section with flat roofs, and in the complete absence of windows and doors. Such structures are very similar to an ancient cosmodrome for parking or launching heavy ships, but all this of course requires additional research.


Also on the map of Daniel Keller in 1590, the Great Khan himself (m) of that time is depicted in his dress and appearance, a clear white man, glorifying yang and yin (Slav). Next to him, the inscription reads: Presbyter John is from this area, whose descendants now rule Ethiopia (i.e. Africa).


So what did foreigners know about the MoGoL Empire (children of Tarkh and Tara) until recently? Whom did Europe consider MoGoLo - Tartarus heir? You can read about this in various sources and enceclopedias of Western Europe. Here are some of them.


According to the maps placed in the British Encyclopedia of 1771, Siberia (Great Tartary) in the middle of the 18th century. - an independent state with the capital in Tobolsk. THE GREAT TARTARY WAS THE BIGGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. The name "Tobolsk" on this map is given in the form TOBOL: just like in the Bible. Let's remind that in the Bible Russia is called ROSH, MESHEKH and TUBAL, i.e. Ros, Moscow and Tobol. The map shows Chinese Tartary - RUSSIAN territory of the Far East and present-day China. Until the "Pugachev uprising", these were the eastern outskirts of the Russian state, Great Tartary, with the state-forming Russian-Slavic population and other peoples living on it.


Tartary in the "World Geography of Dionysius Petavius".

TARTARIA (in ancient times known as Scythia, after the name of their first ruler, Scythian, who was first called Magogus (from Magog, son of Yafet), whose descendants settled this country) is called by its inhabitants the Mongols Tartaria by the name of the river Tartarus, which washes most of it … It is a huge Empire, stretching 5,400 miles east to west and 3,600 miles north to south; therefore its Great Khan or Emperor owns many kingdoms and provinces containing a great many good cities.

The province is home to many beautiful cities, including the capital Cambalu, which is 28 miles wide, besides the suburbs, some say and others say 24 Italian miles, and is home to the Great Khan.

The first of the Great Khans or Emperors of Tartaria was Genghis in 1162, … who changed the name of Scythia to Tartaria: the fifth after him was Tamerlane or Tamir Khan. During his reign, this monarchy was at its peak of power. The ninth was Tamor, after which we do not know who was the ruler there, and what outstanding events took place there, because they said that neither the Tartars, nor the Muscovites, nor the king of China allowed anyone except merchants and ambassadors to visit them, and did not allow their subjects to travel outside their countries.

Another source of ours about changing the name of Scythia to Tartary.


Information about Great Tartary has been preserved in the 6-volume Spanish encyclopedia "Diccionario Geografico Universal" published in 1795.

For example, back in 1928 in the Spanish encyclopedia "Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana" there is a rather extensive article about Tartary, which starts from page 790 and takes about 14 pages.

“Tartaria - for centuries, this name was applied to the entire territory of inner Asia, inhabited by hordes of Tartar-Mughals (tartaromogolas). … Tartaria extended from the Strait of Tartaria (the strait separating Sakhalin Island from the Asian continent) and the mountain range of Tartaria (also known as Sikhota Alin - coastal mountain range), which separates the sea from Japan and the already mentioned Strait of Tartaria on the one hand, and to the modern Tartar Republic, which extends to the Volga (both banks) and its tributary Kama in Russia; to the south are Mongolia and Turkestan. On the territory of this vast country lived tartars, nomads, rude, persistent and restrained, who in ancient times were called the Scythians (escitas). !!

The Great Ham in Nicholas Sanson's Atlas of Asia.


Approximate translation:

Great Ham, emperor of Tartaria. A powerful and harsh ruler, very rich, who sold part of China to someone (?). The Tartar nation comes from a country called Great Scythia, which once owned a third of Asia and many lands in Europe, including Sarmatia, Asian Scythia also included the Serre provinces (serika - silk) as well as Katay and Chagatai, now Uzbekistan. The size of the army cannot be counted, since I have seen in Flounder alone over 360,000 cavalry soldiers and about 200,000 infantry. Also in Kambala, which is the capital of the Horde, there are gold and silver mines, the extraction of precious stones, and the manufacture of beads from precious stones (pearls) found along Lake Kanikta has been established.

I draw your attention to the fact that all as one in plain text assert that the Mughals are Tatars, previously called SKIF (T) AMI. Here they are, the so-called missing Scythians, who both lived and live in the same territory for thousands of years. Let's take a look at how many years historians know about the existence of Skeet (f) s.


The Skeet (f) s themselves appeared by historical standards 5555 years ago, before that our ancestors were called Rasens (the self-name of such peoples as ETRUSKI, etc.). When, as a result of the next war of antiquity, the cultures of Crete, then Egypt, Assyri, India and China perished. The period of graves and tombs without weapons ended, and the surviving people began to arm themselves and build defensive settlements of the wall of "WHALES". Here is a map of these walls in the territory formerly occupied by the Scythians - MoGols.


Let me remind you that a KIT (a) is a bunch of poles, twigs, branches - of such a size that it is convenient to bring / bring from the forest. Then it is used to build a fence around the settlement or its main part: - in the form of poles, twigs, branches - for the construction of a wattle fence;


- if a military protective fence / wall is required, then it is necessary to knit / weave / sew large Whales, up to 10 m long. Again, two rows of "whale wattle" and backfill with earth and stones. All the so-called Star Fortresses come from there.


This is where the concept of SKITA (Phy) came from, i.e. people living in protected settlements where our ancestors lived until the 19th century.

Christian writer Pavel Orosius (beginning of the 5th century AD) wrote that one of the first Assyrian kings Nin (Paniy, Panin) in 2054 BC. ended the 1500-year domination of Scythia in Asia: “1300 years before the founding of Rome, the Assyrian king Nin …, rising from the south from the Red Sea, in the far north devastated and conquered the Euxine Pontus (Black Sea) and taught the barbaric Scythians, hitherto non-warlike and harmless, who did not know how to show their cruelty, to know their strengths and to drink not milk of animals, but human blood, finally taught us to win by defeats (by exhausting enemies: P.3.) …”(VDI. 1949. No. 4. P.267). Orosius tried to justify the right of the Scythians to defeat the ancient empires, including Rome. Other authors emphasized that Nin stopped just the total Scythian domination. But Pania's squads themselves could come from northerners,from the descendants of the troops of the Indo-European Sarlag, and other northern kings (they are known to linguists). There were then a lot of northern mercenaries in Assyria - and the very name As from Iriya (Irtysh) - i.e. gods living on earth who came from the Irtysh river where ASGARD Iriysky (OMSK in today's Russia) stood. As a result, the ancient historical sources recognized by science are briefly presented here. And there is every reason to long ago mark 5555 years of the non-cruel and harmless domination of the Scythians in the Black Sea region (if we use the version of Paul Orosius) or the collection of tribute by the Scythians in Europe and Asia (according to the version of Pompey Trog, Justin and some other authors). (eleven)gods living on earth who came from the Irtysh river where ASGARD Iriysky (OMSK in today's Russia) stood. As a result, the ancient historical sources recognized by science are briefly presented here. And there is every reason to long ago mark 5555 years of the non-cruel and harmless domination of the Scythians in the Black Sea region (if we use the version of Paul Orosius) or the collection of tribute by the Scythians in Europe and Asia (according to the version of Pompey Trog, Justin and some other authors). (eleven)gods living on earth who came from the Irtysh river where ASGARD Iriysky (OMSK in today's Russia) stood. As a result, the ancient historical sources recognized by science are briefly presented here. And there is every reason to long ago mark 5555 years of the non-cruel and harmless domination of the Scythians in the Black Sea region (if we use the version of Paul Orosius) or the collection of tribute by the Scythians in Europe and Asia (according to the version of Pompey Trog, Justin and some other authors). (eleven)


Therefore, you should no longer be surprised by the words of the Jesuit Father Mareny, who in 1655 asserted that: “The Tartars have been continuously waging war with the Chinese for 4340 years, that is, from 2341 BC

In 1280, the Tartars became the masters of China and then the Iven clan (Iven - again these IVANs - authors who are not known to science)))) began to rule there for 89 years.

Until 1369, the Chinese drove out the tartar, and rulers by nationality and from the Mim (or Ming) family took the throne.

In 1645, the Tartars, under the leadership of King Xunchi, who is called the Great Khan, recaptured the Chinese Empire. The clan of the Tartar prince reigns there to this day …"

The same sources admit that: "That over a thousand years ago, typographic art was invented in the Tangut kingdom." Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the descriptions of Marco Polo, who describes the use of Paper Money, a developed system of mail, government and military organization, plus a whole staff of magicians and sorcerers.

That is why Western historians necessarily define the Empire of Attila or the Empire of the Huns as Empire Mogols or Tartares back in 456, Priscus is the ambassador of the Roman Empire to the Huns, to the “Mongol” Horde.


Where the Huns are the Union - the union of various tribes and peoples, this is how this one (CE) Hun looks like in Japan in the 17th century.


By the way, in another distortion, the title of the ruler sounds like KAOGUN or KAGAN, so there is a place for historians to roam, with answers to the question of who were the Khazars with their KAGANAT.


And we were told that this is the "Coat of arms of Rurik", and someone claimed that it was "Khazar tamga".


Here is a photo of one Khazarian from modern Afghanistan, when he was asked who he was, the answer was: "I am of Mongolian blood, but a Khazarean from Afghanistan."


Is it because of such a population that Afghanistan has not been able to completely enslave it for hundreds of years.

Professor Klesov about Khazar DNA:

What conclusions can be drawn from the information described.

A single state existed several centuries ago. The name of the state is Great Tartary. Great Tartary, a state that became the heir of Scythia, even earlier this association was called Rasenia, and initially, i.e. 111000 years ago it was Daariya - the North Pole. The basis of the population are those in whom God Is Love (white people), or Mighty-Almighty people, they are also the children of Tarkh (GOG) and Tara (Magog), or Glorifying Yang and Yin (Slavs). The basis of the territory was the space from the Danube to the Bering Strait, and from the Arctic Ocean to the Pamirs. The rest of the lands throughout the Earth were either part of the state or under protectorate. These are Europe, Africa, India, modern China, North and South America.


Tartary, i.e. the integrity of the previously destroyed association was recreated mostly bloodlessly. There were no cruel conquests, as Marco Polo wrote about many times. All "conquered" peoples voluntarily stood under the banner of the Great Cham, exactly as it was repeated centuries later, when Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Baltic States voluntarily entered the Russian Empire. From time to time, due to the struggle for power within this association, and under the influence of other factors (natural disasters, changes in the vibrations of the Earth itself, the creation of aggressive religions aimed at destroying all who are not in it, the intervention of external forces of a techno-magical nature, etc.) integrity was broken, but over time it was restored again.

The Nephelims are the fallen Angels. Such skulls are found in Siberia
The Nephelims are the fallen Angels. Such skulls are found in Siberia

The Nephelims are the fallen Angels. Such skulls are found in Siberia.

Great Tartary was a developed power with advanced technologies and knowledge. The abundance of natural resources, including precious stones, gold and silver, coupled with the well-established industrial production of paper money, silk, paper, and gunpowder (used in mining), made it inaccessible to the rest of the world. Marco Polo depicts an exchange office where merchants exchange gold and silver dirhams for … Paper money. PAPER !!! In the thirteenth century!


The decline of the Great Tartary began with a combined natural (or, better to say, magical-technical) disaster, plus the use of high-energy weapons (analogous to nuclear and thermonuclear).

One catastrophe was of a global scale, and a huge number of small catastrophes over the next centuries (meaning wars, numerous severe unexplained fires, epidemics, etc.). It is likely that the Tunguska explosion is one of the echoes of these events. At this time, a displacement of the Earth's poles occurred, which caused a powerful tidal wave, with an instant freeze, which caused the appearance of an ice shell and permafrost on the lands of Tartary, where there was once a subtropical climate, meaning Russia and North America. So, modern warming is nothing more than the restoration of a normal temperature regime on planet Earth, disturbed by external interference back in the 17-18 centuries. (It is very likely that traces of this disaster are found throughout the Earth by such seekers as Kungurov, Mikhail Volk, Kadychansky, etc.)

I recommend the video Ancient roads of Tartary:

The fact that climate change occurred several hundred years ago can be calculated from the rate of retreat to the north of the permafrost belt. According to scientists' calculations, by 2050, only 15-18% of the current area occupied by permafrost will remain on the territory of Russia.

Video of the War of the Romanovs with Tartary:

But the majority of the population of Tartary managed to evacuate on time, long before the start of the disaster. (The sorcerers at the court of the Great Khan did not eat their bread for nothing - author). Small groups of people remained in the field, miraculously escaping on the tops of the mountains, in caves. They became the founders of the Yukaghir tribe (the Caucasian indigenous population of Yakutia, Kolyma and Chukotka). The rest rushed south and west, in much the same way as the Syrians, Libyans, Afghans and Pakistanis are storming Europe now. This exodus went down in history as the "Tatar-Mongol invasion", but historians interpreted it as an armed invasion of nomads.

Great Tartary continued its existence until 1812, there is a map of Tartary in 1811. Where else do Chinese Tartary and Independent Tartary exist? Therefore, there are serious grounds to believe that the "Patriotic War of 1812", like other Napoleonic wars, is nothing more than a military operation of Europe to destroy Tartary.


Although here is a map of Asia of 1820, in the Atlas of G. Aspin on which there is still the main Siberian or Russian Tartary, not to mention the Independent Tartary and the Chinese Tartary:


But that's not all, here is a map of Mitchell, Samuel Augustus of 1860 (the link to it is at the very top of the picture), it still has Independent and Chinese Tartary, which includes China.


Another Woodbridge map, William C. 1845.


Then hundreds of years more, and hundreds of wars were conducted by the Europeans led by the Naglo-Saxons for the final destruction and plundering of the heritage of the GREAT Tartaria throughout the world. Such a state was wiped out from new maps, and written sources, and from memory. Instead, they created volumes of myths about the despotic narrow-eyed Mongols - the Golden Horde.

But everything has its time. There is a time to scatter stones, and there is a time to collect them. Therefore, the death of Tartary as, and its rebirth in a new form, predicted by our ancestors. We were honored to take part in this Renaissance as a swami, with which I congratulate you.

Author: Victor Maksimenkov