Ancient Maps Of The Continents Force Us To Reconsider The History Of - Alternative View

Ancient Maps Of The Continents Force Us To Reconsider The History Of - Alternative View
Ancient Maps Of The Continents Force Us To Reconsider The History Of - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Maps Of The Continents Force Us To Reconsider The History Of - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Maps Of The Continents Force Us To Reconsider The History Of - Alternative View
Video: Earth Has a New Continent, But It's Hiding 2024, June

For decades, people around the world have speculated that the history we are taught in school is inaccurate. It is interesting to note that with each new discovery comes the realization that there are certain things that leading scholars try to keep away from history books. It seems as if there is some kind of secret template by which it is determined what to contribute to the story and what not.

There are many discoveries around the world that indicate that the modern interpretation of history is wrong. In fact, history is always contradictory and full of surprises that do not always coincide and sometimes contradict the beliefs of leading archaeologists and historians.

The most interesting discoveries are ancient maps, which indicate that prehistoric civilizations could freely move around the globe. Ancient people knew about the continents, which, according to modern scientists, were only recently discovered.

The best proof of this is Orontius Phineus's World Map. The heart-shaped map, characteristic of the time, showing the entire southern coast of Antarctica, was made 300 years before the sixth continent was discovered. On the map, across the entire width of the southern continent, there is an inscription: "The southern land has recently been discovered, but not yet fully explored."

This also includes the map of Muhiddin Piri-bey, compiled around 1520. In addition to showing the contours of Antarctica without ice cover, it depicts the geography of the American continent with such precision that it seems to have been taken using aerial photography. The maps compiled by Yehudi Ibn bin Zar show the islands in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas that are today under water. Consequently, in 1487, when this map was drawn, the geology of our planet, starting from antediluvian times, was very different from today.

Of particular value are the maps of the Australian continent compiled by the ancient Egyptians. This suggests that Egyptian sailors visited Australia several thousand years ago. The mysterious hieroglyphs known as the Gosford hieroglyphs, which are carved into stone in the Hunter Valley in eastern Australia, are considered fake by modern scholars. However, the unusual archaic writing style of these hieroglyphs proves that they were written by representatives of very early Egyptian dynasties. To date, this style of hieroglyphs has been little studied and most Egyptologists are not yet able to translate it.

In 1992, another of the most controversial discoveries was made, which confirms that the ancient Egyptians moved around the world and were in contact with ancient American civilizations.

A German archaeologist who examined ancient Egyptian mummies found traces of hashish, tobacco and cocaine in the skin, hair and bones of the deceased. At that time, hashish may have been brought to Egypt by traders from Asia. But how could tobacco and cocaine, which only grew in the New World, be used during mummification? So how did these exotic drugs get to ancient Egypt, before America was discovered? The results of the study were not only controversial, they simply did not fit into my head. German scientists were forced to conduct "independent" laboratory analyzes twice and received the same results.

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