The First Map Of The Earth Is 65 Million Years Old? (Part 1) - Alternative View

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The First Map Of The Earth Is 65 Million Years Old? (Part 1) - Alternative View
The First Map Of The Earth Is 65 Million Years Old? (Part 1) - Alternative View

Video: The First Map Of The Earth Is 65 Million Years Old? (Part 1) - Alternative View

Video: The First Map Of The Earth Is 65 Million Years Old? (Part 1) - Alternative View
Video: 240 million years ago to 250 million years in the future 2024, October

Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) are investigating a mysterious artifact created by someone in prehistoric times

- And what did you find in it? An ordinary cracked stone, - the press secretary of the rector of Moscow State University, Olesya Viktorovna, indifferently glanced over the stone slab, which is stored in the university pantry.

The photographer and I were in awe. Because at last we saw "the very stone map" that we were told about. And they assured that she was supposedly 65 million years old.

I discovered a slab, dotted with strange patterns, back in 1999, the head of the Department of Engineering Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Bashkir State University, Alexander Chuvyrov. He also transferred it four years ago to Moscow State University.

A solid commission was created to study the slab. It was headed by a famous chess player, President of the International Association of Peace Foundations (IAFM) Anatoly Karpov. Officially, the artifact is now dubbed the Ural icon art.

- It is very interesting who created it and what is still depicted there, - Anatoly Evgenievich confessed to me in a conversation. - I myself come from the places where the stove was found - from the Urals.

The members of the commission were the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, member of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the RAS Anatoly Derevyanko, members of the RAS, RANS and two cosmonauts - Vitaly Sevastyanov and Vladimir Aksenov.


Anatoly Karpov personally took over the research of the "Creator's Map". In his hands is a photo of a stone.

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Vakhrushev's Lists

And this whole fantastic story began back in 1993. From the fact that Professor Alexander Chuvyrov, rummaging through the city archives, accidentally came across the notes of the Governor-General of Ufa, dated to the end of the 18th century. They talked about two hundred unusual white stone slabs with strange signs, allegedly located near the village of Chandar, Nurimanovsky district of Bashkiria. Other archival documents mention that these plates were examined in the 17th - 18th centuries by expeditions of Russian scientists who explored the Urals. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologist, one of the founders of the scientific study of antiquities in the Urals Aleksey Shmidt also mentioned them in reports.

In 1924, the mysterious stones were included in the "List of Natural Monuments, Culture and History in the BASSR", compiled by geologist, the first chairman of the presidium of the Bashkir branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences Georgy Vakhrushev. True, in the published "Vakhrushev's list" it was only about "six stones with some signs carved on them near the Chindar settlement."


Alexander Chuvyrov.

"Four of these stones have now disappeared without a trace, - wrote Vakhrushev, - the fifth was laid in the foundation of Khasabov's former dacha, and the sixth - in the stove of one of the peasant baths in the village of Nikolskoye." An inquisitive Chuvyrov set on fire to find at least one stone. Began to search since 1996. He organized 6 expeditions, twice flew over the region by helicopter. I thought that some of the plates are huge and can only be seen from above. Like the drawings in the Peruvian Nazca desert. But I couldn't find anything.

Unexpectedly, Vladimir Karaev, an old-timer from Chandar, helped.

“I told them that under my house there was a strange stone instead of a porch,” Vladimir Andreevich now recalls. - When the professor saw my stove, he had not just eyes - glasses on his forehead climbed!

The Karaevs' house was built in 1918. Until 1914, there was a steam room in its place - a Bashkir smithy, where the wheels were bent. And the stove has been here since then.

“When I matured,” says Karaev, “I began to notice that the stone is not easy. The stripes on it are extraordinary - nature cannot draw such stripes. Very durable: you chop the wood on it - not a scratch remains. And his mother will wash him - and he will shine so!

Not "made in china"

On July 28, 1999, the professor mined the first slab from the "Vakhrushev list". Dimensions are almost one and a half meters per meter, thickness - 16 centimeters, weight - more than a ton. She was dragged into a truck and brought to the Bashkir State University.

- The first impression from everyone who first saw the slab was one: this is a map, - the professor recalls. - There was an idea that she might refer to Chinese immigrants. Indeed, among all the ancient civilizations, it was in southern China that the art of cartography was most developed. But the Chinese colleagues categorically refused the authorship.

Here Bashkiria is depicted

Then Chuvyrov and his associates began to measure the graphic elements of the plate. And they found an angle of 56 degrees stubbornly repeated in the drawings.

- And this is the latitude of the Ufa, - says the professor. - Here we are now sitting on it. And the computer analysis confirmed - the south of Bashkiria is depicted.

- Of course, - the scientist continues, - the coincidences between the modern and ancient map are not entirely complete. After all, the face of the Earth has changed over time. But not so globally that there are no similarities. For example, the Ufa Upland on the southern side has undergone minor changes. We found it easily on the stone map. But from the Ufa canyon - a fault in the earth's crust (on the slab it looks like a large deep crack), stretching from today's Ufa to today's Sterlitamak, only a trace remains. Previously, the canyon was 2–3 kilometers deep and 3–4 kilometers wide. Closed up later. We conducted geological surveys and found his trace where it should have been theoretically. The Ufa canyon was crushed by tectonic plates piled up from the east. It is well known that the shifts took place 5 million years ago. Therefore, the map is no less.

General staff shocked

- Did you turn to expert cartographers to confirm your hypothesis about Bashkiria?

“We sent a request to the Military Topographic Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces,” Chuvyrov reports. - Anatoly Karpov helped us organize space imagery. Thank you very much! On the photocopy of the slab, reference points were applied (Chesnokovskaya mountain and the city of Sterlitamak), photographed this part of the territory of Bashkortostan from space and combined an electronic topographic map, a satellite image and a fragment of a stone slab - everything came together!


Here is an excerpt from the General Staff document dated December 1, 2007, signed by the head of the department, Lieutenant General Valery Filatov: “At your request, the submitted materials were considered in order to identify the surface depicted on the stone slab, and work was carried out to study the archaeological find. On this issue, we report the following. The surface of the slab shows a relief that generally corresponds to the southwestern spurs of the Bashkir upland with some displacement of the waterways of the indicated area.

“When I received these results, I could not believe my eyes,” recalled Lieutenant General Filatov. - I thought: as if we did not come from monkeys. Seed us from space.

“And we were shocked,” Chuvyrov recalls. - The entire area that the military took from space - about 150 by 100 square kilometers - is depicted on an ancient stone map at a scale of 1: 100,000. This is some kind of fantasy …

According to the professor, the topographic details were applied to the slab by a special mechanism. And even with modern technology, this is not easy to do. To create a volumetric map, a huge array of numbers must be processed. We need powerful computers and aerospace surveys. But even this does not allow to see and, accordingly, depict the bottom of the rivers. And on the slab, they are made no less scrupulously than other details.


- It turns out that someone with high technology flew over the Earth millions of years ago? - Chuvyrov laments. - It took us a long time to get used to such an obvious conclusion …

Meanwhile, a pilgrimage began to the stone. Believers came to worship, seeing the coded Quran or the Bible in the notches. Students - ask for an A in the exam, foreign journalists - to make films about it. The Russian media limited themselves to news reports about "aliens who visited Bashkiria." The slab began to be called "Chandar find", "Creator's card", "Chuvyrov's slab".

The shell won't lie

- Alexander Nikolaevich, how old is this map? I ask impatiently.

- We were looking for the answer, applying all the methods for determining the age of historical objects known today - carbon, uranium, potassium-argon, now we are also trying chlorine, - explains the researcher. “But they still give rough results. The strains are associated with the temperature conditions in which the object could be. If the plate has been lying under ice for a long time or in a hot desert, then the results of chemical analyzes can give a very big error. For example, the potassium-argon analysis of the plate was carried out by the head of the Department of Geochemistry, scientific director of the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Vilen Zharikov (died in 2006 - Ed.) And determined the age - 420 million years!


- My result is more modest, - the professor continues. - The slab contains ancient fossils - two types of shells. One - Ecculiomphalus princeps - originated 80 million years ago, the other - Navicopsina Chelot - became extinct 65 million years ago. Apparently, the stone map was created in this “fork”.

And when scientists began to study the structure of the stone, another shock awaited them - part of it was artificial.

Ancient nanotechnology

“The structural analysis of the“Chandar find”showed that the technique of the ancient“guys”was on the verge of fantasy,” the professor admires. - In the slab, we found a combination of elements that do not exist in nature. And in order to make this kind of a solid and resistant to destruction structure, you need to have ultra-high technologies.

These are not unfounded statements. All analyzes Chuvyrov conducted in the laboratory of the Bashkir Academy of Sciences, equipped with the latest equipment worth millions of dollars. There is no such thing even at Moscow State University. Thanks to the chip, it was possible to establish that the plate is three-layer. The first 14-centimeter gray-green layer is pure, without quartz (sand) dolomite. And this is already strange. After all, dolomite is a sedimentary rock stuffed with sand. There is no pure in nature. And modern people have never built factories for the purification of quartz.

- “They” used it as a basis, - the professor believes, - because this breed is heat-resistant and resistant to radiation. True, her hardness is not very high. But dolomite is reinforced with a second layer 1.5 - 2 cm thick made of a material similar to diopside glass. But with finer grains.

- And what does it mean? I ask, losing faith in the inviolability of Darwinian theory.

- And the fact that the material was made with the help of nanotechnology - did not leave me hope to return to the normal world of Chuvyrs. - It has exactly the same microstructure as titanium alloys of the highest hardness, for the manufacture of which nanotechnology is now used. Actually, the image is applied to this layer. The third layer - 1 millimeter - is white porcelain. Again, something man-made.

- How do you think the map was made?

- We can assume that at first they kneaded a mass - like a dough. We drew the terrain. Then they were subjected to chemical-thermal treatment. Then a thin layer of white porcelain was applied. And they fired again. It was a delicate job.