Something About Gothic - Alternative View

Something About Gothic - Alternative View
Something About Gothic - Alternative View

Video: Something About Gothic - Alternative View

Video: Something About Gothic - Alternative View
Video: Features of Gothic Literature 2024, June

As you know, the entire history of the textbook is roughly divided into several large periods. These are primitive society, the times of Ancient Egypt, antiquity (ancient Rome and Greece), the Middle Ages, Renaissance or Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Art Nouveau and modern times. Each of these eras had characteristic architectural styles. True, primitive people, according to traditional history, lived in caves or in dugouts, so there is no need to talk about the architectural style. All were either grazing cattle and were nomads, or were hunters, or simply settled in agriculture. However, there are inconvenient findings that suggest that the level of technology in these "wild" is little associated with nomads or hunters, often on a par and sometimes even superior to modern technologies. Now there are more and more such finds,one of them is the Scythian Pectoral, which was found in the Tolstaya Mogila mound in the Dnepropetrovsk region, now - Ukraine. But this is a topic for separate studies, but we are now interested in something else.

After the "primitive" era (copper age, bronze, iron), an era of universal enlightenment begins, as if someone suddenly turned on the light on the entire planet, and people get out of their dirty dwellings - semi-dugouts and begin to build megalithic structures - there are all sorts of pyramids in Giza yes the temples of Jupiter in Baalbek. And now, after the flowering of the ancient civilization, where there were highly developed Egyptians, Romans and Greeks, who gave the world many discoveries and inventions that gave science, medicine, architecture, sculpture, philosophy, jurisprudence unshakable foundations that are used to this day and on which they are actually built the above industries, suddenly the light goes out again and the dark era of the Middle Ages begins. The first associations for any person who studied the history from a traditional textbook - dirt, dampness, plague, execution, torture, the Inquisition, stench, ignorance,pain, fear, hatred and other delights of life. Everything passes into the power of the church, and the prefix "theo" appears everywhere. For almost 10 centuries, mankind has been stuck, and could not move one iota. But for some reason, Gothic architecture - the architecture of the Middle Ages amazes with its monumentality and grandeur. It didn’t prevent medieval builders from building such hulks. Try, for example, today to build the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris or Cologne Cathedral, how much will such a construction cost? Even if you borrow from an Arab sheikh, you will surely face the question of technology. And sooner or later you realize that such a construction, even with all modern equipment, is very difficult to carry out, if not impossible in some cases. But. Iztoriki found a very interesting solution to this inconsistency - according to the principle, the quieter drive will continue. And the cathedrals were built for a very long time, yes, for example, the same Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris was built for almost 200 years, and the cathedral in Milan began to be built in 1368 and was completely finished already under Napoleon, and some details were completed until 1965. What's the use of a cathedral if it's being built all the time? We will return to this cathedral later.

After the dark Middle Ages, there is a revival - again light, Raphaeli with Michelangelo and two more ninja turtles, then Baroque, Classicism, strikingly reminiscent of antiquity, if not to say that this is it, then the architecture of Ampere or Empire - supposedly stylization of antiquity, associated all with the same Monsieur Napoleon and his victories, and again - the decline to glass-concrete boxes, stretched up according to the principle of the higher the better, since the elevator was invented at the beginning of the 20th century. Consumer and pipeline thinking has affected architecture as well. Well, do you remember the expression about a place in the sun?

So what do we have? We have wonderful material evidence of the past culture and civilization, which, unlike papyri, paper and tablets do not burn in fire and do not drown in water. Let's take a closer look at these masterpieces.

First, give an answer to the question - what is shown in this photo? An antique cathedral? Temple? Baroque basilica?


But you didn't guess! This is a fragment of the late Gothic-style Milan Cathedral.


Promotional video:

The cathedral, built of white marble, from which, by the way, most of the antique structures were built, and simply dazzling with antiquity and antique elements. Quote:

Stop, stop, stop. It means that this cathedral began to BE ESTABLISHED in 1386, and the PROJECT changed several times in the process, DURING 10 YEARS, but excuse me, 1470 is not 10, but 84 years! It turns out that everyone who was not lazy made their own "edits" to the project, and let the builders rebuild, well, or they built the foundation, and what will be on top - that was the decision for 84 years. Well, the time is difficult, uncertainty, and everyone is sick with the plague, where to get the builders is not clear.

Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible, 1411
Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible, 1411

Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible, 1411.

It is possible that this attack overwhelmed Italy, which is unlikely. The way of life is important here. For some reason, no plague was observed in Russia. So there was immunity. Well, okay, let's say that, as usual, convicts, or soldiers, or someone else from the street were attracted - the main condition is that these people SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BUILD, they can be anyone in their specialty, but not builders. And everything will be built by itself and in record time.

But we are not told anything about such craftsmen, it turns out that a certain Divine Power was building, or how was it expressed there in the Middle Ages? We read further:

Well, it was a piece of cake for them, think, 135 needles, we can do more. After the pyramid under Austerlitz, it costs us nothing to build it (CLICK AND BE SURPRISED BY THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE FRENCH). So that it would be clear what we are talking about:


And on EACH of such a needle there is a statue of a man's height. And not just made anyhow, but each separately is a work of art. In general, Milan Cathedral is a huge museum of sculpture, there are about 3400 exhibits in this museum! And almost all are dressed in antique robes.


There is, of course, and this is:


But in terms of the quality of execution, it somehow looks like a remake, strikingly different from all other sculptures.

Interesting moment inside the cathedral:


And next to him:


Oh, familiar eagle, where did I see him? And here is the Gothic-style TRIUMPHAL ARCH:


Everything is so familiar … And by the way, typical for antiquity doors for 6-meter people (it really was for them, for whom else? So they were called Gods). This suggests that this architectural miracle was built long before 1386. And triangular porticos and hemispherical porticos complement the picture very much:


Here are some more "Gothic" cathedrals with antique elements:

Seville Cathedral:


Cathedral of Our Lady of Burgos


Oh, and the Veles star is right there. And in Milan, by the way, there is a five-pointed Kolovrat.

See how ancient and Gothic architecture coexist harmoniously:



The so-called Gothic architecture is a branch of one general architecture, which was built in ONE time from the ancient one, but had a different functionality. In the Middle Ages, there was no need to build all this, because IT ALL HAS ALREADY STANDED. I was definitely an architect in one of my past lives, and I KNOW subconsciously how it all works and how it functioned, but it's hard to describe in words. For example, when I see a Gothic cathedral, the word "transformer" fires out, the purpose of the ornate "turrets" becomes immediately clear


But this round window must, no, it just must LIGHT


These wires simply MUST conduct electricity


But this still needs to be studied and studied, what could be described in words, not feelings, to understand how it works and try to run it, and what not? We will try)

All health and sober mind)

Author: Mikhail Volk