Sao Paulo Without Retouching. Early 20th Century - Alternative View

Sao Paulo Without Retouching. Early 20th Century - Alternative View
Sao Paulo Without Retouching. Early 20th Century - Alternative View

Video: Sao Paulo Without Retouching. Early 20th Century - Alternative View

Video: Sao Paulo Without Retouching. Early 20th Century - Alternative View
Video: Pixies - Where Is My Mind 2024, June

Hello, friends. I offer for viewing a selection of photos of the Brazilian master Gaensly Guilherme (1843-1928) about the largest city in Brazil, and the whole of South America, São Paulo.

Interesting in the history of this city is that it was created by the Jesuits in 1554 (the accuracy of Wikipedia is amazing). In this regard, we can conclude that the architecture of the city for the most part has been preserved from those times until it is captured in the photos below. Indeed, the consequences of cataclysms, which were in the northern hemisphere, are not observed here. There are no windows on the first floors (basements are much smaller), there are no ruins, no damaged buildings. Well, the engineering networks of those buildings are captured here quite well. Well done Jesuits, since they managed to build such a thing. Or was it as easy to build such buildings in those days as Khrushchev is now? However, in the photo there are railways and a station, which did not appear earlier than the 19th century. Apparently, history has flowed smoothly here since that same 1554,and up to the arrival of world capital in this city. Comments are probably unnecessary here.


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