The Underworld, Gets In Touch With The Living - Alternative View

The Underworld, Gets In Touch With The Living - Alternative View
The Underworld, Gets In Touch With The Living - Alternative View

Video: The Underworld, Gets In Touch With The Living - Alternative View

Video: The Underworld, Gets In Touch With The Living - Alternative View

The underworld, does it exist or not? Is it possible to communicate with the dead? These questions always remain controversial … According to a survey conducted in America, 44% of American adults, according to them, had contact with the dead. Curiously, among widows, this number rises to 67%. As women testified, after the death of their husbands, they felt their presence in an apartment or house, where sometimes strange phenomena took place. The things of the deceased moved by themselves, the sound of footsteps was heard in the corridors and rooms, and some widows even thought they saw the ghostly figures of dead husbands.

In our time, science does not recognize the reliability of such evidence and believes that it is a figment of the imagination or a hallucination. And yet, a very large amount of evidence that, the afterlife, "gets in touch" casts doubt on the official point of view. One such case occurred in the 1980s in Czechoslovakia.

While working on a book about the famous Czech composer Bedřich Smetana (1824-1884), the writer Bernard Hutton for several weeks unsuccessfully tried to find information about an important life period of the composer. One evening, when all attempts to find material in libraries and archives ended in nothing, Hatton was in despair, he sat at a typewriter, realizing that without that necessary information he would never finish the book.

Suddenly, the air in front of him somehow darkened and thickened into the ghostly outlines of the figure of a man dressed in an old-fashioned frock coat. The face of the ghost could be clearly seen, and the shocked writer recognized Smetana in the ghost of the deceased Czech composer Bedřich! gave Hatton a gaze, the ghost spoke.

The composer told in archaic Czech about the events that happened to him during that period that interested the author. At the same time, the composer's ghost even told the exact location of the cache, with his personal diary hidden. In the midst of the story of an unusual guest, Hatton, who had already regained control, secretly turned on the recorder. After finishing the story, the ghost instantly disappeared, leaving the writer in complete bewilderment about what had happened. And when Hutton began to try to listen to the recording on the recorder, only strange noises and crackles were heard from the speaker.

As the study later showed, the recorder was in the zone of action of the strongest electromagnetic field, destroying the magnetic deposition of sound recording tape. As for the information provided to Hutton, it was fully confirmed. The composer's diary was found in the very place that the ghost said about, and the book about the largest Czech composer was successfully completed.

Experts in the field of paranormal phenomena to this day have not come to a consensus about the nature of communication with deceased people and whether the afterlife itself exists. According to one of the most common concepts, the soul is an electromagnetic field, which after the physical death of a person freely leaves the body and continues to exist in the magnetic field of the Earth. In certain cases, the researchers think, the soul is able to influence events that take place in the material world, come into contact with living people and even appear to them in a visible shell. So far, no one has been able to confirm or refute such a hypothesis. But to understand why sometimes the inhabitants of the underworld are looking for a way to contact the living, for example, from a case that occurred in 1930 in Great Britain.

1930 October 5. All Britain was shocked by the news of the crash of the R-101 airship, which exploded over French territory on its maiden flight. After two days, Eileen Garrett, a resident of London, began to hear a man's voice. The voice first apologized for the unceremonious intrusion, and then introduced himself as Captain Carmichael Irwin, the commander of the deceased R-101 airship. Upon contact, Irwin described the disaster of his airship and reported its cause.

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Following the request of the invisible Eileen Garrett, she wrote down in detail the engineering errors and flaws that caused the disaster. According to Irwin, after his death, he considered it his duty to help the living understand the causes of the tragedy, so that the tragedy would not repeat itself. Interestingly, when Eileen Garrett's notes were obtained from the British Air Department, airship experts reacted to her with suspicion. But after investigating the cause of the disaster, experts were forced to state the incredible coincidence of their assessments with the information they received from Eileen Garrett.

Although, sometimes the "afterlife" seeks connections with people for no apparent reason. So, not so long ago in the oldest college "Peterhouse", which is located on the territory of the famous English University in Cambridge, a ghost began to interfere with the educational process. According to eyewitnesses, it resembled a cigar-shaped clot of fog, in which one could hardly guess a human head and hands. The ghost from Peterhouse College haunted teachers and students even during the day. Constantly heard mysterious knocks and creaks brought several professors to a nervous tic. But the students are extremely happy with what is happening. According to them, sometimes during exams they hear a man's voice prompting them to answer correctly.

After everyone started talking about the ghost, the dean of the college, Graham Ward, ordered an investigation into the reasons for its appearance. The commission looked up the old archives and found that in 1789 College Fellow Francis Daws had hanged himself in the Peterhouse building. Having determined whose ghost haunts teachers and students, the commission turned to a professional exorcist. After inspecting the place, he made recommendations to celebrate the suicide mass. But mass was never served because of the protest of Peterhouse alumni who petitioned the college management, which ended with the words: "Ghosts are an invaluable cultural, academic and historical heritage of Cambridge and must be protected by law and the university charter."

"The greatest mysteries of anomalous phenomena"