The Mystery Of The Appearance Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Appearance Of The Slavs - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Appearance Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Appearance Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Appearance Of The Slavs - Alternative View
Video: Eventide: Slavic Fable - Walkthrough & Platinum Trophy Guide (Trophy Guide) rus199410 [PS4] 2024, June

For a long period of time, the history of the Slavs as an ethnos was one of the youngest stories in the history of mankind. At least, such a statement has often been heard from Russian and Western historians. Allegedly, in those distant times, when the Roman Empire flourished, and then experienced its own fall, the ancestors of the Slavs lived in caves and dressed in animal skins. According to history textbooks, then the Slavs had neither writing nor state.

However, over the past few years, many archaeological finds and historical discoveries have been made that completely refute the Russian history of the Slavs, written by German historians back in the 19th century. In the light of all these discoveries, it became quite obvious that in fact the history of the Slavs began tens of thousands of years BC.

The history of the Slavs is rooted in ancient times. The ancient Slavic city of Arkaim, which was discovered in the summer of 1987 in the Chelyabinsk region, can serve as evidence of this. The buildings in this city were erected in a circular manner and between them were connected in the form of an amphitheater. In this arrangement, scientists saw the possibility of participation in decision-making of a large circle of people. Simply put, in the history of the Slavs, you can find the origins of democracy, which originated here long before the appearance in the West.

The ancient megaliths, which were found near the Ural ridge in the Chelyabinsk region, can also serve as confirmation of the ancient history of the Slavs. They were located on an area of about 6 square kilometers, that is, they are more diverse and bright compared to the English Stonehenge. In addition, an ancient structure was also discovered on one of the islands, which looked very much like an observatory. The roof and walls of the building are built of multi-ton stone slabs, the largest of which weighs about 17 tons. This structure dates back to the 4th millennium BC, and was erected by the ancestors of the Slavs.

An older structure can also be included in the history of the Slavs: a metal processing plant, which was discovered there, in the Urals. At this plant, the Slavs smelted copper. In 2011, a group of archaeologists discovered a gigantic geoglyph there, which was laid out in the form of an elk from stone slabs and reached 265 meters in length.

In the same Chelyabinsk region, in Kapova and Ignatievskaya caves, scientists managed to find rock paintings that were made more than 14 thousand years ago, and depict the creation of life on earth as the ancestors of the Slavs saw it. Interestingly, fragments of similar drawings of a much later origin have been found in Algerian and Australian caves.

It is possible that the history of the Slavs began long before the first states appeared on the territory of Eurasia. More specifically, it turns out that the ancient population of the Urals later became the ancestors of Europeans. One of the many proofs of this assumption is the underground pyramids discovered in Rome in 2013, carved into the rock, which appeared about 3 thousand years ago. Inside these pyramids, Italian scientists discovered not only painted utensils and ancient ceramics, but also an intricate network of labyrinths. According to scientists, the Etruscans could have been the authors of these amazing buildings.

Until now, it has already been proven that the history of the Slavs has close ties with the ancient Slavic tribes of the Etruscans, who lived in Rome from the moment of its foundation, having appeared on the site of modern Russia. It is believed that the state of Etrusia appeared on the territory of modern Italy. It was a highly developed civilization that appeared much earlier than the Roman Empire. The power of Etrusia spread far north and south from their own territories. The inhabitants of this ancient state cast the capitoline she-wolf, which is evidence of the ability of this people to perfectly process metal.

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What happens next? According to scientists, after the inhabitants of Etrusia, and not the Romans at all, created figures, numerous written monuments, statues, beautiful products and even well-fortified cities (Florence, Capua, Bologna), invented the aqueduct, they completely suddenly disappeared, and in further there is no mention of the Etruscans in the history. At the same time, most likely, it was the Etruscan civilization that became the cradle of revival and had a huge impact on the formation of future civilizations.

There are several versions of the origin of the Etruscans. According to Herodotus, this people came from the eastern Mediterranean. Dionysius believed that they were the indigenous people of Italy. A little later, already in the 18th century, a version appeared that the Etruscans could have come to the territory of modern Italy through the Alpine pass. And, despite the fact that there is no convincing evidence for this theory, most German scientists supported it.

At the same time, the texts that the Etruscans left behind, and the best scientists have worked on deciphering for several centuries (however, without much result), prove that this ancient civilization was related to the Slavs. The version that the Etruscans are "relatives" of the Slavs was put forward in the 16th century by the Russian historian and archaeologists A. Chertkov. The scientific world was in no hurry to agree with the assumption that the Slavs inhabited Italian territory much earlier than the rise of the Roman Empire.

For many years in Italy there was a saying that "Etruscan is unreadable." Despite this, in Russia in the nineteenth century, thanks to the professor-linguist from Poland F. Volansky, they learned to read Etruscan letters. It was this scientist who discovered that the Etruscan language is very similar to Slavic. Moreover, he even composed the Etruscan alphabet. As a result, it was possible to establish that about a third of the letters of the Etruscan alphabet coincide with the Cyrillic alphabet. And what was “unreadable”, by and large, did not need to be translated at all, since it was clear even so, due to the coincidence with Slavic words and combinations. All this made it possible for scientists to conclude that the Etruscan language was one of the variants of the Slavic language, which appeared and spread long before the advent of the Roman Empire. And this,in turn gave an additional reason to assert that the history of the Slavs has very deep roots, and that it must be continued to be studied.

In the first serious work on the history of the Slavs, the History of Russia, the historian and geographer Tatishev wrote that the Slavs before the birth of Jesus Christ and the Slavs-Russes before Vladimir had a letter, as evidenced by many ancient writers. The outstanding thinker and researcher of history M. Lomonosov also spoke about the antiquity of the Slavs. In particular, after a thorough analysis of the works of Bayer, Schletzer and Miller, he was able to answer extremely important questions regarding the origin of the Slavs and their history.

In his works, the scientist argued that the history of the Slavs began long before the Novgorod prince Rurik, who, as is commonly believed, in 862 laid the foundation of the East Slavic statehood. In addition, the theory of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia first appeared in Lomonosov's works. Unfortunately, during his lifetime, Lomonosov did not manage to publish his work, and it came out much later, edited by an opponent in the scientific world, Miller, with a lot of corrections and distortions. Moreover, after the death of Lomonosov, all of his archives on the history of the Slavs disappeared without a trace.

About a hundred years earlier, the Dalmatian historian Marvo Orbini was engaged in the study of the history of the Slavs. He was born in the city of Dubrovnik, which is now on the territory of modern Croatia, and was convinced that the history of the Slavs was deliberately rewritten in the interests of the ruling elites. He is also the author of the encyclopedic work "Slavic Kingdom". The scientist managed to find a significant number of references related to the history of the Slavs. As a result, Orbini included quotations from more than 300 works in his work. Orbini's work in the Vatican, a few years after publication, was included in the list of prohibited books. However, a century later, in 1722, one copy of the "Slavic Kingdom" was brought as a gift to Peter the Great and translated into Russian. It was published by the Dubrovnik diplomat Savva Lukich Vladislaviy-Raguzinsky. In this way,the history of the Slavs appeared in Russia. In it, the author not only conveyed pride in the greatness and power of the Slavic people, but also talked about the invention of Slavic writing and the settlement of the Slavs around the world.

It should be noted that the Aryans were also present in the history of the Slavs - the historical nationality of Ancient Iran and Ancient India of the 2nd-1st centuries BC, who, it seemed, also came from the Slavs. The Slavs themselves came from the West and settled across the territory of India, the local population of which considered the newcomers to be almost gods. It is quite obvious that scientists wanted to test this hypothesis. In particular, after a comparative analysis of the origin of Russian and Indian words, linguists came to the conclusion that both Slavic dialects and ancient Sanskrit have common roots.

As the main evidence in support of this hypothesis, scientists consider the coincidence of geographical names in the territories of modern Russia and India. So, for example, in Siberia there are rivers with the names Ganesh, Shiva; In Mordovia there are rivers Kama and Moksha with tributaries Khareva and Krishneva; In the Arkhangelsk region - the rivers Padma and Ganga flow. Moreover, as it turned out, almost all Iranian and Indian mythology was captured in more than seven thousand names of the tributaries of the Don, Volga and Dnieper rivers. And in one of the oldest Indian scriptures - "Rig-Veda" - the famous Indian philologist Gangadhar Tilak managed to find indications of the homeland of the ancestors of the modern population of India, who lived practically in the Arctic, that is, had Slavic roots.

Thus, at present, a large number of modern researchers come to the conclusion that Slavic culture manifests itself, in addition to writing, in the processing of metals, highly developed technologies, the ability to use paranormal abilities, as well as in painting household utensils and dishes, in painted patterns and embroidery. All this enables historians to conclude that the history of the Slavs is one of the oldest stories, which is fundamental and gives rise to the emergence of many modern peoples of the world. And, despite all the attempts of the ruling elites to hide information about the role of the Slavs in the history of mankind, the truth still appeared on the surface. And this is just one of the many mysteries associated with human civilization.