Los Teios - A Message From Aliens - Alternative View

Los Teios - A Message From Aliens - Alternative View
Los Teios - A Message From Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Los Teios - A Message From Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Los Teios - A Message From Aliens - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, June

In 1965, the Argentinean entrepreneur and ethnologist Janusz Moritz opened an extensive network of unthinkably ancient communications in Ecuador. The collector of mysterious artifacts made his discovery to the public only four years later.

Moritz, guided by the natives, allegedly found a giant fork: underground roads and tunnels stretched for several thousand kilometers, running under Argentina, Peru and Ecuador. The amazing thing was that the underground tunnels had so smooth and polished ceilings and walls, as if they were covered with glaze. Along the paths, Moritz and a team of local Indians came out to the underground halls, in one of which, according to them, they found books made of thin plates of metal very reminiscent of gold, weighing up to twenty kilograms. Each of the plates of this metal library was engraved or stamped with the mysterious signs of the ancients.

Janusz Juan Moritz, as well as such researchers as Stanley Hall or Erich von Däniken, tend to believe that the find is the library of some extinct civilization.

But there are other versions that claim that the historical prophecy of the Incas is recorded in these metal books, and some talk about the knowledge of aliens who once visited Earth.

According to Moritz, in the center of the found library there are objects that very much resemble a table with chairs around, while their material is not yet known to mankind, since it is not wood or stone, it is not even metal. Most likely, this is something similar in composition to ceramics or modern composite materials, which are especially resistant to high temperature conditions and have amazing strength. Something similar is used in space and aviation.

In addition, Moritz discovered many figures made of gold in the dungeon. In a kind of "zoo" there are figurines of monkeys, elephants and crocodiles, bison and jaguars. All of them, according to this Hungarian, stand along the walls of the halls.

Moritz found many interesting drawings on the floors in the tunnels. One of them depicts a man hovering over the planet. Another figure with a rectangular body and a round head stands on a ball, holding the Moon and the Sun in its "hands". And the figure found with a helmet and headphones, as well as with gloves on his hands, is called a "pilot". This creature's suit, which resembles a modern spacesuit, has wires attached.

But the most surprising find of Juan Moritz was a figurine that looks like a miniature gold model of the Concorde liner. Moritz sent the figurine to the museum of the capital of Colombia in Bogota. After examining this figurine, experts, including aviators, said that this is a model of an aircraft, the geometrically correct dimensions of which are simply amazing: two wings and a vertical high keel that does not resemble birds in any way.

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The fact that this figurine is cast from pure gold is mysterious, since pure gold is not found in nature. Gold nuggets are natural solid solutions of silver with a proportion of gold in it. Nowadays, pure gold is obtained from them only after special processing with the help of special equipment. The question arises: where did the representatives of the ancient civilization get a similar technology?

Another image, engraved on the floor in the tunnel, depicts fossil lizards. The paradox is that they lived on planet Earth sixty-five million, and maybe more years ago, while these drawings were created in the IV-IX centuries BC. e.

I must say that the tunnels themselves are a hefty mystery that makes scientists think. Even today, there are no such unique technologies for building structures so deep underground. And again the question arises: who are they, those who were able to make such ideal smooth tunnels in the granite mass, intertwining them into a giant underground metropolis? Maybe this is really the creation of extraterrestrial aliens.

Moritz, who did not disclose the exact coordinates of the library he found, invited the well-known authority in the world of archeology Erich von Daniken to look at his find.

During the descent, von Daniken saw many giant stone figures, among which was a strange stone, very similar to a human skeleton.

But, of course, the greatest treasure found by the expedition of Moritz and which he was going to transfer to the government of Ecuador, about which he recorded in the notarial deed, was the "metal" library. The records on the plates, according to some, are very similar to the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, although in South America this writing had no analogues.

This area is inhabited by the Shuara Indians, whom neither the Incas nor even the conquistadors could conquer in their time. The most important weapons of this tribe are wind pipes with poisonous balls.

The Indians believe that in the underground tunnels countless treasures are kept and guard their secrets from the white aliens.

In the city of Cuenca, not far from the underground tunnels, there is a small church where Padre Crespi served since the thirties of the last century. Surprisingly, the local Indians, whom the padre helped a lot, constantly gave him metal plates with various alloying. And some of them were allegedly from underground tunnels. In the thirties, Padre Carlo Crespi himself visited these tunnels. The natives trusted the missionary and presented him with items of silver and gold, scepters, helmets, plates and discs, which depict the same symbols as the plates from the "metal" library.

Having received permission from the Vatican, the holy father opened a museum at the church. He believed that the ancient hieroglyphs, engraved on the plates, kept the secret of the archaic language of antediluvian humanity. A few years later, a fire broke out in the museum. Local residents believed that there was arson. Most of the padre's collection was lost, but what was saved was of great interest to scientists. Many artifacts were similar to the creations of other cultures, about which the ancient Ecuadorians could not know anything. Among them are statuettes and bas-reliefs that unambiguously resemble the art of the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians.

It should be noted that in the sixties, Mexican scientists carried out research on the Yukotan Peninsula in the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza. In the sacred well, known as the well of the victims, bones of people and animals, jade and rock crystal items were found, but most importantly, many gold plates with images similar to those in Ecuador. The treasure from the bottom of this well was second only to the treasures from the tomb of Tuttanhamun in value.

But could the representatives of the Old and New Worlds swim to other continents or cross the Pacific Ocean? Back in 1947, Thor Heyerdahl, a famous traveler from Norway, became interested in this issue. Studying the ancient manuscripts of the Spanish conquistadors with images of Inca rafts, as well as archaeological evidence, he suggested that people could still swim between Polynesia and South America in ancient times.

Over the years, the history of South America was also studied by Stanley Hall, who believed that it was here that the missing pages of the prehistory of mankind could be found. He saw in the collection of Crespi's father metal plates with inscriptions, which are part of the "metal" library. But Juan Moritz did not tell him the exact coordinates of his find. In July 1976, Hall organized a major British-Ecuadorian expedition to find and survey the underground tunnels of Los Teios. Moritz demanded that all rights to open the "library" be transferred to him, but when he was refused, he refused to participate in the expedition.

What the members of the expedition saw was fully consistent with the stories of Moritz. They also found a burial chamber, many other artifacts were found, but they did not manage to reach the "metal" library itself. All the exhibits from the Crespi Museum, which disappeared immediately after his death, also mysteriously disappeared.

Since then, many articles have been written about the mysterious library in the Ecuadorian underground. Some, like von Daniken, believe that this is a message to humanity from aliens from outer space, others believe that the Atlanteans left the library. Time will tell, but for now, the riddle of the Ecuadorian tunnels awaits its solution.

Andrey Kleshnev