How England Gave Austria To Hitler - Alternative View

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How England Gave Austria To Hitler - Alternative View
How England Gave Austria To Hitler - Alternative View

Video: How England Gave Austria To Hitler - Alternative View

Video: How England Gave Austria To Hitler - Alternative View
Video: Hitler, Nazis And World War II: How Germany Deals With Its Dark Past | Meet the Germans 2024, October

On March 13, 1938, Hitler solemnly entered Vienna, he was greeted with applause and flowers. On the same day, the law "On the reunification of Austria with the German Empire" was published. The Reich received a strategic foothold for the development of expansion: the capture of Czechoslovakia and a further offensive in Southeast Europe and the Balkans. Austrian industry, resources and population strengthened the potential of the German Empire.

Preparation period

In the history of Germany's absorption of Austria, the role of Italy should also be noted. In the early years, Hitler, not having a powerful military industry and armed forces, could not capture Austria without the consent of Italy. Mussolini himself claimed part of Austria and was considered the guarantor of its independence. The Italian Duce then looked down on Hitler. He had built his own regime for a long time, creating a new Roman Empire. Hitler then seemed only a new leader who was copying the regime of Mussolini.

In 1933 - 1934. Chancellor E. Dollfuss established an ultra-right authoritarian regime (Austrofascism) in Austria. Dolphuss and his successor, Kurt Schuschnigg, copied much from the fascist regime in Italy, relying on the support of Mussolini. Dolphuss was a staunch enemy of German influence, and did not intend to lie under Hitler. He banned the activities of the German National Socialists (NSDAP) in Austria. However, in July 1934, Dolphuss was killed by Austrian Nazis in an attempted pro-German coup.

The rebels announced an Anschluss with Germany. But they did not receive support from the army and police. Troops loyal to the government surrounded the parliament building. By evening it became known that Mussolini, who openly supported Mussolini, had mobilized troops in response to the coup attempt, which immediately moved through the Brenner Pass to the Austrian border. As a result, Berlin did nothing to support the rebels. They only had to surrender. The German government disowned the rebels. They say we don't know them and this is an internal affair of Vienna. Everyone pretended to believe.

But soon everything changed. The Third Reich and Hitler's regime grew stronger and won the first victories. And Mussolini's "Roman Empire" was in trouble. In 1936, Mussolini, who needed German support in the difficult war in Ethiopia, abandoned disputes with Hitler over Austria, thereby surrendering Austrian independence. In addition, the war in Spain, where Italy and Germany together supported General Franco, brought Rome and Berlin even closer together. Duce stopped clinging to Austria. As a result, the Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg concluded an agreement with the Third Reich on July 11, 1936, according to which Austria actually pledged to follow in the mainstream of German policy. For its part, Berlin recognized the sovereignty and independence of Austria and promised not to put any pressure on its foreign policy. To confirm the provisions of the contract,Schuschnigg appointed Austrian Nazis to various administrative posts, agreed to admit some of their organizations to the Fatherland Front, and finally pardoned several thousand convicted Nazis.

Realizing that Italy and England would not defend Vienna, the Nazis forced their plans to seize Austria. Based on the Austro-German agreement of 1936, they launched an extensive propaganda campaign for the annexation of Austria to Germany. On the borders of Austria and Czechoslovakia, paramilitary units, the Austrian Legion and the Volunteer Corps of the Sudeten Germans are being put together. It was announced that these were independent societies of emigrant volunteers, and Berlin had nothing to do with it. At the same time, the detachments received army weapons, they were trained by professional officers. At the same time, in Austria and Czechoslovakia itself, local Nazi parties and various organizations are becoming more active. Berlin not only supported and directed their activities, but exerted open diplomatic pressure when these parties and organizations came to the attention of the police and authorities.

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Hitler, sensing the weakness of Chancellor Schuschnigg, increased the pressure. Sent harsh notes to Vienna. He began to summon the Austrian Chancellor to himself, as if he were his own minister of fault. Shouted at him, threatened him. Schuschnigg, seeing the lack of external support, showed "flexibility", tried to satisfy any requirements. But it only got worse. The Austrian Nazis felt that their time had come, and openly ravaged and terrorized their opponents. The police turned a blind eye to this. The American ambassador in Vienna Messerschmitt reported: "The prospect of Nazi seizure of power does not allow the authorities to carry out effective police and judicial action against them for fear of reprisals from the future Nazi government against those who, even lawfully, would take action against them."

Meanwhile, neither the United States, nor Britain, nor France did anything to defend Austria's sovereignty. They have already "written off" Austria. At the same time, Hitler's appetites, until a certain time, were restrained not only by Italy, but also by its own generals. It is worth remembering that the army in Germany was very powerful, and many generals of the old school despised the upstart Hitler, his party and the SS. The German generals were delighted with Hitler's policy of reviving the old military power. However, he was very afraid of a new big war. German generals thought soberly, learned well the lessons of the First World War and remembered the danger of a war on two fronts. They knew very well all the weakness of the military machine of the Third Reich, which had yet to become "invincible". The Third Reich was extremely weak during these years; France and England could easily put the Fuhrer in his place. A threat and a military demonstration were enough for the generals to remove the Fuhrer and his entourage themselves. Even to bring troops into the demilitarized Rhineland near the borders of France in March 1936, Hitler had to persuade his generals for a long time. After all, the Third Reich did not yet have a powerful army, air force and tank armada. Everything was in the process of creation and formation. Therefore, the German generals were afraid. What if Germany's actions provoke a big war? Germany then could not fight, and she was in for a complete collapse if France or England resolutely answered, and they were supported by Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. After all, the Third Reich did not yet have a powerful army, air force and tank armada. Everything was in the process of creation and formation. Therefore, the German generals were afraid. What if Germany's actions provoke a big war? Germany then could not fight, and she was in for a complete collapse if France or England responded decisively, and they were supported by Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. After all, the Third Reich did not yet have a powerful army, air force and tank armada. Everything was in the process of creation and formation. Therefore, the German generals were afraid. What if Germany's actions provoke a big war? Germany then could not fight, and she was in for a complete collapse if France or England resolutely answered, and they were supported by Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland.

Obviously, the German generals did not know what Hitler understood - the masters of the West had already given him Austria, Czechoslovakia, all of Eastern and Central Europe, so that he could organize a "crusade" to the East, against the "communist threat." Therefore, London and Paris were not going to go to war with Germany. They pursued a policy of "appeasement" to drive the Third Reich eastward.

The generals did not know this. Therefore, there was strong opposition among the military to Hitler's foreign policy. The generals wanted to first restore the armed forces, the military-industrial complex, and only then carefully expand their sphere of influence. And before that, do not ask for trouble. Minister of War and Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg presented a report in which he noted that "Germany is not in danger of attack from anyone," including from Russia. The conclusion followed was that Germany was not in danger of war, therefore it was necessary to strengthen the defense and not provoke a war with the great powers. At a meeting on November 5, 1937, von Blomberg and the commander of the ground forces, General Werner von Fritsch (the second in rank in the army), openly opposed Hitler's plans to seize neighboring countries.

Then Hitler decided to change the military leadership. However, he was not yet strong enough to simply dismiss the generals for wrangling and dissenting opinions. We decided to organize a provocation. The main organizers were the Reichsfuehrer SS and the chief of the secret police, Himmler, together with the chief of state security Heydrich. Goering also actively helped, who wanted to take the post of Minister of War. Blomberg was seduced by the "honey trap". A cute stenographer Eva Grun suddenly appeared on the way of the elderly widower. She charmed the Minister of War. In January 1938, Blomberg married Eve. It seemed that everything was fine, Hitler himself and Goering were witnesses. But soon the dossier on Eve surfaced. Her mother ran a "massage parlor" and was convicted. Eva worked as a “masseuse” in her mother’s salon and, in general, was a girl with “low social responsibility,” and for a long time was on the police's notice as a prostitute, and in several cities. In addition, she was prosecuted for posing for pornographic postcards. Blomberg after such a scandal had to resign.

The commander of the ground forces, Fritsch, was also removed. For this, they removed the old case of Schmidt, who was in prison. So, in 1936, the Gestapo interrogated Otto Schmidt, a homosexual, pimp and blackmailer who was serving time. Its victims were mostly perverts. The Gestapo wanted information about political opponents. During interrogation, the name of Fritsch surfaced, whom Schmidt called a high officer. The Gestapo immediately decided that it was General Werner von Fritsch. Schmidt also said that the man gave him money for his silence. Soon, Himmler put the protocol of the interrogation of Schmidt on Hitler's table, but at that time he did not want to hear about this "swinishness". The slander found support in the fact that Fritsch did not communicate with women, being interested only in the service, and was never married. Upon repeated interrogation, Schmidt once again confirmed his testimony. Fritsch denied all charges.

In a parallel investigation, initiated by Arthur Nebe, Chief of the Criminal Police, it was revealed that Colonel General Fritsch had a namesake. Schmidt was dealing with an elderly and retired officer. After von Fritsch stepped in against Hitler's predatory plans, this case was again brought to light. And although von Fritsch denied everything, he could not do anything. The general was dismissed "for health reasons." It was soon revealed that the accusation was false. On March 18, 1938, von Fritsch was acquitted, but not reinstated. Later he was reinstated in the army, but the high post was not returned.

Hitler, against the background of this scandal, reshuffled the military leadership as he needed. The War Ministry was disbanded, and instead of it three were created: for the ground forces, the navy and the air force. Hitler himself became commander-in-chief. Keitel became the head of the Wehrmacht High Command (OKW). The command of the ground forces was entrusted to the Prussian General Brauchitsch. Goering was promoted to the rank of Field Marshal of Aviation, personally introduced to him. Wilhelm Keitel did not dare to argue with the Fuehrer and was completely obedient. In addition, in the course of the reorganization, several dozen more generals were lost and several hundred senior officers were transferred to lower positions or dismissed. A serious purge was also carried out at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Minister Neurath was replaced by Ribbentrop,removed a number of ambassadors and officials.

Thus, Hitler prepared the Third Reich to enter a new stage in its history. The opposition, which could interfere with his plans for the forced preparation and unleashing of a big war in Europe, was eliminated. Germany has matured, the time has come for active external expansion.

Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg
Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg

Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg.


On February 12, 1938, Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg was once again summoned to the Hitlerite residence of Berchtesgaden. Hitler intimidated Schuschnigg. He, under the threat of an immediate military invasion, was forced to sign an ultimatum presented to him from three points: 1) the Nazi party entered the ruling coalition of Austria, the Fatherland Front; 2) the leader of the Austrian Nazis, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, was appointed Minister of the Interior and Chief of the Detective Police, which provided the Nazis with full control over the law enforcement agencies of Austria; 3) a new political amnesty was announced for the Nazis who still had restrictions on freedom or civil rights. In essence, it was Vienna's surrender.

Hitler immediately received confirmation from London that no one would save Austria. On February 22, 1938, British Prime Minister Chamberlain declared in Parliament that Austria could not count on the protection of the League of Nations: “We must not deceive, let alone hope, small weak states, promising them protection from the League of Nations and appropriate steps from our hand, because we know that nothing like this can be done. " In addition, Henderson, one of the most staunch supporters of an agreement with Hitler, was appointed British ambassador to Berlin at the end of 1937. He did not try to stop the Nazis, on the contrary, he sought an excuse for them. On March 3, 1938, Henderson had a conversation with Hitler about an agreement between the two great powers. The British ambassador made it clear to Hitler that England wants to help in the pacification of Europe,which "can be promoted by the limitation of armaments and the pacification in Czechoslovakia and Austria." London also conveyed the desire not only to consider the colonial question, but also to move forward in resolving it. Later, before the Anschluss, influential persons from Chamberlain's entourage showed in meetings with German diplomats that London did not object to the seizure of Austria. But he wants to get paid: Hitler must not touch the colonial empire of England. In addition, London insisted that the annexation take place without the use of force.that London has no objection to the capture of Austria. But he wants to get paid: Hitler must not touch the colonial empire of England. In addition, London insisted that the annexation take place without the use of force.that London has no objection to the capture of Austria. But he wants to get paid: Hitler must not touch the colonial empire of England. In addition, London insisted that the annexation take place without the use of force.

Back in Vienna, the Austrian Chancellor tried to wriggle out. On March 9, Schuschnigg announced on the next Sunday, March 13, 1938, a plebiscite on Austrian independence. The only question on it should have been: do the people want to have a "free and German, independent and social, Christian and their own Austria", and the forms - only contain the answer "yes". The Austrian chancellor hoped that Berlin would not have time to react, and the West and "world public opinion" would see the true mood of the majority of the people and intervene.

But he miscalculated. Hitler was not afraid of Western intervention. The Führer reacted to the announcement of the plebiscite by ordering the mobilization of the 8th Army intended for the invasion of Austria. The border with Germany in Salzburg was closed, the railway communication between the two countries was blocked. On March 10, he ordered Seyss-Inquart to issue an ultimatum to the Chancellor and begin mobilizing supporters. On the next day, Goering demanded the cancellation of the plebiscite and the resignation of Schuschnigg in favor of Seyss-Inquart in an ultimatum. Later that day, Goering confirmed it once again in a telephone conversation with Schuschnigg. On instructions from Berlin, the Austrian National Socialists started riots. On March 11, Schuschnigg agreed to the abolition of the plebiscite, and in the evening, under pressure from Hitler, resigned and agreed to transfer power to Seyss-Inquart. Schuschnigg announced his resignation by radio and ordered the Austrian army to retreat without engaging in hostilities if German troops entered Austria.

At first, Austrian President Wilhelm Miklas refused to entrust the formation of a new government to Seyss-Inquart and offered the post of prime minister to other politicians. They all refused. As a result, Miklas also capitulated. The Austrian government made one last attempt to save the country. Vienna turned to the governments of England and France. Paris replied that France could not do anything. And from London they said that the British government could not give any guarantees or even advice. This is how the deal of the masters of the West with the Third Reich took place at the expense of a sovereign state.

By order of Goering, with the consent of Hitler, a telegram was written with a request to send German troops to Austria, which the new Austrian government sent on behalf of Seyss-Inquart. On the night of March 11-12, 1938, German troops, previously concentrated on the border in accordance with the Otto plan, entered the territory of Austria. The Austrian army, ordered not to resist, capitulated. German troops were just crossing the border, and several planes landed in Vienna early in the morning. Arrived with a detachment of SS men as the first representative of the Nazi government Himmler, accompanied by Heydrich, Schellenberg and Hess. They had pre-compiled lists of politicians, public figures, deputies, journalists, etc. opponents of the Nazis. The Nazis had extensive experience in “re-educating” the disaffected. Thousands of people were arrested. Austria has its own concentration camp - Mauthausen and many of its branches.

On March 13 at 19:00, Hitler solemnly entered Vienna, accompanied by Keitel. Crowds of people greeted them with ovations and flowers. Many were really happy - they again became citizens of a large and powerful empire. Germany was on the rise, becoming richer every year. The Fuhrer was loved by many. On the same day, the law "On the reunification of Austria with the German Empire" was published. Austria was declared "one of the lands of the German Empire" and henceforth became known as "Ostmark". Speaking on March 15 at the Vienna Hofburg Palace in front of the people gathered on Heldenplatz, Seyss-Inquart proclaimed Hitler "protector of the crown", and Hitler himself declared: "I declare to the German people the fulfillment of the most important mission of my life." On April 10, a plebiscite on the Anschluss was held in Germany and Austria. According to official figures, 99 voted for the Anschluss in Germany,08% of residents, in Austria - 99.75%.

March 13, 1938: The inhabitants of Austria meet the German troops
March 13, 1938: The inhabitants of Austria meet the German troops

March 13, 1938: The inhabitants of Austria meet the German troops.


Thus, Hitler received a strategic foothold for the capture of Czechoslovakia and a further offensive in Southeast Europe and the Balkans, Austrian industry, sources of additional raw materials and human resources. As a result of the Anschluss, the territory of Germany increased by 17%, the population by 10% (by 6.7 million people). The Wehrmacht included 6 divisions formed in Austria. The Austrians remained loyal to Hitler until the fall of the Reich.

With regard to the capture of Austria, the "world community", completely dependent on the masters of the West, said nothing and did not bother. Only the Soviet Union cast its vote! On March 17, the Soviet government issued a statement stating that the Austrian people, as a result of the military invasion, were forcibly deprived of political, economic and cultural independence. Moscow proposed to convene an international conference to consider "practical measures against the development of aggression and the danger of a new world massacre." England immediately blocked this initiative! London regarded Moscow's proposal as "reinforcing the trend towards the formation of blocs and undermining the prospects for establishing peace in Europe"! That is, Hitler acted with the consent of the masters of England, France and the United States. The policy of the Nazis "prospects for peace", according to London, did not undermine.

Hitler receives a standing ovation from the Reichstag after the announcement of the "peaceful" annexation of Austria
Hitler receives a standing ovation from the Reichstag after the announcement of the "peaceful" annexation of Austria

Hitler receives a standing ovation from the Reichstag after the announcement of the "peaceful" annexation of Austria.

Author: Samsonov Alexander