UFO Yes AD - Alternative View

UFO Yes AD - Alternative View
UFO Yes AD - Alternative View

Video: UFO Yes AD - Alternative View

Video: UFO Yes AD - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, May

In this article, you will not find descriptions of the Tassili frescoes, the Baalbek veranda, figures of the Nazca plateau, the Palenque tomb and other evidence of the so-called paleocontacts, that is, a possible visit to Earth by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization in the distant past.

This is explained by the fact that the question of paleocontacts, to which, in particular, all of von Deniken's books are devoted, is essentially not directly related to the problem of unidentified flying objects that are currently flying over the Earth and behaving rather strangely, although between these problems and there may be some connection.

The degree of importance of these two problems is also completely incommensurable, because from whether or not the fact of visiting our Earth by aliens from outer space in the distant past will be proven, nothing will essentially change in our modern life. As for the problems of UFOs, it cannot be ruled out that the understanding of the essence of these objects, the study of their possible impact on our life, and even more so establishing contacts with them and mastering their abilities can have a significant impact on the further development of our earthly civilization.

Therefore, this chapter deals only with the descriptions of flights of objects that resemble modern UFOs found throughout human history.

Such objects were observed on Earth in ancient times. In the chronicles, legends and ancient writings, many reports have been preserved about unknown objects of the correct shape, from time to time appearing in heaven. The very first images of UFOs, made, apparently, 10-15 thousand years ago, were found on the walls of caves in Spain, France, China.

For example, disc-shaped objects are depicted in the cave of La Passiega in Spain and in the caves of No and Fon de Goma in the province of Dordon in France. The walls of the cave in Altair in the Spanish province of Santander depict herds of bison, and on the ceiling there are rows of disc-shaped objects that look like UFOs, which allows us to assume that they were observed in the sky.

In Kyushu province, Japan, the tomb of Chin San dated 2000 BC depicts an ancient king raising his hands in greeting before seven flying discs.

In the ancient Tibetan texts "Kandshur" and "Tandshur", kept in the dungeons of Buddhist monasteries, it is said about flying machines, like pearls in the sky, and about transparent balls in which (yugas were occasionally shown to people. The oldest written source, which contains descriptions of observations UFO is considered a papyrus discovered in the collection of Professor A. Tully, director of the Egyptian department of the Vatican Museum, which was written in the 15th century BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III.

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The papyrus says: “In the twenty-second year, in the third month of winter at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the scribes of the House of Life saw a moving circle of fire in the sky … Its dimensions were a cubit long and a cubit wide … They fell down and reported to Pharaoh, and he thought about it event … After several days, these objects in the sky became numerous and shone brighter than the sun … And Pharaoh, together with the army, looked at them. By evening, the fiery circles rose higher and moved towards the south … Volatile matter fell from the sky … This has not happened since the very foundation of the Earth … And Pharaoh burned incense to the gods and commanded to record the incident in the annals of the House of Life.

Very interesting data are presented in the ancient Indian manuscript "Vaimanika Shastra", written in the IV century. BC. sage Maharshi Bharadwaja based on even more ancient manuscripts of the first and second millennia BC. This manuscript contains 32 secrets of the action of the air chariots, or "viman", mentioned in various sources of the ancient Indian epic. It turns out that the vimanas were so strong that they could not be broken or burned. By switching on various kinds of switches, the "vimaanas" were able to: rotate around their axis; shrink or expand, that is, decrease or increase in size; change its shape during flight; take the form of a cloud for the purpose of disguise; emit a strong radiance or, conversely, form absolute darkness around you; absorb the sun's rays and become invisible;move at high speed; fly from one country to another and from one world to another; move in jumps or zigzags; dive (apparently into the water); emit rays of light, under the influence of which all objects became visible; generate power that can paralyze people and animals; receive on their screens an image of what is happening at a considerable distance, etc.

When considering these properties of "viman" it is striking that they are very similar to the properties of modern UFOs, which were identified in the second half of the XX century. And this once again confirms that the objects that we now call UFOs existed in ancient times.

Repeated mentions of flights of unknown disc-shaped objects in the sky are contained in the chronicles of the campaigns of Alexander the Great. The most interesting description can be found in The History of Alexander the Great by Giovanni Droysen. It dates back to 332 BC, when the Phoenician city of Tire was under siege by the Macedonians. One day, five "flying shields" suddenly appeared over the Macedonian camp, moving across the sky in a triangular formation, and the object moving in the head was about twice the size of the others. In front of thousands of astonished warriors, these "shields" slowly made several circles over Tire, after which lightning flashed from them, which formed breaches in the walls. The delighted Macedonians rushed to the assault, and the "flying shields" continued to circle over the city until it was completely captured. Then they went up with great speed and disappeared.

Flights of some unknown objects were also observed in Ancient Greece. So, the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, who lived in the 5th century. BC, saw in the sky an object the size of a large "log", hanging motionless for several days and emitting an unusual glow. Another Greek philosopher Seneca, who lived in the 1st century. BC, in his work "Questions of Naturalism" wrote: "In our era, more than once observed in the sky on bright days, beams of light that crossed the sky from east to west or vice versa … This class includes objects described by Posidonius: pillars and shields enveloped in flames, as well as other luminous objects … These lights appear in the sky not only at night, but also during the day, and are neither stars nor parts of heavenly bodies … ".

One of the characteristic descriptions is found in the Greek history of Plutarch. It says that in 102 BC. in the sky over the Italian cities of Ameri and Turdent appeared huge darts and flaming "shields", which at first moved separately, and then merged together. At the same time, some objects overtook each other, although there was no noticeable confrontation between them. Among the moving bodies were cigar-shaped and disc-shaped objects. The second incident described by Plutarch occurred in 73 BC. not far from the Dardanelles, where the troops of the Roman commander Lucullus and the Bosporan king Mithridates were preparing to join the battle: "… When all of a sudden, the sky opened up and a large fiery body appeared, resembling a barrel, which swept down into the gap between the two armies. Frightened by this sign, the opponents dispersed without a fight."

Especially many messages about mysterious flying objects of a round shape are contained in the works of Roman historians and writers: for Julius Obsecuens - 63, for Titus Livy - 30, for Cicero - 9, for Pliny the Elder - 26, for Dio Cassius - 14. Aristotle called their celestial disks, and Pliny in the second volume of his "Natural History" gave the following classification of the luminous objects observed then: "discoids" - in the form of amber discs with a small number of rays emanating from them; "Pitei" - barrel-shaped or round; "Seratyi" - horn-shaped; "Lamps" - in the form of a burning torch.

When describing these objects, Roman authors usually compared them with such well-known concepts as the sun, moon, round shields, logs, etc.

In general, an analysis of 50 works of Roman authors shows that they describe the appearance of lights in the sky - 39 times, flying "shields" - II, fireballs - 8, two or more suns -12, night "sun" - 5 and unknown objects - 7 times.

Ancient Christian sources also contain descriptions of flights of some unknown objects resembling modern UFOs. So, in chapter 5 of the book of the prophet Zechariah, a "flying barrel" is described, and elsewhere in this book it is reported that Zechariah saw a cylindrical object in the sky, about which the angel told Zechariah that it was "a curse that will forever hang over the Earth."

In the book of Daniel the prophet says that he saw "wheels of fire" in heaven.

The famous "Qumran Scrolls" tells how Eve saw a chariot of fire, which was carried through the clouds by four sparkling eagles, and Adam, near whom this aircraft landed, clearly saw the smoke breaking through the wheels. Very rare reports of observations of unknown flying objects in the first centuries of our era have survived. Here is one of them: “In 235, a fiery red“meteor”appeared in China over the disposition of the troops of the commander Lianzh near Wei-Nan, moving from the north-east to the south-west and emitting dagger rays. Three times he landed in front of and behind Liang's troops, moving back and forth."

It is also interesting that in the legends of the North American Indians, according to the data of the candidate of historical sciences VBilinbakhov, observations in antiquity of flights of some round objects were also mentioned. So, in the legends of the Indians of the state of Wyoming, it was said that many moons ago a large "wheel" sailed from the sky and landed on the top of the Shaman Mountain, and then flew away with the speed of a frightened bird. And in the legends of the Indians of Minnesota and Canada, it was said that "long before the arrival of the Europeans, round silent chariots that could land on the sea flew there."